Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Moon, Solar Eclipse, Capricorn Stellia: A Gathering of Forces

*Some may have noticed, the Full Moon columns have stopped.
Instead I'll be adding a column each month on different lessons
about astrological aspects. This is in order to help you understand
how to follow the different trends, transits, and movement of your
life in the context of how astrology looks at our life path.  Stay tuned.

Solar Eclipse: New Moon in Capricorn conjoins Sun.

On January 4, Mercury entered Capricorn, completing the gathering of five heavenly bodies
in the constellation of Capricorn. Luna moves between the Earth and the Sun, partially casting
her shadow on the Full Wolf Moon. Mercury at 1/22°, Sun and Moon 15/25°, Saturn 11/59°, and
Pluto at 20/46° all of which are in opposition to the North Node (gateway to change) in Cancer.
Look to the areas in your life/chart where Capricorn and Cancer are, and you’ll discover what
realms of your own life are most affected. For the world, the New Moon and the accompanying
Solar Eclipse affects the areas that rule responsibility, career, life purpose, and public reputation.
The New Moon occurs as the Moon conjoins the Sun in Capricorn at 5:29 p.m. PST/8:29 p.m EST.
Its presence in the 2nd decan of Capricorn along with so many other major planets, signals that
what is being planted now, will have a strong influence for the next 6 months.

Capricorn, Saturn’s favorite, is also ruling our lives during this period of time. For those of us who have
natal/progressed planets between 10-20 ° in any one of the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and
Capricorn. Because each of the bodies in Capricorn will oppose (or already have in the case of Pluto,
the Great Transformer) the North Node, Gateway to the Future, some area of your life is undergoing
great transformation at this time. It should be apparent to you simply by noting what's being turned
upside down and requiring you to make changes now?

New Moon Alignments.

The path before you that the New Moon always signals, opens you to a time time when you may be
concerned about your career, life purpose, reputation, or any combination of these and impels you to
use your energy to create changes to improve and repair. The New Moon and Sun in Capricorn align
with the fixed star Vega in the constellation of Lyra, the Harp. Located between 10-29° of Capricorn.
In Arabic, this fixed star is called Al Nasser Al Waki, meaning swooping or falling Eagle.  Hmmm.
Wonder who that might be? No wonder the car named for this star didn’t do so well. This eclipse and
New Moon symbolize, in part, disgrace of a leader. It also symbolizes the gathering of forces. Falls
from great heights are in store for some. For the rest of us, we might find that some of our aspirations,
dreams, or plans might be a bit more difficult to realize than we’d like. Nevertheless, we do not let that
stop us. We plant the seeds for what we want to see growing in our lives, and we water and nurture the
soil as we do. We tend to what needs to  be taken care of and we trust that what we seed in the ground
will grow.

Lyra, the fifth brightest star in the night sky, was thought by the Babylonians (ancient Mesopotamia) to
offer artistic talent and in particular, the skill as a sculpting. The ancient Egyptians called her, the Queen
of Heaven.  According to the late astrologer, Jeane Dixon, “The Sun conjunct Vega signifies critical,
abrupt, reserved, unpopular, fleeting honors, influential position and insincere friends. When it conjoins
or aspects Mars, it signifies death from the bite of a mad dog.” Endings, failures, and loss for some come
where change is demanded and the choices are not made willingly.

When the Moon conjoins Vega what follows is public disgrace often through forgery or corruption,
loss through what is revealed in writing, ill health, success in business, gain through family wealth or
history or pensions.”  With the Moon at 14° Capricorn, some form of public disgrace will be evident.
Therefore, in addition to all the heavy Capricorn influences, we have the Fixed Star Vega adding to
the plot for the New Moon story yet to unfold. Nevertheless, we have high expectations, though many
seek a savior, when what we need to do is take responsibility for our own actions, screw up our courage,
and make the necessary changes and take the next steps toward setting our intentions and acting on
them. Though it may take some time and hard work, it is time to do due diligence if we want to make
things happen. This particular New Moon reminds us that blood is thicker than water, and we need to
stand together against whatever might challenge, cause us delay, or set obstacles before us. The energy
active in this Capricorn New Moon challenge us to make our choices being well aware that the battle is
really between the polarities of the ethical vs the amoral. Law and order versus criminal, savage behavior
without compassion. I’m not making this up. How well we see this being acted out on the world stage.
Yet at this moment, we have the power, the opportunities, and the gifts to stand firm in what is right and
good as we show our compassion through the way we live and treat one another.

What is also amazing about this New Moon in Capricorn and the eclipse is as the Moon takes the stage
before the Sun, feminine power is put in the forefront. That power and energy, combined with our
determination to turn all that has been torn apart, disrupted, corrupted or turned upside down and inside
out, in to determined, practical, pragmatic, Capricornian down-to-earth strategie for change. As our new
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi said repeatedly over the last few days, we cannot let anything stand
in our way of doing what we know is right, just, and ethical. We hold the power to make the necessary
changes in our lives and in the world at large even though we may have to plant some seeds on hostile
ground. When the soil is hard and depleted of nutrients, and water, we must sow those seeds anyway.
With intention and care despite what seems like difficulty, if we intend to get anything accomplished.
Someone must have said, anything worth having is worth fighting for. It’ time to fight for what we know
is right for us to have, do, and be. Individually and as a society of people who believe and live

Mars, the Warrior entered Aries, its ruler, on New Year’s Eve.  I know I felt the effects almost
immediately. I have two planets in the early degrees of Aries, so Mars really stimulated this area of my
life. Notice how you were feeling that night, and it might give you a clearer sense of how Mars energy
affects you. Mars eggs on all the planets, Sun, and Moon in Capricorn with square aspects that act like
cattle prods to get things moving.

Uranus, in Aries, the ruler of change and the unexpected, turns direct from its retrograde transit of Aries
28°.  At 28° degrees of Aries, Mars goes direct the day after the eclipse. This may not be comfy but

Uranus does spur us into action. Making its final march through the 3rd decan of Aries, Mars now pushes
us to move and act from now until March 6 when it enters Taurus where it will bring our intentions into
fruition. Make sure you have input by way of clear intentions (know what you want and seek it) so that
your life is not caught up in the whims and fantasies of others.  It’s also a time to finish what you’ve
already started. Eclipses always remind us of
something from the past that is making its appearance again in our lives, in a new and different form.
What was going on in your life back in mid-2010? What changes were set into motion at that time, either
by choice or circumstances out of your control?

Time to gather your forces together, and put your energy, time, self discipline into focused attention to
what you want to accomplish, complete, and achieve.

Venus in the last degree of Scorpio enters Sagittarius on January 7. It remains at the time of the
new moon in the third decan of Scorpio where it makes this new moon very emotional and highly
charged. This morning, about 12 hours before the New Moon, Venus forms a trine to Chiron, the
Wounded Healer. This means something from the past comes up late last night and through today,
to help heal our hearts from some past woundedness. Shortly afterward, Saturn, the Great Teacher
conjoined the Moon giving us a clear indication of what we’re learning at this time, and how we’re
learning it. The Moon semi-square Venus and sextiles Neptune, the Dreamer, shortly before the

North Node/Gateway to Future in Cancer. The New Wolf Moon is in opposition to the Sun, Moon,
later Pluto. It will have aspected Mercury and Saturn. All powerful planets, the Sun, the Moon
challenged in some way to focus on the areas of your life where you see safety, security, and
where you seek to provide motherly comfort and protection to others. This area where Cancer' s
North Node receive the full on opposition energy, are sparked, energized, and challenged to face
those areas that are most difficult, but most necessary for the growth and development taking
place in your life right now. This will continue manifesting for at least 6 months or more, as Saturn
will continue to hold that ground reminding us of what we need to learn to grow forward.

New Moon. Venus brings meaning and memories up to the surface with the Moon’s coaxing.
Swim tonight in the Light of the New Wolf Moon, and do a little howling. Life is full, rich, and complex,
but then again, so are we. Happy New Year, and Blessed New Wolf Moon.