On Tuesday morning at 7:05 A.M., the New Moon occurs 4° Sagittarius a mutable
fire sign. The sign of the Archer, Sagittarius’ archetype represents optimism,
enthusiasm, adventure, honesty, independance and constructive action.
As the Sun and the Moon climb out of the depths of Scorpio (but not beyond Scorpio’s
influence and truth), we may feel a renewed sense of urgency for change and acting
on our deepest desires.
fire sign. The sign of the Archer, Sagittarius’ archetype represents optimism,
enthusiasm, adventure, honesty, independance and constructive action.
As the Sun and the Moon climb out of the depths of Scorpio (but not beyond Scorpio’s
influence and truth), we may feel a renewed sense of urgency for change and acting
on our deepest desires.
The New Moon in Sagittarius awakens us to new paths unfolding. We feel that urgency,
in stark contrast to feeling trapped or stalled as we have been for the last lunar cycle
in Scorpio and Libra. Readying our arrow in the quiver, taking aim we are swift,
but not rash as we now begin taking steps on a new path and in new directions. We
want to make certain that what we are aiming for is grounded in ethical behavior/purpose
and sound judgment. We must operate from a sure and steady base. Some may feel
the push to act on impulse, but it is wiser to act only after we’ve taken the time to get
our footing and are prepared for the journey. Avoid going off on tangents, making false
starts (due to lack of preparedness) and breaking promises/vows/oaths to which we have
sworn a commitment. What might tempt us to stray off the path in the wrong direction?
Or to push ourselves too hard? If our intentions are anything less than honorable and
fair, we may find ourselves creating obstacles and troubles. We also accrue some heavy
karmic debt if we use others or fall for a seductive line meant to hinder our soul
growth or steer us into areas where danger lurks. Beware the garish clowns who
through their gaudy disguise or jester-like performances, aim poison arrows at their
enemies and cause us to not recognize their danger until it’s too late.
in stark contrast to feeling trapped or stalled as we have been for the last lunar cycle
in Scorpio and Libra. Readying our arrow in the quiver, taking aim we are swift,
but not rash as we now begin taking steps on a new path and in new directions. We
want to make certain that what we are aiming for is grounded in ethical behavior/purpose
and sound judgment. We must operate from a sure and steady base. Some may feel
the push to act on impulse, but it is wiser to act only after we’ve taken the time to get
our footing and are prepared for the journey. Avoid going off on tangents, making false
starts (due to lack of preparedness) and breaking promises/vows/oaths to which we have
sworn a commitment. What might tempt us to stray off the path in the wrong direction?
Or to push ourselves too hard? If our intentions are anything less than honorable and
fair, we may find ourselves creating obstacles and troubles. We also accrue some heavy
karmic debt if we use others or fall for a seductive line meant to hinder our soul
growth or steer us into areas where danger lurks. Beware the garish clowns who
through their gaudy disguise or jester-like performances, aim poison arrows at their
enemies and cause us to not recognize their danger until it’s too late.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is conjunct the Fixed stars of Acrab and Dschubba. Meeting
Acrab at the doorway to Sagittarius, the Moon triggers feelings of relief as if we’ve
escaped from a trap or cell. Ptolemy (Egyptian astrologer) equated the nature of
Dschubba with that of Mars-Saturn. Dschubba symbolizes sudden assaults,
shamelessness, immortality, shameless usury if this energy is misused.
If we’ve allowed ourselves to face the truth of how we’re affected by our shadow sides
and how the world is reflecting the shadow, we can use this energy to do some
excellent research. For those involved in trying to discern falsehood from fact, and to
uncover what is hidden, the New Moon conjunct Dschubba can be highly revealing.
This is an excellent aspect for revealing what has been hidden and secret, for
identifying treasonous behavior, and for unmasking psychopaths. We are in a struggle
to hold our own against the dominant cultural narrative that encourages and uses
corruption and violence to dominate and control. At the very least, but nonetheless
important, is a caution to be wary and patient.
and how the world is reflecting the shadow, we can use this energy to do some
excellent research. For those involved in trying to discern falsehood from fact, and to
uncover what is hidden, the New Moon conjunct Dschubba can be highly revealing.
This is an excellent aspect for revealing what has been hidden and secret, for
identifying treasonous behavior, and for unmasking psychopaths. We are in a struggle
to hold our own against the dominant cultural narrative that encourages and uses
corruption and violence to dominate and control. At the very least, but nonetheless
important, is a caution to be wary and patient.
The energy of the New Moon in Sagittarius is akin to having a scalpel or knife. Both
can be used to heal or to harm. Those who act in unethical or ammoral ways, harm
themselves and others. This is a crucial time for those who are seeking the truth, to
use their power for good, not evil. Detectives, spies, forensic scientists, researchers
now discover answers and reveal what had been hidden. The symbol of the poison
arrow, using power to harm, may indicate the need for caution, and may show us
what has been covered up. Watch for news of friends as well as enemies posing more
of a threat to those in power.
New Moon in Sagittarius conjunct the fixed star Acrab (today, Monday) indicates
great power, honor, wealth, gifts, but difficulty in obtaining a sound or favorable
legacy. In order for the best to build, it is necessary that we have faced our shadow
side and made an effort to change for the better. Then we will feel the winds lift us to
higher ground, our impulses tempered, and our vision clear and strategic. As we seek
authentic truth, a light breaks over the horizon. A new path emerges.
can be used to heal or to harm. Those who act in unethical or ammoral ways, harm
themselves and others. This is a crucial time for those who are seeking the truth, to
use their power for good, not evil. Detectives, spies, forensic scientists, researchers
now discover answers and reveal what had been hidden. The symbol of the poison
arrow, using power to harm, may indicate the need for caution, and may show us
what has been covered up. Watch for news of friends as well as enemies posing more
of a threat to those in power.
New Moon in Sagittarius conjunct the fixed star Acrab (today, Monday) indicates
great power, honor, wealth, gifts, but difficulty in obtaining a sound or favorable
legacy. In order for the best to build, it is necessary that we have faced our shadow
side and made an effort to change for the better. Then we will feel the winds lift us to
higher ground, our impulses tempered, and our vision clear and strategic. As we seek
authentic truth, a light breaks over the horizon. A new path emerges.
Jupiter, the beautiful bright body that has been conjoining Venus in the night sky, now
is in her last few degrees of Sagittarius. By December 2, Jupiter will begin her journey
through Capricorn. Horizons will expand, meaning will become clearer and more
intentional in our lives, and we will have the ability to see the bigger picture. As both
the fixed stars and the Moon are transiting the Axis Mundi (Galactic Center), we feel as
if we are receiving a powerful download of knowledge and energy. Receive with open
arms and a willingness to let this intuitive spiritual energy help shape your
is in her last few degrees of Sagittarius. By December 2, Jupiter will begin her journey
through Capricorn. Horizons will expand, meaning will become clearer and more
intentional in our lives, and we will have the ability to see the bigger picture. As both
the fixed stars and the Moon are transiting the Axis Mundi (Galactic Center), we feel as
if we are receiving a powerful download of knowledge and energy. Receive with open
arms and a willingness to let this intuitive spiritual energy help shape your
Venus has already entered Capricorn. She sits at 0° of Capricorn. Venus steadies
Jupiter’s enthusiasm and channels it into beauty, harmony, and creative acts of
compassion, love, and art. The question we might ask ourselves at this New Moon is
“How do I want to restructure my life?” Align this with a love and connection with
all beings, and let that be a guiding force in what you do.
Jupiter’s enthusiasm and channels it into beauty, harmony, and creative acts of
compassion, love, and art. The question we might ask ourselves at this New Moon is
“How do I want to restructure my life?” Align this with a love and connection with
all beings, and let that be a guiding force in what you do.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is in 1°of Aries, squaring both Venus and Jupiter. Time
again to intentionally release where we have felt wounded in love. A practice of
forgiveness may help with this, but however you choose to identify this need in your
life, know healing occurs when we release ourselves from the traps where we find
ourselves still blinded, angered, and confused by what has passed. The Sun and Moon
in Sagittarius remind us of the wisdom figures who often personified by the Divine
Feminine, demand that we use strategic and critical thinking coupled with intuition
and Divine Intelligence, along with grounded pragmatism to help heal and create
solutions for the issues we face.
again to intentionally release where we have felt wounded in love. A practice of
forgiveness may help with this, but however you choose to identify this need in your
life, know healing occurs when we release ourselves from the traps where we find
ourselves still blinded, angered, and confused by what has passed. The Sun and Moon
in Sagittarius remind us of the wisdom figures who often personified by the Divine
Feminine, demand that we use strategic and critical thinking coupled with intuition
and Divine Intelligence, along with grounded pragmatism to help heal and create
solutions for the issues we face.
Uranus in Taurus accelerates the pace of movement and change now. Uranus opposes
Mars and squares the Sun and Moon (look to your own chart to see what areas of your
life Sagittarius and Taurus rule), making the battle between will and emotional security
find us feeling threatened just when we need to feel most strong. Remember, strength
does not mean we ignore our feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, or uncertainty. Rather it
calls upon us to “screw your courage to the sticking place.” Though we do not want to
use our courage to do what Lady Macbeth was urging her husband to do when she
says this. And that is the point of this New Moon in Sagittarius. We have a choice to
choose life or to choose death. To use our power and talents for good to better our
society or to use it for ill, to only service ourselves with no regard for what is good for
Mars and squares the Sun and Moon (look to your own chart to see what areas of your
life Sagittarius and Taurus rule), making the battle between will and emotional security
find us feeling threatened just when we need to feel most strong. Remember, strength
does not mean we ignore our feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, or uncertainty. Rather it
calls upon us to “screw your courage to the sticking place.” Though we do not want to
use our courage to do what Lady Macbeth was urging her husband to do when she
says this. And that is the point of this New Moon in Sagittarius. We have a choice to
choose life or to choose death. To use our power and talents for good to better our
society or to use it for ill, to only service ourselves with no regard for what is good for
Oftentimes we hold tight to ‘security’ or that which we think is secure, to give ourselves
meaning and to make ourselves feel okay or enough. No real growth, change, or
transition comes however, until and unless we are willing to differentiate ourselves
from what we’re being told is ‘good for us’ so that we can determine for ourselves,
what we believe is going to help us grow and evolve as a thoughtful, kind,
compassionate human being. As this month is about crossing thresholds, from one
month to the next, one year to another, and one decade to another, we are in that
annual movement through fire into earth. And once that movement is complete, at
each stage of this transition, the threat eases and we begin to feel more grounded in
what we know to be true and we then can define ourselves and align ourselves with
what grounds and stabilizes us, body, mind, emotions, and soul.
meaning and to make ourselves feel okay or enough. No real growth, change, or
transition comes however, until and unless we are willing to differentiate ourselves
from what we’re being told is ‘good for us’ so that we can determine for ourselves,
what we believe is going to help us grow and evolve as a thoughtful, kind,
compassionate human being. As this month is about crossing thresholds, from one
month to the next, one year to another, and one decade to another, we are in that
annual movement through fire into earth. And once that movement is complete, at
each stage of this transition, the threat eases and we begin to feel more grounded in
what we know to be true and we then can define ourselves and align ourselves with
what grounds and stabilizes us, body, mind, emotions, and soul.
Right now, Uranus, the planet that brings sudden and shocking news and changes, is
stationary, at a standstill. We in turn are in the depths of a dream-creating state and
essence which tasks us to surrender the old and receive the new. The Light is shining
above the horizon, in its ascendancy. My favorite prayer snippet, perfect for this time,
is what I pray for you and for all, “Give us grace for today; feed the famished
New Moon in Sagittarius Chart: November 26, 2019
This phase of the Moon occurs at 4 degrees and 3 minutes of Sagittarius, affecting
people born with personal planets and points at approximately 0 to 8 degrees of the
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly.
stationary, at a standstill. We in turn are in the depths of a dream-creating state and
essence which tasks us to surrender the old and receive the new. The Light is shining
above the horizon, in its ascendancy. My favorite prayer snippet, perfect for this time,
is what I pray for you and for all, “Give us grace for today; feed the famished
New Moon in Sagittarius Chart: November 26, 2019
This phase of the Moon occurs at 4 degrees and 3 minutes of Sagittarius, affecting
people born with personal planets and points at approximately 0 to 8 degrees of the
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly.