The Pink Moon (so called because of pink moss/phlox growing in the high regions) is just one of the names given for the Scorpio Full Moon. Depending on the culture, it's also called the Egg Moon, the Fish Moon, and the Sprouting Grass Moon--all seasonal changes happening during Spring. The Full Moon on April 29 will peak at 9 degrees of Scorpio. The Sun will at the same time be at 9 degrees of Taurus. Ceres will conjunct the North Node at 10 degrees of Leo forming a T-Square. The peak of the Full Moon is in the late evening.
Scorpio reigns over the birth-death-rebirth cycles of our lives. Rules unconditional love and the peeling back of layers of consciousness in our effort to get to the heart of matters, especially matter that focus our energy on transformation and our spiritual development.
Scorpio reigns over the birth-death-rebirth cycles of our lives. Rules unconditional love and the peeling back of layers of consciousness in our effort to get to the heart of matters, especially matter that focus our energy on transformation and our spiritual development.
The Sabian Symbol for 9 degrees of Scorpio, according to Dane Rudhyar, is The Dentist at Work. Signifying the need to overcome effects of negative social practices and ego cravings (or lack of development), this aspect of Scorpio focuses our attention on determining how our social upbringing and/or interaction has helped our hindered our development and progress. And it requires that we address those areas and do some self examination to make sure our ideas, beliefs, desires, experiences, and lifestyles are congruent with who we want to be and who we are or how we are living. Time to face up tot where the choices we made were not really what we wanted, or where we've grown more into our full identity to the point where change is again, inevitable. We change or are changed by life. How much of who we love about ourselves is still running the show? Dance around that question on this Full Moon in Scorpio, and see what answers bubble up from within?
This Full Moon in Scorpio, in the first decan, is near the moon’s point of detriment. We may find, leading up to the Full Moon that we lose it emotionally. Use the strong and powerful energy to eliminate whatever arises from the unconsciousness or the unconscious acts/attacks/projections of others. Sometimes associated with the destructive energy of Kali, whatever is stirring and coming up to the surface requires a response.
Birth as indicated by Ceres, is triggered and generated by this Full Moon in Scorpio and inaugurates a new path before us. We are pushed over the threshold at this Full Moon. We may wake up on the floor wondering how we got here. It’s a magical and potent moon, one which is sure to bring about change and movement in its wake. The Sun in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn brings a calming, grounding energy to the great changes that have been underway, especially for any intentions set at the last New Moon. Whatever we’ve been learning about dealing with conflict and making the necessary changes in our lives, is now receiving some positive, strong energy to push those changes to the surface of our lives.
One astrologer noted, “The impression that Moons in Scorpio create is one of blocked energy. They want to know all about you, but don’t tell you much about themselves in return.” And so you might feel like ‘there are no answers’, when in fact the answers all live within you. All that is required is a willingness to listen and acknowledge your truths. This Full Moon will push you to do just that.
Full Moons are times of revelation. What was hidden, is found or comes to the surface. What mysteries exist, make their power and intent known now. What you’ve tried to control or ignore, awakens in you and cannot be ignored any longer. For a large part of the month you may have felt as if you were clearing the shelves and sorting through whatever has built up in your life (body, mind, spirit). The clearing, cleansing continues to make way for the new path opening before you. Discerning what is still worth pursuing, committing to, or completing now becomes clear. Avoid hanging on to what has died or not taken hold. It’s okay to let go of what has expired or lost it’s energy for life. Direct your energy into that which is life-affirming.
Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, has been transforming your life (in Capricorn) for several years now. This Full Moon highlights what those changes have been doing in your development. Scorpio rules the genitalia and elimination system (the perianal area including the pubic bone). Focus on the basics of life, diet, elimination, nourishment, digestion are all areas that affect our emotional and physical health. When we go through any kind of cleansing or are abusing our system in any way, we feel the consequences at every level of our being (emotional, psychological, physical, intellectual, spiritual). Care and cleansing release toxins, and help trigger the release of whatever has been suppressed within. This may manifest in some odd and surprising ways.
Time to be scrupulous in our self care and in the way we interact with others. Part of that care needs to be an honest appraisal of what really matters to us, and what we are willing to change or do and what we are not willing to do. This Full Moon is a revealing moon. Especially on an emotional level, we are finding skeletons coming out of the closet and secrets being revealed. Our own needs are showing, and like the spot that appears on our face just at the moment we want to ‘look good’, the truth reveals our inner being in the Light of day and night.
This can be a time of open and loving revelations in relationships. It may be a time when we can no longer hide our feelings or wear the masks that we’ve used to keep us distant or to protect ourselves from something we fear. Notice what stirs within you during the Full Moon cycle that has an impact on us through the next week into the beginning of May.
Mars, secondary ruler to Scorpio is transiting the house where Pluto Is. At this time they are in exact conjunction at 21 degrees of Capricorn. The forces of quick and definite action Mars, combined with the intractable but transformative energy of Pluto make this Full Moon extremely powerful in terms of whatever area of your life Capricorn rules. It also affects areas that intersect and aspect this house as well. Notice where you’re feeling the urgency and need to change what in many cases is the most difficult or the most suppressed.
Lovely Jupiter is at 19 degrees (retrograde) in Scorpio and the Moon will aspect Jupiter within her three day jaunt through Scorpio, A fortuitous and romantic sign indeed. Speaking of romantic, Venus has entered the sign of Gemini, so thoughts will be on love and relationships and all that jazz. Neptune, the Moon, and Jupiter will form a luscious trine over the next few days, in water signs. Very auspicious for love, romance, marriage, and all emotionally uplifting kinds of inspiration and enjoyment.
Mercury is now direct in 9 degrees of Aries, still far afield of the upcoming conjunction with Uranus when we can expect to hear the unexpected, or receive some long awaited news. For now though as we move further out of the heavy energy of the Mars-Saturn conjunction that made life a little tough, we can get a lot done, attract our heart’s desire, and relax rest assured our hard work, sacrifices, attempts to clear and reorganize, have paid off in clearing the way and releasing energy for a a new path ahead and/or a renewal of what has been firmly established.