It is no mystery why the May Full Moon is called the Full Flower Moon (in the Northern Hemisphere). Coming at the height of the spring growing season, the Moon shines on gardens, orchards, and fields full of flowers, trees, and crops in bloom. On Tuesday, May 29 at 7:19 PDT/10:19 EDT, the Full Moon in in Sagittarius at 8/10 degrees peaks as the Sun in Gemini aligns in opposition to it. Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer symbolizes the higher mind while Geminis, the Twins, symbolize the lower mind. This polarity is active within each of us and provides for the push and pull in constant search for harmony and balance. It most affects whatever area of your life/chart the Moon and Sun are transiting. Gemini focuses our mental activity on thoughts and intellectualizing while Sagittarius calls us to intuit and reason beyond our own narrow self interests.
The Sagittarius Full Moon provides a clarion call to seek deeper meaning and purpose in life; Gemini is content to be satisfied and engaged in the here and now, the immediate environment and current reality. Balance is needed between both extremes, and this Full Moon ought to help you focus on anything that might be out of balance in this equation. As the Sagittarius lunar phase builds, we feel drawn to more adventure, deeper meaning, and a search beyond what we are comfortable and familiar with. Adventure calls, limitations fall away, and new roads appear to open on the horizon. You'll notice at this Full Flowering Moon in May that whatever has been growing and coming to fruition within you, is now coming to full bloom. Whether that be ideas, plans, thoughts, projects, or adventures, the time is now right for those plans to come into manifestation. The energy, in fact, will grow so strong that you will almost feel compelled to make changes or to set forth on some new adventure. Communication is strongly favored. Whatever is ready to burst forth from within you (or is bursting to the surface in the world around you), will trigger an emotional outburst that can be quite raw and unrefined. When you're expressing yourself during this time, remember to maintain some balance and discretion.
The Moon in Sagittarius forms a wide square to Neptune in Pisces, and this can create some confusion and can blur the meaning of whatever is being communicated. On the same day as the Full Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. The week right before the Full Moon will find Mercury transiting the anaretic/final degree of Taurus. You may hear of endings, completions, deaths, and finalization of a number of areas affecting whatever Gemini rules in your char/life. Final thoughts, words...any kind of communication (even dreams) that signal areas of life where you're finishing things up. Venus just entered Cancer, and Mars just entered Aquarius so much is happening all at once. When Mars (planet of action) entered Aquarius (4th house/home ruler) I learned I'd have to move. So notice where in your life the changes are taking place. This is usually in areas where you've already sensed impending or needed change, but notice now how you're being pushed into making the changes or actions you've needed to make or take.
As I write on Sunday, May 27, the Moon is in the dreamy, sulky depths of Scorpio. We may find our emotions triggered by thoughts and communications with old connections. Notice what is rising up ahead of the Full Moon into your consciousness where you can acknowledge it, honor what was, and release what is no more. All part of the cycle of life, the circle of life. Remember, whatever we leave in the past, undone, will be there the next time we circle back around to meet it again. Learn what you can, take what gifts the past has to offer, and keep your eyes on the road ahead, the stars above, and the call of passion in your heart and soul. The Full Moon in Sagittarius will oppose Mercury on Tuesday. This will show us, through our emotional responses and sense of well being, just where our heart and soul, our life and our sense of home is feeling the push me, pull me strain of this lunar cycle. Remember, oppositions show us where we're growing. We can resist, or we can acquiesce, learn, and grow.
Marina, author/astrologer of DarkStar Astrology calls this Full Moon in Sagittarius the Diamond in the Rough moon. I love that description as it describes that potential that dwells within us and within all types of situations and resources. Potential to become requires the intentional and conscious choice to allow the change and growth to take place. When we come to the completion of a stage of life, a journey, a project, or some new understanding, we may feel exhausted. That exhaustion often comes when we've completed some hard work. Get the rest and nourishment you need now, so that you can enjoy the next phase of life. For the Full Moon in Sagittarius, prepare to celebrate the 'find', the discovery, that enlightenment that will accompany you on the next stage of the path ahead. Decan 1 of Sagittarius represents the release of the arrow from the Archer's bow. What you seek has been launched, and is now being propelled forward. Because this strikes us on the emotional level, our awareness and awakening will be more on the intuitive, emotional level. We will 'know' without a shadow of a doubt, what is right for us, and what is not. After that, the whole nature of our choices and movement will be on more solid ground and more sure to be with our full awareness as we will feel that what we're choosing and doing is right for us. Doubts will come and go, but there will remain that inner certainty that will help us move on without giving in to doubt, fear, or the temptation to resist.
We are just now (as I write on Sunday) experiencing the beautiful Grand Trine in Water Signs with the Moon and benevolent Jupiter in Scorpio, trine to Neptune in Pisces. In a few days, Venus the planet of Love, Beauty, Relationships will enter 15 degrees thus completing the Grand Trine in Water signs. One of the most lovely and compelling alignments possible. Notice where this all will shine in your life. Notice what parts of your life are receiving the benefits and positive energy that will help make whatever you've aligned yourself with, to become manifest. There will likely be a very spiritual aspect to this Grand Trine in Water as Jupiter trines the fixed star, Achernar. Jupiter trine Neptune is the sign of the Mystic Healer. When we need guidance, the teachers appear, when we need healing, the one who can lay hands or diagnose what keeps us from wholeness can be found. Great compassion and empathy come with this Full Grand Trine, as well as great love and understanding...something we all need to be part of on both the giving and receiving ends. A word of caution though. Be wary of anyone who tells you they have the answers for you. The answers are within you and your understanding. Good healers and teachers help you by supporting your own growth, understanding, and promise.
A raging battle ensues when the Full Moon in Sagittarius aligns with Antares, the fixed star in the center of the Constellation of Scorpio. May astrologers point to this alignment as one of the key alignments that occurs, ever. "The May full moon straddles the most important natural 'axis in the heavens," says the author of Astrology King. Located in the heart of the Scorpion in opposition to the eye of the bull in Taurus, the fixed star Antares , the Sun aligned with fixed star Alderbaran, activates a militants axis which signifies that the 'winner takes all. This inclines any conflicts or battles being wage will find leaders being very ruthless in their tactics. Whoever you may encounter in battle or whoever takes up arms against an enemy at this time, will use whatever means possible to defeat and will be willing to fight to the death. Stay out of the line of arrows sent from the bow of someone who seeks power and is willing to sacrifice others in an effort to achieve victory. In personal relationships, be wary of engaging with anyone whose own self interests take precedence over yours.
What I've noticed as a saving grace in some of the powerful energy that we've been dealing with lately is the need to find ways and safe places (including safe people) to take cover when under attack. As important is to maintain the ability to be present and grounded, nourished, and well rested when coping with energies that seem to overwhelm or knock you off center. Remember you have a direct link to the Divine within and all around you, and you are permitted indeed encouraged to disengage when you feel too much is coming at you. We all need time to reflect, rest, laugh, walk in the woods or on the beach...to appreciate the gifts we have and the blessings available to us when we need comfort, peace, and a vision of what we need to heal, restore, and flourish. Notice the new bright green growth on the ends of the pine needles right about now. We, like the pines, grow from the ends on out. While we are rooted and gain strength from the past, our Now is in the life we are living right now. Let yourself bathe in the light of this Full Moon and the watery elegance of the Grand Trine in Water that follow to cleanse and restore yourself in the beauty and energy of Universal, Eternal Love.