On Sunday, August 26 at 4:56 a.m PDT/7:56 a.m. EDT the Moon in Pisces reaches her peak. August’s Full Moon in Pisces, called the Sturgeon Moon or the Green Corn Moon, comes as the fish are swimming upriver to spawn and corn in growing and being harvested in the fields in the Northern Hemisphere. Every day when I go sit by the river near where she meets the sea, I see the trucks, trailers, tents, and campers of those who have come to fish as the sturgeon enter the river. The Full Moon in 3 degrees of Pisces, the first decan, forms an aspect to a Grand Trine in Earth Signs and is part of a you formation with the North Node (gateway to change). After a period of time marked by three eclipses, a number of planets in retrograde (Mars and Mercury have now turned direct), it is like there’s been a huge event and disturbance that have left the streets littered with much that need cleaning up.
The Full Moon in Pisces and its aspects set us on a course to straighten up what needs to be put back in order and to use our imagination and ingenuity to be open to other possibilities outside the range of what we have considered ‘normal’. What we set into motion during this period, has long-lasting effects, and definitely will bring change in the next month that will shine a light into darkness in areas of life both for the collective whole and for individuals. This Full Moon falls between two major stars in the Constellation of Aquarian, Saddle Malick and Form al-Haut. Saddle Malek, Saddle of the King at 3 degrees represents promise of gain earned by merit.
The royal command bestows honor or disgrace depending on what we have earned. This might mean our work receives recognition, we might find ourselves favored for our good qualities and behavior or, if we have not used our gift wisely, we may face dishonor, shame, or punishment. The other fixed star, Fomal al-Haut at 4 degrees suggests that what has been going on in secret has created enemies and crises/challenges that we now have to straighten out. We may have misjudged others or been misunderstood or viewed in ways detrimental to our good. it is crucial that we use our gifts, talents, powers, and resources for the greater good, and refrain from causing harm or trying to manipulate other. Those who misuse their power, will suffer and fall into disgrace.
The Full Moon in Pisces focuses on the watery elements that keep energy flowing. Eliminate any blockages, clear out stagnate areas of thinking or emotional upset, and let the flow move you to take positive, concrete steps in all areas of life. The Moon aligned with Forma al-haut offers great honors or great disgrace. How you use your energy and create positive flow in all areas of your life, will determine how beneficial or not this Full Moon alignment will be. Dreams, fantasy, imagination, and all the intuitive realms are highlighted at this Full Moon in Pisces. We weave from our past and our accomplishments, the tapestry of our lives now and into the future. We are encouraged by this energy to do what we must do to unchain ourselves from whatever is holding us back and connect with what truly gives us life, and provides us with a channel of peace and cooperation with others. There is too much to be done to go it alone right now. We must cleave to one another to help support and nurture life.
Moon in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn (part of the Grand Trine in Earth): Watery, emotional Moon in Pisces wears down the harshness of Saturn in earthy Capricorn. Tears may flow and soften our understanding of what the lessons we are struggling to learn have to teach us. Our security, which begins with our understanding and appreciation of who we are, relies on our actively engaging in making the changes we need to make. While Saturn may make us feel we are on some kind of schedule, the Moon in Pisces reminds us that all is done in Divine Time, not our time. Do the best you can. Give yourself credit for what you’ve already accomplished, and then keep on moving forward one step at a time.
Moon in Pisces sextile Mars in Taurus (also part of the Earth Grand Trine). This aspect supports and ignites the artistic and mental brilliance that fuels inspiration and intuition. You might find that this is a good time to share your ideas and innovative creativity. Public favor is again yours if you’ve done what you needed to do to move forward. Conversely, if you’ve been dragging your feet and making excuses for why not to dream big, you will find your coffers empty from lack of trust.
Saturn in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus brings to life whatever was being planted, nurtured, and growing in your garden last year at this time. The changes you sought last year, have now come to fruition, and are ready to manifest in the world in which you live.
The placement of this Full Pisces Moon in the first decan is one of the artists, the adventurer, and the risk taker and dreamer. Allow yourself to be guided, inspired, and trust your own intuition, dreams, imagination, and instincts. Give form and structure to your dreams, and help bring to life, your big dreams and true intentions. Avoid getting trapped in old emotional entanglements, and rekindle whatever love and delights have given you true joy and a sense of being loved and being able to give love. The mutual exchange of opposites is the gift of the Magi, and we all need the mystery, the mystical, and the alchemists to sprinkle their wisdom and light along the paths we seek to follow.
Who is most affected by this Full Moon in Pisces? Those with personal planets within 29-30 degrees of the fixed signs ( Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and those within 0-7 degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be energized most. Look to your natal, progressed, and current planetary transits to determine which areas of your life are most affected. For example, if the Moon aspects your natal planets, look to how lifelong issues and dreams are affected. If it hits your progressed planets, look at what you are growing into. And if it hits current transits, see what is being shaken up in your life now, that you can use this energy to amend, change, release, or learn.
The Sun enters Virgo on Thursday, August 23, and Mars will turn direct net week on August 27. Whatever is growing, coming to fruition now, is going to begin to make itself known next week when Mars moves forward triggering the Grand Trine in Earth signs forward. Dream, intuiti, imagine, and plan now, and be ready to move forward in very real and concrete ways next week.