On March 6, 2019 the New Moon at 15 degrees Pisces reveals a new path before us. Falling between two fixed stars, Achenar and Ankaa. Achenar, the brightest star in the River constellation, Eridemus sits at the mouth of the stellar river. Ankaa, a fixed star in the Phoenix constellation, signifies, burning off of that which no longer serves and rising from the ashes to reveal new possibilities. Resurrection is the dying of the old so that the new can be born and be given new life.
Shifts in Direction.
As the waters of Pisces flow into the ocean of Consciousness, it is time to drop expectations and old patterns and habits in order to embrace new ideas, possibilities, perspectives, and beliefs. Looking deeper into the areas of life that may still puzzle and perplex you, you will find that once truth is revealed, the possibility of returning to the past, is no longer an option. What was or may have been in the past, has given way or been removed so that new birth, new life, and a fresher vision is possible.
This New Moon in Pisces is hopeful, romantic, and visionary. A number of harmonious aspects add to the magic of this lunar transit. The New Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune heighten our sensitivity, intuition, sense of compassion, and empathy. Music, art, and all creative forms are channels for creating and connection to the deeper, more meaningful and healing levels of our lives now. Pay attention to dreams, notice the gentle and not so subtle nudges of insight, vision, and imagination. Allow yourself time to see the growth and shifts that have already taken place recently. Notice what the gaps, breaks, and errors might have revealed for your discernment. Take time to use your spiritual practices to make your intentions clearer and more focused. Pray and meditate on what is rising up from within to be expressed or used to help in healing, creating, and shaping a clear path.
The New Moon in the 2nd decan of Pisces, is ruled by Jupiter and is defined by Cancer. Cancer reminds us of our need to create safe and secure spaces. Cancer urges us to take care of ourselves and those with whom we form strong bonds. Home, family, and all close ties take on a stronger focus at this time. Opportunities and possibilities are countless, and discretion and focused attention is needed in order to make the most of this lunar transit.
The new lunar cycle ushered in by the Pisces New Moon coincides with the entry of Uranus into Taurus. This transit of Uranus, the planet that brings sudden, shocking, and earth shaking movement and surprises, lasts until 2026. What has been brought to the surface over the last six or seven years while Uranus transited Aries, is now brought into the earth sign of Taurus. What may have been amorphous and unhinged, is now brought down to earth in surprising and shocking ways. Beliefs and attitude are challenged. We're forced to come to understandings that may completely uproot us and shift our ways of knowing and coping with life's questions and challenges.
Aspects and Transits for New Moon in Pisces Cycle.
The New Moon in Pisces conjuncts Neptune, the planet of the depths of our unconscious realm. We are awakened through intuitive channels and may feel more motivated to reach out in loving, kind, and compassionate ways. Mercury in Pisces, in the anaretic (last degree of a sign) may be signaling the areas we are releasing at this time. This no doubt will have some reflection on what the past has claimed as its own--what is meant to be left behind in favor of a fresher, more realistic or creative path. Both Neptune (intuition, dreams, illusion, creativity) and Jupiter (abundance, expansion, excess, and resources) are the rulers of Pisces, and both are in excellent aspect to this new moon.
Sun in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn. Sextiles are harmonious angles that provide a cushioning or motivational effect between the two bodies. The Sun in watery Pisces sextile Saturn, the Great Teacher in Capricorn activates both patience and persistence in whatever areas both are needed. We become more accepting of the process, that is, and continue working toward our goals and dreams.
Mars in 13 degrees of Taurus trines Saturn in 18 degrees of Capricorn. More action and greater strength is available. Again perseverance increases as a result of this aspect. This is good for new relationships and for new agreements and contracts in order to formalize partnerships.
Mars in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces. Heaven on earth. Dreams into reality. Visions into manifestation. We move directly into the mystical path that brings to us what we desire. What we long for, we attract now. What we envision, comes to life. What we have dreamed of and planned for, is revealed as the path before us opens and is triggered by this New Moon and the shift of Uranus into Taurus. We will see this revealed slowly but surely as Uranus begins its cycle through the pragmatic, beauty-seeking sign of Taurus. All forms of art and creativity are favored. We may feel a mystical aura that forms a lens for our lives now.
Saturn in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. This aspect favors taking karmic lessons and challenges into the light of the inner mystic in order to channel our spiritual and intellectual energy into healthy, productive, and creative ways.
Other New Moon Aspects.
The New Moon in Pisces at 15 degrees sits between two fixed stars from two different constellations. The Moon is conjunct Achernar, the bright star at the mouth of the River constellation, Eradamus. This aspect brings a love of knowledge, learning, and discovery. It favors science, travel, changes, and positions of authority. The other fixed star, Ankaa is in the constellation of the Phoenix, the bird that rises from the ashes of the fires of destruction. Whatever has been burned up, completed, or ended, now finds new life.
The New Moon in Pisces is also conjunct Vesta, the Roman Virgin Goddess. Ruler of the home, hearth, and family, Vesta and the New Moon in Pisces light the sacred fires within. Vesta is the keeper of the flame, and helps us direct our passions in a focused and direct way. Allow your inner fires to warm and inspire you and to light the path before you.
Mercury in Pisces is retrograde in the 29th (anaretic/last degree). Memories, dreams, past trauma or passions may be aroused at this time. This may come in the form of 'one last reminder' before you let go of something, someone, or some aspect of your own identity, belief system, or understanding.
More than one astrologer identifies this New Moon in Pisces as the Nine of Cups, the Wish Come True card. In order for wishes to come true, we need to know what we want. Take some time as the Aquarius lunar cycle ends and the final stage of the lunar year is upon us, to be honest with yourself about what you truly desire and what you want to release.
Insight on the New Moon in Pisces. This second decan of Pisces is one of the watery points on the Zodiac, Wheel of Life. It is the point at which our unconsciousness and consciousness merge. It is tends to make us feel more fluid, which can make some feel more vulnerable. It is a time when we are absorbing what is going on around us (near and far, distance is not important) and within us. This can be very positive or it can be negative. It depends on what we are carrying around with us. Pay attention to what you are sending out and what you are taking in. Strive to make your life more about positive soul growth. Do this by knowing what and who matter most, and by limiting your time and energy with anything or anyone that is not life-affirming.
Good outlets for channeling your energy includes: music, art, healing arts, physical movement and exercise, body work and mystical arts. The themes of this New Moon in Pisces include the marriage of resurrection and rebirth, the mystical union brought to ground, and pouring out of the inner stream of consciousness and vision. Take time to practice the yogic paths that lead you to greater connection, clearer vision, and concrete reward for physical, emotional, and intellectual expressions. This is also a very good time to allow your inner vision to dream up ways to solve what seem like intractable obstacles. There are no walls that will not fall. Great scientific breakthroughs, discoveries, and innovations are possible at this time.
Even if you don't invent a cure for the common cold, you might find new ways of perceiving, understanding, and coping with issues that have seemed impossible until now. A fresh vision at this time, is allowing us to see the world in a more fluid way. All forms of water play and therapy are encouraged. Use your common sense though, and don't jump into dangerous situations or try to dive to depths you cannot begin to understand at this time. The mystical and intuitive realm can cast a veil across our good sense if we forget that we are spiritual beings inside a physical reality. "Use your head", as the White Knight said, "Use your head."But be guided and listen to your heart.
At this New Moon in Pisces, open yourself to the greater vision of an affirmative and creative life. Take time to care for yourself. Use your spiritual practices to keep in alignment body, mind, emotions, soul. Honor this passage into a new lunar cycle and into one that asks you to release once and for all, that which no longer serves you or adds to your soul growth. We are meant to be loving, kind, and productive Divine visions of Light. Let your Light shine. Claim your happiness and good.