Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn, Conjunct Saturn
Tonight, June 27 at 9:45 P.M. (PDT)/12:45 A.M. (EDT) the Strawberry Full Moon peaks and conjoins Saturn, the Great Teacher as both form an exact opposition to the Sun at 6 degrees of Cancer. The polarity of Capricorn-Cancer highlights the push me-pull me energy of Cancer’s need for security, safety around our domestic environment and our personal need for feeling at home and being nurtured. Our need to feel connected and loved comes into opposition with our Capricorn in opposition to Cancer focuses us on our emotional needs (the Moon) and that which we are learning to cope with in areas of transformation.
Saturn, the teacher and the Moon, we are learning to how we respond when our efforts to be rewarded and honored for our achievements are thwarted and how that in turn makes it more difficult to feel at home in the life we are currently living. We may feel torn between our very real need to create a safe and warm home as we weigh our commitment to those areas of obligation and duty in community and the collective realm.
With the Full Moon in the first decan (first 10 degrees) of Capricorn our need to succeed and get things accomplished is high.This Full Moon in Capricorn however is about clearing out whatever is blocking the way forward in areas of our great passions. It’s a time to purge and remove whatever stands in the way of our success. This Full Moon crosses in through the Sagittarius constellation where it aims its energy in direct line to with laser-like precision at its target. Both the eye of the Archer and the direction of the arrow in the Archer’s bow may be used now for either magical and healing purposes or for a darker, more dangerous kind of purpose.
Using our energy with clear and loving purpose is crucial to long-term, positive, healing outcomes. Whether our energy, power, and actions are used for good and humanitarian purposes or is misused to cause greater harm and destruction, is crucial. Goodness and mercy are needed, however, the Moon transiting the star Fancies indicates there may be more sinister acts to come: Marina (Darkstar Astrology) notes that Fancies represents that which lacks justice and mercy: Fixed Star Facies 8ยบ ~ “Experiencing violence or turmoil. The sadist, or the humanitarian who wants to help children or minority groups in need. To learn of wounded people, people who have been harshly treated.” Moon in Capricorn natives include Hitler, Goebbels, Melania Trump, Marie Le Pen, and Mark David Chapman. We always have a choice in how we use our power and passions. Capricorn Moon natives can be humanitarians or sadistic tyrants. This position of Capricorn represents the strength of the family, which is the source of power and strength to defend ourselves against tyranny.
What this Full Moon in Capricorn calls all of us to do is to use the inner wisdom that we have been learning during Saturn’s transit of whatever area of our life it has been making in Capricorn. Our inner wisdom and ability to discern and see things clearly, help us respond and guard ourselves and our families in times of stress, danger, and challenges. We are being called to respond in the most humane and merciful ways we can regardless of what rises before us. Being accountable for our actions and holding ourselves in alignment with the Divine nature our our being is crucial to standing strong and seeing clearly. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon igives us hope that current events are creating a wave of energy and response that will eventually have positive impact. Blain Bovee’s interpretation rings true: Capricorn 6 carries an intriguing theme concerning 'thatching' . The image of an archway with ten logs at the bottom, can be easily imagined to be the shape of a bird nest... note that Cancer 6 is "Game birds feathering their nest. How the logs are perceived seems key for Capricorn 6 individuals. The logs could be material to use to build the desired goal. Or, they could be obstacles that seem to bar the way through the passageway of the arch.” Taking care to do what is needed to support, nurture, and maintain a safe space for your family and yourself is key during this lunar cycle.
And our concern for others who are being deprived of their families through racist, xenophobic, and inhumane actions must be acknowledged and remedied. With the Full Moon in Capricorn conjoining Saturn and squaring Chiron, the Wounded Healer, we witness and confront. the brokenness in the world we live in and in ourselves. It is a time when we need healing, clarity, and the tenacity to remain courageous and strong in the face of harmful forces. We need to continue to build structures, ‘nests’, homes, places of safe haven for ourselves and others. Saturn in Roman mythology and Chronos in Greek, represents the Grandfather time, now in opposition to Cancer, the Archetypal ruler of the Moon/Luna. we are fighting the struggle when we are forced to confront the emotional harshness that has such a powerful influence at this time. Bringing the two into union, coping with our most difficult and harshest taskmaster and struggles, is a necessary part of forging a stronger, more courageous and clearer vision of just what we are capable of doing, being, and overcoming.
Find peace within the conflict. Stand firm in union with all that you know is Good, Love-based, and Truth. Be kind to yourself and others, and allow healing to soothe your heart, mind, and soul. Let the beauty of the world ease the pain of your body. Work on building a safe, nurturing home where you are, and appreciate and give gratitude for the bounty you have received. In using our gifts and abundance to help build, heal, and nurture, we do the Divine work we have come here to do. We are co-creators of the Beauty of Life, and must use our gifts to heal and help.