Sabian Symbol for 5 degrees of Aries, this Full Moon is described as: ‘a triangle with wings’. The triune symbol of the trinity and he ascension to our Higher Selves and to the infusion of the Sacred in our lives. The Divine infuses us with energy and we are open to receiving the blessings of the Sacred as compassion, love, understanding, and grace.
This Full Moon in Aries is also forming a powerful eclipse. According to one astrologer, “All lunar Eclipses are tied to the Nodes- which is one of the reasons Eclipses are so potent. They energize our future path of growth and they also energize our past– and in this Eclipse portal we stand at the threshold of choice: will we move forward and grow into uncharted and unfamiliar territory or will we stay stuck in the karmic patterns of the past?”
Not only is the Full Moon in Aries occurring as an eclipse is occurring but the frequency of this energy is increased by the movement and shifts that have been happening over the last week. First the Sun moved into Libra. Mercury is retrograde. Pluto just turned direct recently, and the North Node is sitting on the Galactic Center. Saturn just left its anaretic degree (29 degrees) and is now in Sagittarius. This is one of the most profoundly spiritual and transformational times for all humankind (individuals and the collective) as well as the planetary and galactic systems.Imbalances are now made clear. Places are now revealed where we have to make changes, or face the dire consequences. The Gospel of Thomas says that Jesus taught that “What you bring forth from within you will save you. What you fail to bring forth will kill you.”
As with the call of the prophets of ancient times, it is crucial that we face t
he choices we have. We have before us a choice between life and death. As the Deurteronomist wrote, “Choose life.” Choose that which will allow you to grow and live more fully. Let go of what is keeping you from life.
Requires direct action. Time to take a good look at what your life is currently, and take bold steps to make whatever changes are needed. Let go of what is no longer working. Be receptive of what is coming to you. This is a time when we heal our understanding and beliefs about what wholeness means. We embrace all aspects of who we are and observe how we are expressing ourselves in our relationships. Where are we living out of our highest selves and where are we settling for less or allowing ourselves to repeat old patterns and giving our power, energy, and gifts away where they are not appreciated or respected. Emotional discomfort signals where we need to heal, and facing the truth of how we are sabotaging or selling ourselves short in some way, helps us become more aware of what we need to change and what we need to embrace.
The Aries Sun brings on the energy of fire and is the active cardinal force alive within us now. Calling us to pay attention to our individual power, desires, energy, and manner of expressing ourselves. How can we express our power and energy with grace? In what ways can we use our fervent desires to act with greater compassion and connect with the powerful energies arising at this time?
This Lunar Eclipse in Aries is a time to come to closure with whatever has come to its end. It’s a time of emptying out, letting go, and releasing ourselves from whatever commitments, relationships, or connections require finalizing. Eclipses ramp up the volume of how we express our emotions. This Full Moon in Aries and eclipse fall in the first decan of Aries. We purge and rid ourselves of the debris that is choking up our systems and blocking our energy. The energy of this time casts its light on our deepest emotions, subconscious desires, issues within our primary relationships (as well as how we are within those relationships), as well as any underlying mysteries, hidden agendas, or suppressed needs and desires. Imagine a festering wound or a volcano building up to an eruption. That which has been suppressed and depressed is ready to burst forth in some manner.
Look at what has been growing in your life over the last six months. What you have successfully watered, nurtured, and allowed to grow will now begin showing the first signs of life. If what was planted has been under too much pressure or stress or was not given proper attention, may now fall apart and come to an end. What is meant to come to life does; what has been coming to an end, dies.
To determine how this fits in your own life/chart, look to the houses/areas of your life where both the Full Moon at 4-5 degrees of Aries is and where the Sun at 4-5 degrees of Libra is. This is the area that will bear the greatest weight of the energy from this lunar transit, as well as the last in the series of Libra-Aries axis eclipses. For the last year and a half, this area of your life has been the focal point of attention revolving around relationships. How we come to understand and be at home with and in ourselves—individuation process as Carl Jung described it combines with how we relate in our most intimate and personal relationships. This can be a time of giving birth as well as a time of celebration, or it can be a time of letting go and allowing yourself to grieve the losses that have taken place in your life. You may find yourself doing both.
As the South Node in Aries is also an important aspect of this transit, we have a wonderful opportunity to release those habits, patterns of thought and behavior, beliefs, and expectations that have been holding us back and keeping us from healing, growing, and liberating ourselves from fear, insecurity, and other negative forms of self sabotage. The North Node in Libra in transited by the Sun in Libra at this Full Moon and eclipse as well. This highlights the area of your life where new doors become apparent, a new pathway opens, and new opportunities appear. There may be an amazing amount of serendipitous types of experiences, as well as surprises and even shocks as the Full Moon in Aries and the eclipse also connect Uranus in Aries. Uranus in Aries brings sudden, unexpected events and rushes into our lives in a way that burns off whatever needs eliminating so that new life can be born.
When the Moon is Full emotions run high and low just as the tide does. Take time to sit quietly listening to what is rising up within you, and accept that the emotional responses you may be feeling now are helping you cleanse, purge, and release. Our emotions are gifts, and fearing or trying to suppress them is not healthy. We feel to help us read our inner compass…to know with more clarity and certainty how we really are responding or feeling about the people in our lives and anything else that we claim is important to us. Listen to your emotional voice.
Other aspects at this Full Moon in Aries include Mercury at 11 degrees retrograde in Libra. Bringing up the past, going back over familiar and perhaps uncomfortable territory related to how we do relationships. So many of us look for the relationship that has all the ingredients we desire, when what we need are all the ingredients within ourselves that bring us to know, appreciate, and be comfortable in our own skin. When we keep looking to find someone or something to complete us, we miss the key. The key is within. That does not mean we are meant to spend all our time alone, but what it does mean is that if we can’t find peace, fulfillment, love, and acceptance within, we won’t be able to find it from someone else.
Our relationships mirror to us what we are struggling to find or deal with within, and accepting what is going on at any given time in our development, in our lives, is crucial to finding that sense of inner peace and that love we so want others to give or provide us. Love is about both giving and receiving, and we can’t give what we don’t feel. When someone isn’t giving you what you need, it’s in part because they don’t have it to give. Trying to make someone love you or demand that they see life through your perspective is a major waste of time. Find out what is worthwhile in you and in your life right where you are, and work on appreciating and respecting that. If what you see is not what you want, take steps to move forward towards what you do want. Watch and listen for how communications signal to you what is moving up within you and what is moving out of your experience now. With Uranus in Aries, in opposition to Mercury at some point, look for some flashes of light that come in the form of a bolt out of the blue or a sudden moment of enlightenment about what is dead and dying and what is ready to be born.
Venus is at 21 degrees of Leo at this Full Moon. Venus forms a trine to the Full Moon in Aries, and brings with it some dramatic gestures, actions, or declarations. Expect the unexpected, and be gracious and graceful in the way you express yourself. With emotions on the surface and deep feelings welling up, it is a time when love and beauty burst to the surface for many of us. We feel what was only a niggling beneath the surface until recently.
Mars just entered Virgo, and will be at 1/11 degrees of Virgo at the time of the Full Moon. What is expressed through concrete and pragmatic actions now speaks volumes about what has taken the highest priority in your life. Simple gestures like cleaning up or clearing out can be expressions of what is needed within as well. Spend some time removing anything from your environment that is not needed, used, or loved. Get rid of whatever is holding you in energy connected to what has left your experience. Clean up and dress up. Set the table and serve a nice home cooked meal to guests or to yourself. Celebrate life on this full moon, and count your blessings. The ones you can see, and the ones that are part of your gift as a person.
Jupiter is also in Virgo at 11 degrees. Through very practical and earthy ways abundance is flowing in whatever area of your life Virgo rules. Again, a time when abundance is growing and is bestowing blessings and fruit from seeds planted in the past. You are receiving the good from what you have set into motion. Receive with gratitude, and get enough perspective and enough time when your emotions don’t overwhelm you to truly appreciate how fortunate your are. Look to see how what may seem like a loss or challenge has given you something of value in return for the pain and suffering you might have had to endure. How have you grown from this? And if the experience is too new, too raw, think back to the past when you felt the odds were insurmountable in your life, and remember what it took for you to overcome the odds. Perspective helps when emotions run high as they do during this Full Moon in Aries. Reflect, remember, and honor your strengths and experiences.
Saturn has just re-entered Sagittarius, so the Moon will trine Saturn as it reaches toward fullness. The lessons and challenges that you are dealing with become clear at this time. What has been feeling thwarted is now releasing and changes are beginning to take place. The Moon will help trigger this movement, but Saturn being slow as it is, takes its time, and will be moving with the power and surge of fire now giving it a bit more momentum than we generally feel with Saturn. It’s been taking a journey deep into our subconscious for some months now, so it will be a bit of a relief as it starts its journey in Sagittarius. We will feel more hopeful and inspired for the next leg of our journey. We will carry the optimism and idealism of Sagittarius as we move forward.
Uranus at 17 degrees of Aries, retrograde, will be forming a conjunction a day or so after the New Mon. Expect to be surprised, hear unexpected news, or receive some sign or indication of something that brings you a surprising opportunity or sets off some kind of change.
Neptune in Pisces in retrograde motion at 7/38 degrees continues to work its way into our unconscious and subconscious realms. Dreams, intuition, and creative inspiration are triggered by memories and lessons learned from reviewing our past. Learning to listen and discern the spiritual aspects of our being help us in waking up to whatever needs to be stirred to bring ourselves to life.
Pluto is at 12 degrees of Capricorn at the time of the Full Moon. Pluto continues its transformational journey through our lives. Now in the second decan of Capricorn, it takes on even more direct and earthy energy and focus. This is time to get down to business, so notice at the light of the Full Moon and all that goes along with the eclipse and other shifts and energy, just what is being called to your attention. Notice what is being changed, what is needing greater attention, or what needs to be retooled or reworked so that you are not drained of your energy or pushed beyond your limits.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is at 18/22 degrees retrograde in Pisces. Again, this enriches and strengthens the need to review how old wounds, patterns, habits, and cycles are triggered, and consider how you can change some of these areas of your life to make better choices for yourself. Part of what needs to happen is that whatever has been oppressed, denied, or stowed away requires attention. Shame and fear keep many of us from wanting to look at what is hanging on, pulling us down. We need courage now to face what has harmed us, and to see that we have the power to disconnect from whatever has caused us harm. We can make new choices based on what is good for us.
The energy from the shifts earlier this week, and the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and the aspects to the Moon and Nodes make for a very potent and powerful time. The effects of this energy can last up to three months, so notice what is crucial and standing out at this time. You have the power and the choice to learn from the past and grow with greater awareness. You can try to repeat old cycles and live out of old beliefs or habits, or you can listen to how your heart is growing and your spirit is being changed and forged into something new and more solid and alive than in the past. What was, is no longer. What is to be is forming in your heart and only needs you to step out into the truth and receive your blessings, now.