Sunday, April 27, 2014

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus

On the River                                                                                                                                         Catherine Al-Meten
As the week begins the Sun  is at 7/15 Taurus, the Moon  is at 16/29 Aries, and Venus 23/50 Pisces. Venus will change signs this week. Mercury is at 8/57 Taurus, Mars 12/19 Libra retrograde, and Jupiter is at 14/28 Cancer. Saturn is retrograde at  20/59 Scorpio, and Uranus is at  13/53 Aries, still in the degree of the Grand Cardinal Cross (still bringing news and unexpected experiences to us). 
Neptune  is at 7/5 Pisces making us evermore aware of inner turmoil as well as dreams and desires. 
Pluto is at 13/32 Capricorn in retrograde. We're still going over territory that we may have thought was over. Be prepared to bleed a little more if we haven't yet made the changes that are needed. Be patient, and notice what may be yours to change, and what is simply a reaction to the changes you have already made. We have to live with the aftermath of our choices, and that often means we have to walk away or disengage with those who are not happy with our changes. 

The North Node is at  28/24 Libra, the point in our lives where we are seeing the greatest changes.
Chiron is at 16/29 Pisces, and indicates much of our healing is unconscious and happening on an intuitive level. Important to pay attention to dreams, intuition, insight, and anwers to prayers. 

The big story this week is the  New Moon in Taurus, April 29, 201 at 2:14 EDT/11:14 PM PDT. This Taurus New Moon is also a Solar eclipse.This is the end of a very long, active, and transformative month. 

Sunday. Moon in Aries, just past midnight on Sunday, opposes Mars, and then near sunrise, it squares Pluto, conjuncts Uranus, and the sextiles Neptune-all before your first cup of tea. For the rest of Sunday, the Moon’s influence will be felt as she makes a square to Jupiter.  Mercury semi-squares Venus around 4:45 A.M. PDT.  All these aspects occur while we sleep in the West, so dreams and sleep patterns may be where you most notice this emotional edginess.  It may also be when some of our dreams may hold signs and symbols that nudge us into paying attention to what we need to take care of or what is calling for closer attention.  Later in the day there are a couple of minor aspects of the Moon in Aries to Saturn and then Neptune.  The Moon’s influence tends to awaken us emotionally, and when transits and aspects occur with the Moon, we operate out of our moods, emotional needs and wounds, and generally feel and sense more than we think or discern. Our feelings and moods, however, are not frivolous incidentals-emotions are signals that remind us what really matters to us and what needs attending. 

The Moon in Aries comes at the end of the Lunar month, and just before the new Moon in Taurus.  Sunday and Monday are days when whatever comes to the surface emotionally, signals to us where we are still struggling with those issues that call us to change and transform. The Moon’s aspects to the major planets (Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune) jolts us with reminders of what it is that holds us back, what it is that pushes our buttons, and what it is that threatens our sense of newfound freedom, independence, and security. 

Also early this morning, the Sun in Taurus formed a sextile to Neptune, filtering down into our subconscious, into our dreams, and into the areas of our being where the shadow aspects of ourselves are in need of integration and greater balance. The Sun in Taurus grounds and centers us in the physicality of our lives as well as in discovering our spiritual fulfillment and challenges within our daily lives, relationships, and works. That which challenges us, calls us to discover a deeper expression and understanding of Divine Love. That which triggers hate, animosity, or fear, shows us where we need to learn that forgiveness is a channel to open us to greater Love.  The Sun in Taurus opens us to greater awareness of what we seek to discover, understand, and create. It also reminds us of how precious we are in the heart of the Creator. Challenges, threats, and the “slings and arrows” sent our way, are opportunities for us to practice surrender to the Divine as the way to shield and protect us.  

When we hold on with only ego needs and individual will, we suffer more than we need to.  We need a healthy ego and a respect for ourselves, however, if we think we are in charge of the outcome, consequences, and manner in which our actions and thoughts manifest and affect others, we are missing the boat. Take the necessary steps for maintaining clear and safe boundaries, and then remember, the lesson does not end with your decisions. When we ground our behavior in our own ethical code (3rd Chakra, safety issues), that is step one. Know yourself.  From then on, knowing ourselves means doing what is needed to  keep on turning to that inner truth, and trusting your intuition, experiences, and reasoning powers. Discernment is about constantly using these sources of personal power to help us determine how to deal with ongoing conflicts, challenges, and obstacles. Understanding, enlightenment, and knowledge does not bar you from ever having conflicts; rather they remind you to turn to your inner truth and the faith and trust in both your own understanding and the understanding of Universal Truth. 

The Sun in Taurus helps us get out of our heads and the gut-wrenching emotional upsets that bind us to fear and anger, and to channel our energy into doing good, serving others, and creating something beautiful out of the mud. Use the energy that rises up through the emotional and subconscious release to build, create, shape, dream up, and form new life.  For those who have experienced a great loss ever in your life, you may remember the stage of anger that comes at some point in the process of grieving and mourning our losses. This is such a time collectively, and it is incumbent upon each of us to use this energy wisely, safely, and with good intentions. Choose life and love as your partners. Find something of beauty in the worst situations and people. Practice forgiveness so you free yourself from the chains of that which binds you to hate, fear, frustration, and despair. One of my favorite metaphysical writers, Dr. Joseph Murphy wrote a powerful prayer to use for a practice of forgiveness. Use it or write your own prayer or meditation, and use it regularly.  It helps in turning over that which you are still attached to. From Murphy’s book, The Power of the Subconscious Mind:

 “I fully and freely forgive (mention the name of the offender) I release him spiritually and mentally. I completely forgive everything connected with the matter in question. I am free and he/she is free. It is a marvelous feeling. It is a day of general amnesty. I release anybody and everybody who has ever hurt me, and I wish for each and every one health, happiness, peace and the blessings of life. I do this freely, joyously, and lovingly. And whenever I think of the person or persons’ who hurt me I say, ‘I have released you and all the blessings of life are yours.’ I am free and they are free. It is wonderful!”

And then let the thoughts about this person or situation go. That does not necessarily mean they feelings or thoughts disappear; it means you refocus those feelings or though on something that fills in the space and takes your attention and energy to a more constructive, loving space. 

Monday.  The Moon leaves Aries and enters Taurus, and the New Moon builds to the New Moon and Solar eclipse at 9 degrees of Taurus by 12:14 A.M. Tuesday just past midnight. Venus, the ruler of both Taurus and Libra. The Greeks saw Aphrodite (their Venus) as the goddess of love and beauty. The Romans saw Venus as the goddess of agriculture, gardens, vineyards, the growing cycles and seasons. Libra’s domain is that of relationships and intimate connections, and how to maintain and tend these relationships. Taurus is connected to the physical world, with physicality, and with tending to the daily tasks of life and finding beauty in them. Taurus is connected to all aspects of living life-possessions, finances, resources, and is informed by connection and intimacy as it amasses abundantly from the wealth of the Earth. Taurus is about a deeply Earth-centered sensitivity, and about becoming connected and integrated with a spirituality that celebrates being incarnate. Whatever we are conceiving at the time of this New Moon in Taurus, is building up to uniting the tangible of Taurus with the intangible of Libra, and the deep-seated messages brewing and growing in the deeper levels of consciousness (Moon in Scorpio at the next full moon). 

Venus-ruled Taurus calls upon us to discover the true value and worth of both ourselves and others. Venus’ energy in Pisces (the seat of Universal Love) adds some energy and power to our spiritual practices enabling us to understand that forgiveness is not an act of will but a grace set off by our intentions. When we intentionally seek forgiveness of ourselves and others, we then release the connection, the chain that binds to whomever or whatever is holding us. The power of this Full Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus is giving us the much-needed push to release all patterns of belief, all habits and behavior, and all connections and relationships that need to be released. Whatever you place on the altar as a sacrifice at this time, will be taken from you. Over the next 6 months, what is released at this time, will be out of your life. Be clear with yourself. Pay close attention to what your inner truth and intuition tell you, discern what is best for you, and set mindful intentions at this time to open for you what it is that you seek and desire. Set your mind, heart, and spirit on that which you would like, not on what has been weighing you down and draining you.  This New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus has us all more focused on security and groundedness, and by being appreciative of all the gifts, resources, love, and riches we already have. By only focusing on that which we don’t have or like, we miss the opportunity to live the life we have. Focus on the riches that lay at your feet, that are filling your heart and mind, and that are evident in all you do to love and serve others. 

This past lunar month is Aries, has been all about pondering new beginnings, seeking a greater sense of self, and breaking from the past.  As the lunar month in Taurus begins with not only the New Moon but also the Solar eclipse, energy and focus on creating more stability, becoming more determined, and shaping a stronger and more methodical and tangible foundation for life, and the process of living. This morning as I was reading about the writing habits of great writers, I was drawn to the daily habits of Henry Miller:

If groggy, type notes and allocate, as stimulus.
If in fine fettle, write.

Work on section in hand, following plan of section scruptuously. No intrusion, no diversions.  Write to finish one section at a time, for good and for all.
See friends, read in cafes
Explore unfamiliar sections, on foot if wet, on bicycle if dry
Write if in Mood but only on minor program
Paint if empty or tired
Make notes, make plans, make charts.Make corrections on MS.
Allow sufficient time during daylight to visit museums, or an occasional sketch or bike rides. Sketch in cafes and train stations and streets. Cut the movies. Visit a library once a week for references.“This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook- try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!” 

What would you daily plan look like if you wrote it out? What would you like to build into your daily routine?

Very Taurus-like approach to life, and even if this is not your ideal, the idea that we need some structure in order to create, serve, and focus our own energy and talents, is likely to become more important during this upcoming lunar cycle. Notice how you may be shaping your life within stronger and clearer boundaries in order to make space, time, and energy for creating the life you want to live and for appreciating what you are already blessed with.  Venus-ruled Taurus urges us to seek harmony by living in the process of balance. Balance is not a static state, but rather a process of doing some of this and then stopping, resting, refreshing, and beginning some of that.  This is a time to build in time and intention to play, to rest, to nourish your body, mind, and soul. 

Another realm ruled by Venus-ruled Taurus is that of beauty and the natural world.  Get outdoors, plant something in your garden, pick a bouquet of Spring flowers, go for a walk and feel the beautiful velvet weather of Taurus-time. Let these ideals also nourish you internally. Weed out old habits and negative thoughts. Plant new seeds for the future, and relish the pleasure of being able to think, fell, love, discover, work, play, feel the earth beneath your feet, and watch the stars in the night sky. Let the rain fall on your face, and feel the warmth of the sunlight on your shoulders.  Enjoy the pleasure of simply being alive, and being blessed with so much.  Use your gifts. Instead of just dreaming up good ideas, make a plan, and then act upon that plan. Put your dreams into some kind of practical structure, and then one by one, start acting on your desires. One powerful tool for bringing something into being, is to take it from the realm of thought and put it into form of some kind. Write about it. Draw it. Map it out. Make a list. Draw up a plan. Do something about the dream, one simple step at a time. Root yourself in the pure pleasure of each step, and appreciate what a gift it is to have the freedom, the opportunity, the talent, and the where-with-all to do anything at all. You are free to be and act on creating the life you want to live.

The Taurus archetype is also associated with our own sense of identity and personal will. The shadow side of this is stubbornness or pig-headedness. The gift is tenacity, determination, and the ability to recognize and use one’s gifts. Desire is the sign of what is longing to be acted upon. Tenacity and determination are the tools you have to act upon desire. Taurus is about putting  ideas into action, taking thoughts and making them concrete, and acting with aplomb on your desires. And as Taurus is the keeper of beauty, we do what we do with style, grace, and beauty.

Taurus time is a time to shine from the inside out. This may begin with sprucing things up not only around you but also within you. Getting a hair cut, or adding a new exercise to your routine. Taking up a new hobby or sport, or changing your look! You may find yourself drawn to new colors, or styles of clothing. Dress up and take yourself out to lunch, invite a friend for tea, or have a late night star party. Add some light and life to your living. This is also a great time for inner illumination. Read something new, learn a new language or piece of music. Play your instruments, and make music a daily practice and part of your life. Use your voice in beautiful ways, and listen to how you talk to  yourself. Use more phrases a kindness and fewer of criticism and complaint. Taurus time is a time of individuating-bringing yourself to greater wholeness.  It is a time to gain greater clarity about who you are and what you value and treasure. It is a time to use our will to create more beauty, good, and intimacy in our lives. Befriend yourself and enjoy living from a point of intention out of love not fear, out of joy not anger, and out of  forgiveness not blame. We may not be able to fix anyone else, or change the circumstances of our lives, but we can use our power, our will to forgive others, to move on and detach our spirit from the energy that traps us in life-threatening places. Recognize the Spirit of Good within you, and let it reign over the way you live. 

Mercury is semi-square Venus on Monday,  possibly creating some energetic shifts and disturbances in our communications (social or romantic). We may find ourselves trying to control ourselves, and that results in bottling feelings up or getting distracted because we aren’t sure how to handle this energy.  Recognize that being hypersensitive has our minds wandering. Meditate, prayer (litany type prayers work best with this kind of energy), or singing and dancing are ways to channel this type of energy. 

Tuesday, in the strong influence of the New Moon in Taurus and the Solar eclipse, we also have Mercury in Taurus is trine Pluto in Capricorn...a very earthy day when we can engage in some very practical and constructive types of conversations and communication. We gain a great deal from paying attention to and following our intuition. We feel divinely guided, and seem to pick up on ideas, connections, and solutions to problems that have escaped us for a long time. 

A great time to experience psychological breakthroughs. We are better able to understand our own feelings, thinking, and patterns of behavior, reaction, processing, and perspectives.  That in turn helps us see how we can change the way we deal with the challenges that have toppled us recently. We are learning new ways of being, and the initial stages may be so out of the ordinary, that we feel like we are walking into untamed territory-and we are. How we perceive, understand, and live has changed, and we are learning new ways of coping in order to create, live more fully, and thrive. 

This New Moon, Solar eclipse and Mercury trine Pluto aspects really open the door for you if you are willing to pay attention to how whatever is happening is a call to open the doors to your own growth. When we grasp how we influence, are affected by, and are accountable for the lessons we have to learn to grow, we can become more accepting and feel less threatened by them. When we are at the top of our game, have risen to a position of some influence and power, we often think that is enough for the lessons. 

The truth is, with each choice we make, we accept a new set of challenges, obstacles, and conditions. What have you learned from the past that arms you for this moment? What have you gleaned from all your teaching and learning that points you in the right direction? How are the situations, relationships, roles you find yourself in calling you to grow, learn, and change? What inside you feels threatened, and where is the source of that threat? 

To get to the heart of the matter, get the help you need, ask the questions you need to ask of yourself, and then get out of your head and put your energy into something constructive and useful. The earthy Taurus energy is pushing us to face up to what we can do and what we can’t, and then get busy doing what is possible. Be constructive. Be engaged in whatever brings you peace and fills you with beauty. Be present and grateful for what is right with the world you live in, and do something to make the world a better place for someone else near you. Put yourself into the flow of life, and live in gratitude. 

Wednesday, Mercury is sextile Jupiter, so that means we can expect to hear good news, receive some new ideas, be blessed with something we have been waiting for, or gain insights we have been longing for. We may take a short trip, learn something new, or receive some results from tests, exams, or applications that we have sent out recently. We may find a dream fulfilled, or a plan is conceived today. The aspect happens in the middle of the night, so pay particular attention to dreams and insights. Something sent from afar may be arriving to be found when you wake up.

Thursday, Mercury sextile Chiron in Pisces, again in the middle of the night or late at night Wednesday, depending on your time zone, creates an atmosphere for an exchange of ideas and information, for dialogues and communication that can lead to solutions, healing, and a peaceful end to negotiations of some kind. Notice what occurs to you in dreams, or what insights and intuition reveal during this time.

Also on Thursday, the Sun in Taurus makes a stressful aspect to Mars in Libra. As this occurs later in the day than Mercury’s aspect to Chiron, we may be able to head off some problems, challenges, and conflicts by remembering what it is that is needed for healing and harmony to occur. Mars in Libra tends to shed light and create a point of reference for our part in relationship. How are we behaving within the dynamics of a relationship, and what needs to be healed to create more peace? Shortly after this aspect, the Moon in Gemini trines Mars, indicating there is a more peaceful outcome, calmer head prevail, and thoughts are more constructive. The Sun quincux Mars brings us to the boiling point where our ego needs and will collide with anything or anyone that stands in its way. Be forewarned, and avoid confrontations. You can’t help feeling this way, but you can help how you handle these feelings. Use your restraint, and redirect your energy and focus.

Friday, Mercury in Aries opposes Saturn in Scorpio in the early morning hours in the West.  Remember Saturn, the Great Teacher in Scorpio is that area of your life right now that is where you are undergoing in-depth awakenings and are learning a lot about yourself. This opposition indicates an increase in negativity, pessimism, and perhaps sudden, unexpected and unpleasant news. Trust becomes an issue, we may lack self confidence, and feel off-center. Since this is an aspect that affects the collective whole, it is not “just me” that is affected. Keep perspective if you notice a prevalence of second guessing, red tape, last-minute undone details, or other snags. Take a deep breath, step back, and disengage from the emotional turmoil that might be rising around you. If the turmoil is within, recognize it for what it is, and slow down, tend to the immediate needs, and calm down. Keep breathing, and stop reving up the engines. Be slow to anger, slow to react, and slow to rise up in rebellion. Seriously, use the energy, in the Taurean mode, make a gift from the garbage...or at least use the energy for something constructive.  If there is upset in a Venus-ruled area of your life, remember that Venus is in the anaretic degree (29th/last degree) of Pisces. This afternoon Venus enters Aries, so the final degree may be the point where you or someone else is ready to issue ultamatums. Won’t work, so take another tact.  Avoid getting frustrated, and reverting back to old, familiar patterns of reacting. Take some time to observe how you are feeling and see if you can avoid creating more crisis.

Saturday, the Sun in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn-an earthy feast of energy. We find we are accomplishing a great deal, we are making inroads in areas that have been difficult, and we are feeling better about who we are and what we are capable of. We are feeling energized, centered, courageous, and capable.  An excellent time to conceive of plans that will reward us in all ways including financially. We connect with the right people at the right time, and feel bolstered by our ability to work in cooperation and mutual interests. 

This week is a powerful turning point for all Venus-Taurean related interests. For the next 6 months we will feel the influence of what we set into motion, what we envision, and what we begin to develop this week. We feel greater abundance, energy, focus, deliberation, and desire to create, build, settle in, shape, and plant seeds for the future to grow. We ground ourselves in truth, beauty, compassion, and light. We accept who we are, appreciative and grateful, and willing to live life purposefully in the Light of Divine Light and Love.  Whatever Divine Love creates in our lives is ours to cherish and use for the greater good of all living beings. Create beauty in the way you walk as much as do in the path you walk.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Light out of the Darkness

Easter Vigil                                       Catherine Al-Meten

The week of rebirth and transformation ahead, begins shortly after the Sun entered Tarus. The Sun in Taurus welcomes the methodical, the sensual, and the receptive. Ideas, plans, connections take root. Security, loyalty, longevity, and determination reign. The Sun in Taurus will form the last quarter square of the Moon, Tuesday April 22 3:52 AM EDT/12:52 AM PDT. On Wednesday, Mercury will also enter Taurus, but for the first few days of the week, Mercury in Aries completes its transit throught the last few degrees of the sign. 

Time marked by the completion of issues, final thoughts and plans, and last minute reminders of whatever has been at the forefront of communicatios for the last month. Venus entered Pisces on April 5 and will stay there until May 2, so this cycle in strong. The Goddess of Love in Pisces, we are open, loving, forgiving, and generous in our compassion.

Mars continues to be muted and tamed in Libra. During this transits, we hone our skills in diplomacy and charm, and we tend to be wishy washy and ambiguous in our perceptions and feelings. Continuing to avoid conflict, the Mars transit encourages both compromise and ongoing negotiations. The shadow side of this is the tendency to be passive aggressive as a way to deal with untamed and conflicting desires and thinking. Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Cancer, Uranus in Aries, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces complete the major transits at the start of this week. 

On Sunday, April 20, early Easter morning, Jupiter squared Uranus. We are aware of needing to make some changes in our lives, and know that when we don’t make the needed changes, the change happens anyway. This square reminds us, making us feel restless and anxious to get moving, to take risks, or to move too quickly before the timing is right. While not a time to put off taking care of necessary business, it is also not a great time for moving forward too quickly or taking unnecessary risks. 

On Easter late-morning or early afternoon,  Venus  conjuncts Chiron in Pisces. This is an aspect that opens the door for healing, forgiveness, and compassion in our intimate relationships and commitments. There is greater openness and a fuller expression of feelings flowing right now. We see the beauty in one another, and recognize the imperfection, weakness, and doubt are simply normal parts of who we are. A good time for growing in trust, compassion, and acceptance in relationships. Whatever insecurities rise up, can now be acknowledge, purified, and addressed. Love is in the process of healing and growing under this influence. 

Later in the day on April 20,  Jupiter in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. Our security-based needs are in the forefront, and the basic needs, demands, and obligations of daily life are clearly evident. There may be a strong desire to act on all our dreams and desires, yet the opposition reminds us to “keep your head”! Much like spring weather, this type of energy makes us feel a bit if not a lot in inner turmoil with ourselves. We feel strongly hopeful and optimistic, yet feel the pressure of holding ourselves in check. We may exhaust or overwhelm ourselves if we do not find ways to ground ourselves with this type of energetic influence. Channel that energy, channel that energy. 

Monday morning, the  Sun in Taurus is semi-square Chiron in Pisces. Our desire to use our experiences to learn and grow is strong. Chiron is about healing, and the Sun is about action. When we open ourselves to growth and learning, we walk into unknown territory, so we need to be aware that any healing requires that we question and honestly appraise our thinking, behavior, and motivation. If we are feeling insecure, look to see what aspect of our inner truth may feel threatened, and acknowledge what is true for you, and what is no acceptable.  When we are out of balance or acting out of step with our inner truth, we may feel uneasy or insecure. When we are growing, learning, and testing our limits, we also experience this type of incongruity. Decide what meets your needs and what is harmful to you, and choose accordingly. 

 Later in the day on Monday, April 21,  Uranus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn has been turning over areas of our lives where we need to change the ways we have been living. Uranus’ aspect to Pluto on Monday stimulate any area of dissatisfaction that exists-either with what we have not yet changed, or with some of the changes that we have made.  Are the restrictions, limitations, or areas of discomfort external or internal? Notice what routines, situations, or elements of our lives  are in need of a major overhaul. Acknowledge any suppressed or buried feelings, emotional reactions, or challenges that may remain problematic. While you may not make any changes right now, acknowledging areas that are out of whack with your true desires and with the changes that you have already made in your life, will help you when you are ready to make any necessary adjustments, changes, or movement in your life. Breaking with the past, the past that is no longer part of our lives anyway, is a hallmark of this aspect. Uranus simply brings the message home to clarify, cut off, and close the door.

 On Tuesday, April 22 midday, Mars in Libra squares Jupiter in Cancer. Impatience is growing for wanting things to be the way we want them NOW! The needs we feel are more apparent now than ever, and we want to move on seeing that those needs are met. Mars in Libra squares Jupiter in Cancer, prompting some restraint and indecisiveness on whatever situations are coming to the service. Because our needs are so abundantly clear, we cannot wait to act upon them, however, it is probably best in most cases to use the energy for planning and preparing, for setting intentions, and for considering alternative, than it is for any actual movement or immediate change.

On Wednesday, April 23,  Mars in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries. This influence comes in the night, and you may awake with a sense growing sense of impatience.  Uranus signals sudden, unexpected, shocking even, movement, decisions, events, and news. Both individually and collectively, we are more assertive and willful, and ready to fight against anything or anyone that threatens our sense of freedom. Expect the unexpected, and expect whatever routine you have planned not to necessarily go as planned.  

Whenever Uranus in Aries is involved, electronics and energy or likely to be affected. Uranus also affects our thinking, communication, and impulses. We may act more quickly than usual, especially in areas where we may have lacked the courage to do so previously. Rein in anger, frustration, and any other negative use of emotions. Instead, harness your thinking, behavior, and emotions, and act decisively on your own behalf and for the highest good and well being of yourself and others. There may be more confrontations, as people are facing their own truths, and are more likely to speak out of the need to clear the air and stand in truth.  Remember to be kind and compassionate if this is where you find yourself under this influence.

Later on Wednesday, April 23,  Mars in Libra  squares Pluto in Capricorn.What we hope to change or efforts we wish to take, may be or feel blocked. There may be power struggles or outright defiance, on your part of on the part of others. Curb any tendency to bully or confront during this transit.  Positive change is possible when we remain flexible and open to a variety of approaches and strategies when seeking our goals.  This is a high energy aspect, especially on the earthy, emotional, sensual, and sexual energy levels. 

Mercury enters Taurus on Wednesday as well, and that adds to the heightened sensual, sexual,  and emotional overtones of all forms of communication. Later in the day, Mercury in Taurus semi-squares Chiron in Pisces.  This aspect triggers communication that sparks hurt, grief, or discomfort due to careless behavior or disrespect. Communication with Mercury in Taurus depends on understanding the Taurus philosophy that actions speak louder than words. Sugar coating wounds or acting against the  wishes of another, are not effective forms of communication under this transit as Taurus demands honesty and integrity in all areas of communication and behavior-they are one and the same. 
 On Friday, April 25, Venus in Pisces trines Saturn in Scorpio. A lovely watery trine brings harmony and a peaceful wholeness to our affections. A good time to renew and restore connections, relationships, and all forms of communication. Showing and sharing our feelings through service to others, is a positive use of this type of energy.  

The Grand Cardinal Cross. 

The ongoing square between two slow-moving planets, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, reaches a powerful point when it forms a Grand Cardinal Cross with Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Libra. They form two oppositions (180 degree angle) and four squares (90 degree angles) to one another. The urge to break out and make changes in areas of our lives where we have been undergoing long term transformation, comes to a head. Whatever is no longer working, has already been identified/recognized, and is now falling away, whether we are ready or not, now requires that we change or be changed by the circumstances that have built to the breaking point. 

Look to the four main areas of your life where this transformation has been taking place. By now, this is probably fairly evident. For those who prepared, allowed the changes to happen, and have been actively working on release, you may see the culmination of dreams come true. For those who have continued to resist and struggle against the inevitable, or who still think transformation is only about ego choices and will, this transit is a major wake up call. What has already been released, is already gone. Notice what has changed, and set your intentions for moving forward. The cardinal signs deal with that which is fundamental and basic-1. Aries, our basic nature and individual power and initiative- how we act upon our desires; 2. Cancer, our sense of home, family, emotional nurturing, and security needs-how we define home, safety, and comfort; 3. Libra, our relationships and fundamental way of operating within intimate connections-how we view, enter into, and function within relationships; 4. Capricorn, achievement, operating within the material plane of existence, living life for fulfillment-how we walk our talk. 

The Grand Cardinal Cross has been building over time. It is not just suddenly appearing overhead or in our lives this week. It is like the growing or waxing Moon that steadily increases in intensity and light from the time of the new to the full moon. The Grand Cardinal Cross has been in place for a while, and in fact because it involves the slow-moving Pluto in Capricorn (it’s been there for two years) and Uranus in Aries (a 14-year cycle), the movement of Mars in Libra and Jupiter in Cancer, have created an intense, slow-moving, and long-lasting energetic influence that we’ve already been coping with, and have been feeling on many different levels of our being.  

How do we experience and use this energy at the peak of this aspect? Consider how you handle the anticipation that leads up to a big event, say a special birthday, the birth of a child, moving to a new house (which means packing up and leaving the old one), getting married or divorced, healing and recovering from an injury or illness. We all go through these life experiences, and we have all the tools we need to manage them. On the cosmic level, the Cardinal Cross is a normal, natural formation of strong energy. Knowing something about what areas of our lives it affects most, either by studying your chart or by observing and tuning in to what matters most to you in your life right now, allows you to use this time and this energy in a positive manner. 

The Grand Cardinal Cross, sandwiched between two powerful eclipses, generates a lot of energy. Collectively and individually, we are at a turning point in a long transformative process. The most important thing we can do right now is to focus on getting grounded and centered right where we are. Make peace with yourself. Use your spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, contemplation) to keep yourself focused and positive. Take care of your physical and emotional health (get enough sleep and rest, eat wholesome food,  get some exercise, and have some fun). Be receptive, open, and courageous, knowing that you have what is needed to handle anything that happens or that you need to deal with. Avoid focusing on the negative and stop complaining, whining, and blaming. Period. When you find yourself worrying, getting frustrated, or angry, back off and refocus your attention and energy on something that allows you to deal more constructively with whatever is going on. When energy is heightened all around you, your own energy, feelings,thoughts, words, and actions are also intensified and activated. Recognize the power of what you say, do, think, and feel, and use your power for good, not the vernacular of comic book superheroes. It is really that simple, as most things are. We complicate our lives by making everything more complicated than it needs be. This is a time to be simple, basic, and grounded.

As the Sun has entered Taurus, the energy of grounding, getting rooted and basic surrounds and fills us.  Move more slowly, and with greater intention and attention to what is right in front of you. Channel your energy into basic and simple tasks. Express feelings through journaling or through creative art. Express feelings of frustration by clearing out and cleaning up small messes. Use the energy to do something basic and necessary--mow the lawn, plant some seed, repot some plants, clean out your purse or reorganize your closets.  Make a nice meal for yourself or invite a friend over for lunch. 

Another thing that is necessary right now is to take responsibility for our own feelings, needs, and desires.  What are we doing ourselves, to make ourselves happier, healthier, more productive, or more satisfied with who we are and how we live?  We need to hold ourselves accountable for what is working and what is not. Now is the time to confront what is going on within us so that we enter into other relationships with clarity, strength, truth, and authenticity. The Grand Cardinal Cross is bring a great deal to the surface for release and healing. 

Whatever creates friction with the oppositions and squares of the Grand Cardinal Cross, highlights points of imbalance that  need to be altered. Squares provide the push to move and oppositions highlight areas where we are in need of greater harmony--look to see how to integrate the polarities in those areas of your life that are out of balance. 

The Jupiter square to Pluto promises something of great benefit is being released into the world. Jupiter also soothes the darkness of Pluto’s long, uprooting transit, releasing some of the heaviness with an infusion of joy and abundance in those areas where release has already provided space for uplifting and restorative good to enter.  Trust yourself to receive what you need to receive, recognize truth at the core of your being, and keep yourself buffered from that which is crazy-making, harsh, or inequitable.  You are a child of the Universal Good, and have every right to receive love, goodness, protection, and grace. We are good enough as we are, and the sooner we recognize that, the more we are open to receiving and sharing love, compassion, and understanding. When things fall apart in our lives, that is part of the natural process. What follows is a time for healing and rest.  Learning to be at peace with whatever is going on, and learning to channel energy constructively, along with taking care of the basics--physiological, safety, social, self esteem and well being, and self-actualization or creative living (a Maslow-type hierarchy of needs), works well to keep us balanced amid turmoil and calm even though there’s a storm.

Jupiter Square Uranus equates to  sudden departures or arrivals, spiritual awakening, intuitive insight and prescient knowledge, and the power of truth.  What was hidden, is revealed, what was covered up or lied about is uncovered, and false idols, images, and corruption in leadership is made public and overturned. "No hay rosa sin pena." In this case, there is no thorn without the rose. Whatever falls away, lies in rubble at your feet, or disappears from your experience, is making way for something more beautiful, fulfilling, and vibrant to come into your life.

Feel the surge of new life emerging, the spring awakening, the rebirth of life and spirit transforming us from the inside out. Time to walk in the shoes of our spiritual truths, and be intentional, mindful, and compassionate in every action, thought, word, and expression. Connect to the Divine that infuses you and all with life and love, and live in the present, allowing yourself to be guided, guarded, and loved as you are, the perfect reflection of Love.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Full Moon in Libra, Total Lunar Eclipse: Illuminating Love and Life

April Sunset                                                                            Catherine Al-Meten
“The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” Thich Nhat Hanh

April’s astrological energy is caught up in how we love and are in relationship. This is truly a time to be mindful of ourselves and others in relationship. How are we formed in love, and how do we use love to guide our lives? These are questions we explore this month.

On Friday, Venus formed a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, sending us underground in an exploration and inner journey examining and turning over and over, ideas, memories, and concerns about our relationships. Whatever had been suppressed, is now clearly making its way into your awareness. Rather than fighting it, allow yourself to face your fears, acknowledge the truth that you may not have wanted to admit to yourself, or delight in the joy that you are presently feeling.  Our inner life is active and churning right now, and we are able to sense the deeper meaning of our lives, and to see how loss is blessing, defeat is a valuable lesson, and love is the foundation of all. 

The anticipation and growing concern about April’s Full Moon, may be doing little to help us appreciate the beauty and value of how our lives are in a beautiful stage of transformation. 

The nature of who we are and where we live, is one of dynamic movement and change. We are always in process, on a new leg of our journey, taking a new step. This is not unusual, it is the norm. 

April’s Full Moon in Libra coincides with the first in a series of total lunar eclipses, and with the religious feast day of Passover. 
How does this happen, and what is its significance? It is not unusual for full moons and new moons to coincide with religious holy days and events, as most spiritual traditions use the lunar calendar. Even Easter is based on the Moon (Easter falls on the first Sunday after the First Full Moon in Spring). That’s how holy days and events like Lent and Ramadan are determined. We use the movement of the planets, the star (our Sun), and the Moon to help guide us through the seasons of our lives.  So what is happening this month?

What is the Lunar Tetrad?
This April, a series of lunar eclipses begins with a full eclipse of the Moon on Passover, April 15. Beginning at 3:05 A.M. EST/12:05 A.M. PDT, the lunar eclipse will last about 30 minutes. The lunar tetrad, a series of four total lunar eclipses, begins on the night of the Full Moon in Libra, April 15, 2014. A lunar tetrad series is different from most eclipse cycles in that there are no partial eclipses between the four full moons over six lunar months.

This series of lunar eclipses has become the center of attention for a wide range of people due to the idea set forth by two Christian pastors that the Blood Moon Tetrad is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.  Lunar tetrads are fairly frequent however, and would likely fall on holidays of any religious tradition that uses the lunar calendar. According to EarthSky, lunar tetrads fell on Jewish feast days in the following years:

  1. 162-163 C.E. (Common Era)
    2. 795-796 C.E.
    3. 842-843 C.E.
    4. 860-861 C.E.
    5. 1493-1494 C.E.
    6. 1949-1950 C.E.
    7. 1967-1968 C.E.
    8. 2014-2015 C.E.

This eclipse cycle includes the following dates for total lunar eclipses:
April 14/15, 2014
October 8, 2014
April 4, 2015
September 28, 2015
The term “blood moon’ was coined by Ron Hagee in his recent (2013) book Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change. In terms of the Universe and Divine law, something is always changing, and astrology and astronomy follow the dynamic patterns active at all times in our Universe and beyond.  This lunar moon is also known as the Pink Moon likely due to the fact that that when you see the Full Moon low in the sky as it rises, you have extra air between you and the Moon making it look pink. As the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow, it appears to be red. Full Moons almost always  appear red or coppery.  The expression that the moon is ‘blood red’ refers to this common phenomenon. Common though it may be, it will be spectacularly beautiful. And we can always use a sign from on high. 
According to NASA, the four total eclipses will be visible in North America. “There are about two lunar eclipses per year, NASA says. Some of them -- penumbral eclipses -- are so subtle, they are vaguely visible and go greatly unnoticed.

Other eclipses just cast a partial shadow on the moon but lend it none of that brilliant sunset hue. Lunar eclipses -- penumbral, partial or umbral -- occur in random order, NASA says. Getting four umbral eclipses in a row is like drawing a rare lunar poker hand of four of a kind.”
Just like the poker players, astronomers have a name for that lucky draw. 
It's called a tetrad, NASA’s Fred Espenak says:

"The most unique thing about the 2014-2015 tetrad is that all of them are visible for all or parts of the USA," longtime NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak said in a prepared statement. In the 21st century, there will be many tetrads, but look back a few centuries, and you'll find the opposit
e phenomenon”.  For over 300 years there were no tetrads at all. 

Names for April’s Full Moon.
The Full Moon is called many things including the Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, the Fish Moon, and this month, the Blood Moon. The Full Pink Moon originally referred to the herb moss pink or wild ground phlox that is one of the most widespread flowers of spring. Astrology is meant to be a tool, a guidebook of prevailing and specific trends and occurrences. Like any journey, we have a choice about how we travel. If we take the signs around us as messages or indications to help us make decisions, gain understanding, and become better people, we might understand this Full Moon in Libra to be one auspicious sign and the lunar eclipse/tetrad series as an auspicious time for transformation on all levels. 

What does this Full Moon in Libra have in store for us?
According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the two-week period of time between the Full Moon and the next New Moon is a time to weed the garden, thin and prune, mow and cut down what needs taking down, and sowing below-ground crops. 
The total eclipse of the Moon begins when the Sun in Aries sits exactly opposite the Moon in Libra. The Earth lines up exactly between the two, creating a total lunar eclipse as the Earth’s shadow blocks the Moon. Full Moons are times for illumination. This Full Moon in Libra focuses our attention on relationships, as the Sun in Aries, focuses us on personal freedom, a sense of identity, and personal drive, motivation, and action. The Moon reigns over memory, so this lunar eclipse allows us to recognize, remember, and reflect on what has been released from our lives in order to make way for new beginnings
What does this Full Moon in Libra have in store for us?
April 14, Pluto turns retrograde .The day before the Full Moon in Libra, Pluto turns retrograde. It has been slowing down, and we may have been feeling some heaviness or having less energy. Pluto’s retrograde behind the Sun opens a period of time to go back over whatever transformative and transitional ground may have been turned over in the past two years. Coinciding the aspecting the Full Moon in Libra and the Sun’s transit in the late degrees of Aries, this no doubt will cast light and attention on areas related to relationships and our need and desire to define ourselves independent from but in relation to others and the life paths we choose.

Libra Full Moon at 25/15 degrees,  and the  Full Lunar Eclipse  occur at 12:42 AM PDT/7:42 GMT on April 15, 2014. The first in the series of eclipses, highlights the completion of a cycle and the start of a new one. This cycle and the degree it falls on, is the same degree of an eclipse in 1995. Think about what choices you made at that time, what projects, relationships, or work you began at that time, and consider how you have moved to a point of completion. Not everything is ending, however, chapters of certain relationships, stages of life, and connections are changing. Some relationships may be due for minor adjustments or changes, others may need more of deep cleansing and purging, while still others may reach a final point.  Notice what is affected at 25/15 degrees of Libra and Aries in your chart/life.  

In addition to the Sun being in Aries, so too are Uranus (planet of sudden change), Mercury (communications), the South Node (areas of weakness, growing edge for growth), and Juno (Goddess of marriages, unions, and finances).  Expect the unexpected, and pay attention to how communications, unexpected changes, and changes you need to acknowledge and make are affecting your intimate relationships, your ideas about love, marriage, partnerships, and values. 

The Moon in Libra is in conjunction with (same sign and making aspects in her passage of the slower planets and asteroids) Mars (planet of masculine energy, action, the warrior planet), the North Node (gateway to change), Ceres (Goddess of agriculture, nurturing and need for love), and Vesta (the vestial virgin, Goddess of hearth and home). All the issues having to do with feeling at home with ourselves and at home in our earthly home, rise to the forefront at this time. We may desire to make changes, however with Mars in Libra, we tend to ponder that change now rather than making concrete moves. This is actually a good time to learn how to process change within ourselves, working out the details, allowing ourself full rein to our flights of imagination. Let yourself dream big, and then reflect on what really serves your highest good and that of  others.  Rein in your impulsive behavior (reflected by the Aries action), and set intentions, plans, and visions according to what makes the best sense in the long range view of life. The Lunar eclipse of the Full Moon in Libra, allows us time to think without too much emotional baggage, for we have thrown that overboard by now. We have time to set ourselves on cruise control, to allow the Divine to direct, guide, guard, and provide for us right where we are.  Allow the unfolding that is bringing you to a new point of departure, and trust that what you need is always provided for you, in the most unexpected and surprising ways.  

This lunar eclipse is setting the waves into motion for our intentions, dreams, purpose, and desires to take shape as we move into the energy of the Grand Cardinal Cross. What has been building, undergoing transformation, falling apart, purging and cleansing us and our lives, is now ready to open the doors to new life, new beginnings, and greater clarity of vision. Listen to your heart, your intuition, and use your highest mind and basic instincts to guide you--body, mind, spirit working in tandem to propel you forward. 

Uranus, Pluto, Mars, Jupiter are moving toward one another to form a Grand Cardinal Cross on April 21. Notice now how the Full Moon in Libra is calling your attention to issues you have been working out as Pluto transits Capricorn forcing you to face your inner reality and how your outer life is reflecting your inner fears, strengths, growth, character, and soul calling.  Observe how Uranus in Aries has already and continues to highlight individual identity and integrity. How are you living according to your own code of honor, and living out of your truth? Notice how Jupiter in Cancer awakens the need for home and family, and the healing of  your emotional health.  Mars in Libra, conjunct the Full Moon, also is a key factor in the growing Grand Cardinal Cross, and will again highlight our relationships and our understanding of how our own identity is both shaped and guided by what we understand about our true nature, and how we see ourselves in relationship. Know yourself, and know what you need. Enter into relationships with as much awareness of who you are, what you need, and how you operate, as you have an interest in your partner.  Knowing that our relationships reflect who we are-the healed and unhealed parts-make choices, decisions, and repairs with the gentle spirit of love, kindness, and understanding. 
The theme of this forecast is Light and Love. We have light shining on the  most precious parts of our lives and being. We see in the light, the capacity we have to love and be loved, and we move forward one step at a time to meet that destiny, Divinely inspired and led.

“Love begins at home...and it is not how much we do but how much  love  we put in that action.”  Mother Teresa

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Seeking Peace as Venus enters Aries

As I write this week’s column, these are the current planetary positions:

Sun 16/45 Aries
Moon 9/1 Cancer
Mercury 28/18 Pisces
Venus 0/50 Pisces
Mars 19/47 Libra retrograde
Jupiter 11/57 Cancer
Saturn 22/19 Scorpio, retrograde
Uranus 12/42 Aries
Neptune 6/32 Pisces
Pluto 13/33 Capricorn
North Node 2827 Libra
Chiron 15/25 Pisces

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” ~Dalai Lama, XIV

This week and month may give us ample opportunity to seek inner peace, and hope that that peace translates into greater peace around us and throughout all the world. 

Moon in Cancer, and the first quarter square to the Moon, creates an environment in which we feel anxious to get things accomplished that we recently started. We sense the need to see ourselves making some progress in new areas of our lives. We feel a greater urgency to make whatever corrections are needed in order for our paths to be cleared of whatever obstacles (old thinking patterns, current hesitations, or external challenges) stand in our way.

Venus just entered Pisces (April 5-May 7) where our views of love and romance soften in the watery realms Neptune.  Desires and longing increase, rising up from whatever unfulfilled needs and hidden yearnings have gone unfulfilled.  We may not know exactly what it is we seek, however, we feel strong passions and a compelling urge to satisfy our need for connection and meaning.  Love, money and resources, and our desire for personal fulfillment and self worth increase. This all against the background of the rather edgy, fiery impact of the growing Grand Cardinal Cross.  Pisces, ‘go with the flow’ energy’ riding into the spaces of the Cardinal ‘do it now’ energy, makes for a strange combination of feelings. By allowing ourselves to avoid getting distracted by old wounds, unhealthy patterns of thinking and behavior, and fantasies and illusions, we can use the Pisces energy of Venus to see that we always have choices. Look to the house/area of your life where Pisces reigns, and consider what it is in that area of your life that you may be feel like it needs to be released. Is there some issue, relationship, project, or part of who you are and how you live that needs time to heal? What are you spending too much time obsessing over? What are the ‘what ifs’ that keep you rooted in fear-based thoughts and inaction?  If you have the courage to answer these questions for yourself, you will be able to use the energy and passion of Venus in Pisces to help you through whatever transitions are before you. 

Transitions are normal, inevitable, and productive times. The time before transition, however, tends to be like the stages of labor when you’ve worked so hard to make something happen that you feel worn out. The moment before birth, called transition, is a time between the hard work and pushing to make life happen, and the beginning of new life.  In the in between time, we can rest, reflect, and turn our thoughts and heart toward the expectation of our highest good. It is the moment of surrender, when we allow ourselves to let go of the illusion of control. Such a time is now, when we must let go to the Divine will that is moving, not only in our lives, but in the lives of everyone and in the movement of the energy, the elements, and the the life force that infuses us with what we need to take our next breath. Venus in Pisces is the soothing, calming breath that we can use to help us through this transition period. 

On April 11, Venus comes into exact alignment with Neptune in Pisces at 6 degrees. It is at this time we are able to see whatever areas of our lives need to release in order to heal.  If shadow elements rule, it is also a time when we bring out our addictions to deal with what we can’t seem to let go of.   Stop, look, and listen! What do you know in your heart of hearts that is warning you to release in those areas of your life that you continue to pretend are okay? Saying goodbye allows you to open the door to healing and new life.  Hanging on, burying yourself in excuses, rationale, or overindulgence and addictive behaviors, are all ways to miss the boat on this opportunity to prepare yourself for sweeping changes and a fresh start. Venus’ transits and aspects are allowing us to experience, feel, and confront those parts of ourselves and our lives that could do with an overhaul. The Grand Cardinal Cross is bringing sweeping changes into some parts of our lives, and Venus in Pisces is providing an emotional life jacket. Remember to keep breathing through the process. Venus in Pisces is compassionate, empathetic, and understanding--be sure to allow that compassion to allow you to be more understanding of yourself at this time. 

The shadow side of Venus in Pisces is the tendency to be the victim or the martyr in close relationships. It is also a placement that awakens our longings, though is very vague about how those longings actually may be fulfilled. This is a crucial time to “keep your wits about you” for the tendency might be, if acting from unhealed and unclear compulsions, drives, and wounds, to put yourself in the position to be the martyr or accept the victim role.  A healthier approach is to identify the areas of woundedness, weakness, loss, or longing, and be understanding of that part of you.  Unacknowledged wounds show through even when we think a nice smile or kind behavior covers it up.  Facing the truth may be hard and not so pretty, but it is far better than trying to hide what cannot be hidden.

On Sunday, the Moon in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces early in the day, and then conjuncts Jupiter in the afternoon. As the moon waxes (grows fuller), the energy also grows supporting the square to Uranus in Aries later in the day/early evening indicating some edginess or uncomfortable thoughts, exchanges, or emotional turbulence. Then the Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn in the evening, and matters related to transition and change rise to the surface, affecting our emotional temperament and mood.

On Monday, the Moon remains in Cancer all day, continuing to highlight our emotional need for feeling safe, at home, and comfortable in our own skin. We seek to nourish ourselves and take care of those in our charge. We feel compelled to make things right. Dreams may be edgy or it may be hard to sleep due to lunar aspects to Chiron in Pisces, Venus in Pisces, and the Sun in Aries during the night. Early morning begins with the Sun square Mars in Libra, making us feel somewhat compelled to get up and make things right. We feel the need to make changes, take action, or get something accomplished.  

On Tuesday, the Sun in Aries opposes Mars in Libra, making for a standoff with ourselves about what we really want and need. Being pulled by the strong currents of the growing Grand Cardinal Cross, and the Sun in particular, Mars in Libra struggles to hold some kind of inner balance between the need to please, connect, and create beauty and the need to act on our own behalf. Knowing what you really want and need though, is essential for making good decisions and healthy choices. When feeling the need to take action while still being uncertain, follow the dictate: “When in doubt, don’t.”  At the very least, hold off decisions, actions, and choices until you have a clearer idea of what is needed. Acting on Aries impulse right now is not a great idea. Feeling the opposition, however, can be good if you are better able to notice those areas of yourself and your life where you are in need of change, uncomfortable with current conditions, or unhealed or unaware of what is necessary for growth and health.

Late at night on Monday, or early in the morning Tuesday (depending where you live),  Mercury enters Arie
s. Mercury’s transit through the murky realms of Pisces, may have clouded communication or allowed you time to reflect more than usual. With Mercury in Aries, we become more sensitive to how our actions affect others. We also feel more compelled to make up our minds or take action. Transiting Aries from now until April 23, this will be a time when we have a lot on our minds and a need to take action and/or speak out more openly about our ideas, plans, and objectives.  “Be careful what you wish for...” comes to mind when Mercury in Aries takes the stage.  Keep in mind how your actions carry energy and power.  

The Moon in Cancer, in its last degrees, is void of course over night. Early in the morning, the Moon enters Leo.  This transit of the Moon lasts from early Tuesday morning until early evening Thursday night. The Moon in Leo activates the energy of the growing Grand Cardinal Cross perhaps making you more aware of the areas of your life being accentuated, affected, and energized.  Notice what about yourself and the way you are living is being affirmed by the emotional energy of the Moon in Leo. Leo rules our dramatic persona--how we want to be seen and known. Notice what elements of your personality are seeking attention, wanting to be understood and heard, and are looking for ways to make their entrance into your life. 

Early Wednesday morning, perhaps while you are asleep, Venus in Pisces seisquiquadrate Mars in Libra, awakens us to potential stressors in our relationships.  There is an edgy, competitive, and self-deprecating nature to this aspect, and it’s probably not the best time for making choices or decisions for we are acting more out of a need to please and placate that we are to be heard and understood. It’s a difficult time to reconcile inner turmoil, especially if we are trying to do it through unhealthy and weak relationships. The stimulation of this aspect can be thrilling, however, it is not necessarily a very balanced or harmonious one.

Thursday and Friday, as the Moon in Virgo grounds us somewhat, it also makes some stress aspects to some of the major planets and the Sun. On Friday in particular, you may feel some of this edginess in the form of a greater awareness of oppositions and polarities in the way you view, understand, and feel.  It may feel more complex than it is in reality. That inner turmoil that is generated though, may be helpful in identifying what it is that needs to go, what it is that still needs healing, and what it is that you really need and desire. The Moon awakens us to our emotions, and our emotions awaken us to deeper levels of our being. Allow your emotional feelings to be a barometer to your health.

On Friday, Mercury in Aries seisquiquadrate Saturn in Cancer calls you to task to finish some piece of business, or redo something you thought you had taken care of.Saturn the Great Teacher is also the great task master teaching us to take care of the details of life. With Mercury in Aries, you can expect that what has been on the back burner or ‘lost in space’  betwixt and between, is now going to show up demanding your attention. Plan ahead, and use the time to get things done.

The Sun is semi-square to Neptune in Pisces on Friday as well. After a morning full of taking care of business, the afternoon and evening draw you to be more creative, channel energy into more ethereal and spiritual matters. This aspect awakens the desires, needs, drives, and compulsions for expanding outside of the day-to-day routines, the mundane concerns, and the normal patterns of thought and behavior.  A dreamy time, a time to get out into nature or immerse yourself in something delicious to read, are ways to enjoy this energy. You want to do something; the something has to be nourishing to your soul. A good time to practice more mindfulness.

The Sun in Aries is quincunx Saturn in Cancer on Friday as well. This aspect tends to encourage negative thinking and low self esteem. Feeling we never do enough or are enough, the Sun in Aries with its desire to get to it slams up against Saturn, the slow plodder who says, take care of the details and progress slowly.  The two are uncomfortable roommates. Notice the energy and how it affects you (how it makes you feel, thoughts that arise, physical and emotional sensations) and do something to use and counter  the effects and use the energy wisely.

This week’s movement of the Sun in Aries, sets us off on a course to make a fresh start, to expand beyond our limits, and to live more a more dynamic and purpose-driven life. 

Mercury’s entry into Aries, brings us energy and new ideas for how we may want to make change happen. We finally get some news or information that helps us with choices and decisions, and we get a firmer hold on the idea that we have to have a vision for any plan of action. Without an idea of what we want and where we want to go, we are ill equipped for doing anything more than just filling our lives with distractions, taking on more than we can handle, or living in a well of unfulfilled desires.  Now is the time to allow a vision of what you desire to take shape. 

Venus in Pisces triggers unfulfilled desires, and a quest for the idealized love, romance, or soul connection.  Sometimes wishing makes it so, however, with some of the other aspects at play, this is an unlikely time to jump from the frying pan into the fire. Better to focus on healing and releasing whatever it is that drives you to seek fulfillment and connection outside yourself. If we are not healed within, it is unlikely we will find a connection that is going to be healthy. Work with what you have, where you are, and be as honest with yourself as you can be right now, for releasing what needs to go is nearly impossible if we hang on to that which we don’t want to admit is dragging us down.

Mars in Libra is part of the ongoing struggle to not only meaningful ways to find solutions, make compromises, resolve issues, or establish meaningful and healthy relationships but also to do so in a healthy way. It is a crucial month for shaking things out, eliminating old patterns, and creating some idea of what you life purpose and calling is, and how it helps serve others and support those you love. Love does not require you to cut off all ties or become a different person; love nurtures within the circles of life and nourishes, supports, and honors the person you are, in spite of imperfections, weaknesses, and difference. 

Jupiter in Cancer continues to guide us through the process of taking better care of ourselves. Making space in our lives for reflection, refreshing our minds, bodies, hearts, and spiritual energy, and tending to our daily care and all life’s mundane matters.

Saturn in Scorpio continue to remind us to release our need to hold on, control, and live out of wounds and expectations.  Connecting to our Higher Power, to the Divine, to God’s will, or to whatever connection you have and understand with the Creator, is Saturn’s lesson for us as we are transformed by that which is beyond our comprehension, control, or understanding. Finding ways to be peaceful and mindful in the whirling pool of life is Saturn’s lesson as the Great Teacher transits Scorpio. What within your soul, within your inner being, is allowing you greater freedom to allow life to carry you on the paths you are meant to be? Knowing that you are right now, right where you need to be, is knowing that you have what you need to fulfill your life’s calling. What talents, gifts, and bounty do you have to share right now, right here, where you are at this very time of your life?

Uranus’ transit through Aries is like the sickle that cuts the sheaves of wheat. Once the sheaves are cut, they can be ground into grain. The grain can be made into bread. The bread can nourish and give life. The cycle of life is one that is abundant with stages and transitions from one part of life to another.  This is a time when Uranus is allowing us to see what is being cut out of our lives for new growth. What is growing for your optimum health and well being? What have you lost that you are better off without? And if you can’t think of a loss as a gain, how could the loss call you to a new direction or purpose? Move in unison to change, and allow yourself to ground and center wherever you are. Plant the seeds of your new life, and nourish yourself as you make changes to move you on the path that is open before you.

Neptune in Pisces, allow you to tap into your spiritual, intuitive, and creative  gifts to help you express yourself. Spiritual growth, struggles, and searches take you to new levels of understanding and desire. From within you come questions that you seek answers for both through connecting to the Creative Divine, Universal Consciousness in and around you.

Chiron in Pisces continues to allow for spiritual healing to take place, in a very subtle and ongoing way. All experiences of life are filtered through this area of your being to serve a greater purpose in your own life and the lives of those you love and serve. Our spirituality and spiritual and religious practices are not divorced from our daily lives--they are part and parcel.

In the words of Meister Eckart, theologian and mystic: 

“Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find God there.”