Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Moon in Aquarius Opens Lunar New Year of the Horse

Sunset                                                                                                                  Catherine Al-Meten

As the Year of the Snake winds down and the third quarter square of the Moon to the Sun has taken place (Saturday), we are moving into a place of deeper reflection. The edginess of the third quarter square resulted as whatever was needing attention in our personal and collective psyches made its way out of the dark places of our denial, shadows, or unexamined desires and conflicts.  On Thursday, January 30, 2014 the New Moon in Aquarius opens a new cycle and a new lunar new year. 

The Moon and the Sun join in the first decan of Aquarius at 10/55 degrees on Thursday. Look to see where the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio are in your chart, and that will give you some idea of the areas of your life that will be strongly affected by this New Moon. We all have these signs somewhere in our lives/chart, and when we pay attention to how  transits, including New and Full Moons affect our lives, we can gain greater understanding and take actions to cope with and take advantage of  such transits. 

Both the Sun and Mercury are already transiting Aquarius, and the New Moon awakens us on an emotional level. We recognize our thirst for knowledge, desire for greater fulfillment, and need for developing new perspectives to help us deal with outmoded thinking, and patterns of behavior that are  passé. Our need for personal freedom, independence, and innovative thinking strengthens our desire to make changes and take steps into new directions. Whatever we have been sorting through over the past year or so is finally being infused with energy to motivate, trigger, or propel us into areas where our intentions and focus now direct us. We break away from rigid structures, and find ourselves thinking outside the box for answers, direction, and support. 

Aquarius energy  takes off the blinders for us. We are lifted up to a new level of understanding, ourselves and others, as we are urged to let go of egocentric holds we have on others. We are capable of seeing not only our own life choices, but also those of others, from a new perspective, with greater tolerance and acceptance as we realize our position in life is due to our own choices. Letting go of those we have trapped in our own perceptions and need to connect, allows us to break out of unhealthy and lifeless connections. All facades, masks, and outlived aspects of our identity now break up, and whatever complexes have driven, blocked, or distorted our view of how others ‘should’ or ‘should not’ treat us, begin to crumble. When we fail to see how we are repeating patterns that no longer fit for our stage of life or level of maturity, we either find once again, the tests arise to challenge what we say we are trying to change, release, or stop allowing to govern our thinking and behavior. 

Mercury’s transit of Aquarius propels us to seek and find that which has eluded us before now. Again, our thinking goes beyond the normal boundaries, boxes, and limitations that we or others attempt to use to control energy, activity, and the willfulness of others. No one is free from the need to control, and Mercury’s Aquarius transit shows us where we are in need of finding resolve and  inner strength through greater clarity. We must be honest with ourselves, and face that in us which rejects, projects on others, or places the responsibility for our present emotional state on anyone but ourselves. Where am I attempting to control others through my own needs, and how am I avoiding seeing the truth of who I am and what I need to learn about getting along with others.  

Aquarius energy seems to bring our emotional children to the surface, for us to see how we are in need of identifying how we allow the shadow elements, the undeveloped or suppressed aspects of our identity, to take us down dark paths or direct our attention into areas where we are fighting losing battles---primarily with ourselves. Thinking must change; communication now is full of ideas, expressions of outrage or disappointment, as well as cries for help, support, and full disclosure of what is really at the heart of our sorrows, anger, frustrations, or unfulfilled desires. We are in search of answers, wherever that may take us. 

With Aquarius energy, we are more prone to throw off the old and jump into something new, sometimes just for the sake of taking a stand or avoiding further confrontations. This may not be the most helpful choice, for allowing ourselves the emotional catharsis that comes with feeling our feelings, helps us live more consciously aware of how we are affected by our past. When complexes begin breaking up, we may need more guidance and help, and find that we will be seeking answers and new ways to grow, heal, and confront that which is calling for attention. Not the time to go it alone, as that is a sign that we resisting assistance and help, and digging ourselves into a deeper hole. 

With the Sun, Mercury, and the Moon now coming together in Aquarius, we can be assured that what needs to come to the surface will come to us one way or another, and we will discover, in unconventional and surprising ways, that we know what we need to do, and will shorten the transition when we see our life unfolding as it is meant to be. Mercury is in the 29th degree of Aquarius on the day of the New Moon. The anaretic degree is the degree of completion, finalization, epiphanies, and awakenings. Coming as it does on a New Moon in Aquarius and the start of  the New Lunar New Year, all the releasing, growing, and shedding we have been doing during the last year, now frees us to soar. 

On Friday, Mercury dives into the waters of Pisces and goes underneath our psyches to flow through into the deeper levels of our consciousness. Before that time, expect something to fall away, die of natural causes, or simply cease to be important. Mercury in Aquarius has been freeing up space for deeper and more rewarding connections. Mercury in Pisces will allow for deeper, more creative, imaginative, and more sensual forms of communication. Our intuition will be heightened, and our connections will grow from the depths  of our heart and soul. 

Venus and Pluto in Capricorn remain in close conjunction at 13 and 12 degrees respectively. Venus is nearly at the end of her 40-day retrograde cycle, and  we are deep in the heart of connecting to those areas of our lives where we need to grow in love, relationship, and in our ability and willingness to give and receive love. 

On Sunday, January 26, Mercury in Aquarius forms a semi-square to Uranus in Aries creating a somewhat jarring effect in our thinking. Fire and Air flame the fires but do little to bring peace, serenity, and harmony to our thinking.  The shadow side of this may be letting our tempers simmer over, being critical and spiteful, or harping and complaining to ourselves or those around us.  Like crows cawing and fighting over bread crumbs strewn on the ground, we find no peace when we give in to this kind of emotional energy.  Channel your frustrations, anger, or edginess into some small, manageable tasks or activities. Avoid pushing the limits or straining your body or mind.  Take tangible steps to nourish yourself with light but nutricious  meals, and get plenty of rest. Clean up your environment, slow down and do some breath work or meditation. Make a God jar, and write out your problems, and then fill the jar and symbolically let the issues go. Continue taking small and meaningful steps to clear out and clean up for the transitional period ahead.

Mercury also semi-square Pluto in Capricorn, may add to the anxiety and deep-seated angst on Sunday. Stress, lack of trust, and ongoing issues related to feeling at home with ourselves and our environment, now make us want to dig deeper to discover what we can change or do to restore some level of security and balance in our lives. The answers may not be readily available; the search however is of paramount importance to some today. Again, rushing, pushing, or banging our heads against brick walls results in deeper frustration and very little resolution. Instead, channel the thoughts, energy, emotions into creative or cathartic channels. Avoid projecting our own issues onto others either through blaming or complaining, or through trying to fix everyone else’s ‘business’--not your job today unless you are able to support, serve, or be present for someone else without feeling the need to fix them or figure them out. Those are not questions you can do anything about. 

From Sunday until Tuesday night, the Moon is transiting Sagittarius, adding more emotional fuel to the fires that are smoldering or burning out of control. From Tuesday night through Thursday, the Moon grounds our emotions in its passage through Capricorn. On Tuesday, the Moon squares Uranus in Aries, semi-squares Mercury and conjuncts Pluto, both in Capricorn, and opposes Jupiter in Libra before it conjuncts Venus. Needless to say, the Moon most affects our emotional and physical bodies. We watch as the tides rise and fall, within us, in our waters, and in our emotional and psychic energies. Whenever we are preparing for or are anticipating major changes, we begin sensing and receiving information from our intuitive minds and our physical and emotional senses. 

What is Rising to the Surface? Notice what is rising up within you, and what is happening with those around you and the general collective consciousness of your community, the environment, and the universal ethos of the planet.  Just before going to bed late Tuesday night, Mercury semi-square Pluto may weigh us down with heavy thoughts, or conflicts we are not able to release easily.  Establishing some kind of bedtime ritual, and avoiding late night conflicts, negative input, or energizing and arousing influences, aids in releasing toxins and anything that we are hanging onto at the end of the day.

In the middle of the night on Wednesday, the Sun’s sextile to Uranus in Aries,  may bring us flashes of insight in dreams or may trigger a sudden deepening of some level of awareness that allows you to process some  of the harsher or more difficult energy of earlier in the day. Mercury also forms a sesquiquadrate with Jupiter, turning garbage into gifts in some deep, unconscious level of communication. May be  an overload of information and stimuli. Be receptive to guidance, changes of perspective, or  some form of a personal revelation. 

You are likely to wake up in a better mood than the one you had when you went to bed. Imagination is running wild. Head off allowing yourself to fall into the trap of letting energy pull you down. Counter negativity with positive practices and by recognizing that much negativity arises from our fears and insecurity.   

Again Wednesday night, the Moon in Capricorn squares Mars just before midday, a very strong type of energy that affects us emotionally more than anything else. This happens just after the Moon squares Saturn, so we look to see how the lessons we are learning now are showing up as actions, changes, or sudden emotional insight.  Thursday the Moon enters Aquarius in the afternoon, ushering in the Lunar New Year of the Horse.

Mercury semi-square to Venus in the middle of the night on Thursday may lead to dreams or middle of the night epiphanies over issues, problems, and the dynamics of significant relationships that affect our experiences of loving and being loved.  As the new lunar year celebrations begin on Friday morning, Jupiter in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. We may feel ready to burst forth with new ideas, activities, and head off in new directions, however, we are likely also to meet with some resistance from those who misunderstand or disagree with our viewpoints, opinions, or direction. 

Be forewarned: temper your opinions, tread lightly, and accept the fact that you are not going to change anyone else nor are you likely to curry favor and gain acceptance or respect by railroading others in reaction to differences of opinion or conflicts over methodology, philosophy, or beliefs. When we are so wrapped up in what we want and in looking at the world through the lens of our own perceptions without regard for others, we are likely to run into opposition and also likely to lose power, position, and the authority we seek. Jupiter in Cancer emphasizes the importance of considering our security needs and overall health (body, mind, spirit, and emotions) when we make decisions and when we interact with others. Be respectful, and maybe ask yourself why you are pushing too hard about some things that might if you eased up and took a break from all the emotional push. 

Mercury enters Pisces early Friday (middle of the night), so watch for a shift of energy in our dreams, deepening of our sleep, and infusing us with  a lighter and more imaginative kind of energy. Direction change, movement picks up speed, and we may look back and wonder, what took so long?

Venus Stations Direct on Friday mid morning, signaling the movement in her orbit from retrograde. For the last 40 days Venus’ orbit has taken us on an introspective journey into the areas of our lives that pertain to how we enter into, maintain, and grow in relationships and in love. As this happens as the New Moon and Lunar New Year begin, this indicates a very auspicious shift in the way we look at ourselves in relationship and in how we love and are loved. Venus’ journey through Capricorn continues now, making her way back over old territory, but with greater and deeper awareness of the dynamics of love, connection, and relationship as it manifests in how we live, and work, and understand our purpose in life.

Finally, the week ends with the Sun in Aquarius quincunx Jupiter in Cancer. We are in the first stages of making changes, adjustments, and of maneuvering through the rapids of new and exciting territory. We open up to new experiences, and move forward to meet the challenges as we temper our expectations with a great deal of hard-earned insight and understanding about what it is we really need, desire, and are meant fulfill as our life purpose.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sun enters Aquarius

Sunset on the Columbia                                                                                                                  Catherine Al-Meten
On Sunday, January 19, the Sun begins its transit through Aquarius. The Sun’s entry into Aquarius changes the nature of our focus. Just as our energy shifted during Mercury’s recent entry into Aquarius, we now feel more motivated to pursue areas of interest, change our ways of thinking and behaving, take more risks, and head out in new directions. This coincides with the ending of the Year of the Snake and the start of the Year of the Wooden Horse in the Chinese Lunar calendar. For the next week before the New Moon that opens the door to the New Year, we find ourselves awakening, feeling infused with energy, making plans, and changing our focus towards a very different kind of journey than we have been on in many years. What was important for a long time, has slipped into the background or come into focus as having served its purpose or ended altogether. We move outside the bounds of convention and begin to behave according to a new type of paradigm. 

As the Sun enters Aquarius, the Moon is nearly midway through her transit of Virgo. We use this grounding energy to get things done, to set the tone for the week, and to clear up the details that may have been left undone over the last week or so. The Moon is in her waning gibbous phase, still quite full and shedding light in all the dark areas of our lives. This is the period when buds begin growing, when ideas start to take hold, and when thoughts begin to turn into action. 

On Wednesday, the Moon in Libra conjuncts Mars.  This will awaken you on an intuitive, emotional, and even in dreams or visions, to what is upcoming.  Pay attention. On January 21, the Moon moves into Libra, and the by Friday, into Scorpio.   The Moon trines Neptune in Pisces late Friday night, making for some sweet romantic moments, sweet dreams, and an evening of whispering sweet somethings straight from the heart and soul. Enjoy the gifts however they come to you. A wonderful time for inspiration for music, poetry, or dance. The Last Quarter Square of the Moon to the Sun occurs on Friday, January 24 in the early degrees of both Scorpio and Aquarius (4/8 degrees). When the Moon descends into its waning stage, our emotions are affected more by unconscious fears, drives, and concerns, and we begin discerning what is working and what is not, what is viable, or what is requires more time and thought.  This is the brooding time for our thoughts, dreams, plans, and creations. Between Sunday and Monday evening, there is a period of time when we may still be able to set the wheels in motion for a plan or project, however we want to make certain this is something that is truly what we desire.

Belief systems, behavioral patterns, relationships, attitudes toward work and important areas of our lives have undergone a transformation that is now allowing us to cast our nets into deeper waters. We go beyond what had been unfulfilling or broken, and set out to find new ways live, work, create, love, serve, and connect with one another. We are better able to distinguish between what made us feel safe, secure, and at home and what opened us to living more authentically, creatively, and compassionately. We understand that our chains are those we have accepted, and our true sense of freedom comes from the knowledge that no one and nothing can trap our soul and spirit. Despite what conditions, circumstances, or challenges we face, we know the truth of who we are, and are more willing to act in our best interests. Knowing this, allows us to be more tolerant, more kind, more loving, and more present for others. 

Mercury entered Aquarius on January 11, and will remain their until January 31. Today, January 19, Mercury in Aquarius forms a quincunx to Jupiter in Cancer at 13/36 degrees of both signs. Picking up on intuition, acting on inner gifts and strengths, and taking risks or trying out new ways of approaching communication, benefits and results in good fortune and more edifying connections.  At the same time, our sense of proportion and overconfidence in our abilities may cause us to overreach in some areas. It is a good time to dream, plan, and consider plans, projects, and new paths; it is not a very good time to act on these plans. Better to let things simmer for a while, giving you enough time to iron out the details and double check your work, the details of agreements, or other areas under consideration.

Venus in its retrograde phase of Capricorn, has another 11 days before she stations and turns direct.  We continue through the period of reflection that Venus retrograde phase takes us, pondering and sorting through how we form and maintain, build and shape, and affect and are affected by our relationships and passions. We are beginning to see more clearly, how our emotional temperment, behavior patterns, conscious and unconscious beliefs and perceptions, and our personal narrative and the stories we tell about who we are, shape and affect our relationships.  

Mars transit from  December 7, until July 25 continues in  transit Libra. Mercury in Aquarius forms a trine to Mars in Libra by Friday.  This trine is building during the week, and by Friday we will feel nearly impelled to communicate clearly, directly, and with great enthusiasm. We grow in our desire to express ourselves, and also to hear what is being communicated by others. This is a good time for dialogue, and we are capable of stating our ideas, thoughts, and positions with greater clarity than we have. Mercury in Aquarius enables Mars in Libra to be clear about what matters most, and Mars in Libra allows Mercury to come from a broad-based understanding of all that is entailed in whatever choices, options, risks, or viewpoints may be expressed. We are capable of standing in our truth while understanding that our truth is not necessarily that of others; nor does it need to be for us to effectively communicate. 

Saturn, the Great Teacher, began its cycle through Scorpio October 5, 2012, and will continue its transit until 2015. On Saturday, January 25, Mercury square Saturn, followed by the Moon conjunct Saturn and  Moon square Mercury early in the morning, starts the day off with some delays, cloudy or faulty thinking, or with some challenges that put a damper on plans and outlooks. Emotionally, we may be in distress or at least in a fog. Negativity may be possible if what we seek to achieve or take care of runs into snags. Avoid overreacting to changes, plans run awry, or projects facing revision. Adjust by using these experiences, feelings, or situations to practice what you have been learning from Saturn about listening to your instincts, paying attention to your subconscious or shadow, or seeing the signs that are evident before you. We get into a lot of trouble when we allow our egos to take the lead without paying attention to how the Universal flow and the relational aspects of life far overshadow our own need to be right, on time, or for our desire to have things happen according to our timing.  Divine time is not my time, nor is it yours. Plans are not necessarily going to happen as you want them to; adjust and look for the gifts in whatever comes. Time is a construct that we think we have control of; it is just a construct, not an absolute.  

Jupiter has been transiting through Cancer since last June, and will continue to do so until July 16, 2014. Issues, perceptions, and illusions about what and who makes us feel safe, secure, and loved, remain paramount in our conscious and unconscious behavior, beliefs, and motivation. 

Uranus entered Aries in March of 2011, and continues in the early degrees of its 14-year transit through Aries.  Surprises, shocks, and unexpected information and connections continue arrive in typical Arian style--rough, fiery, and with naive glee and abandon. Notice where in your life/chart Aries rules, and by now you will have noted how Uranus makes itself known in this part of your life.  

Neptune is at 3/42 Pisces and  trined the North Node’s retrograde cycle in 3/42 Scorpio on January 16 (something came up from the past to remind us of an important lesson we are learning on our journey). Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also transiting Pisces, and is at 11 degrees (ready to semi-sextile the Sun in Aquarius on January 31) giving us new insight and innovative ways to discover healing and answers to heretofore seemingly unsolvable problems. Watch dreams and listen to intuitive hunches for signs, answers, direction, and spiritual guidance.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January Full Moon in Cancer, Sun in Capricorn First Moon of 2014

Full Moon, January 15, 2014 

The Moon in January, is transiting the constellation of Cancer. Peaking in her fullness at 25/58 Cancer, the Moon opposes the Sun at 25/58 Capricorn. Anyone born with personal planets between 23-29 degrees of one of the Cardinal signs, should notice a strong influence at this Full Moon time. The Cardinal signs include: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Notice where these signs are in your life/chart, and in your progressed chart as well.  The signs ruling this Full Moon and the Sun, Cancer and Capricorn, highlight both our private and public lives. Cancer focuses our attention on our emotional and security needs, on our domestic life and homes, and on our ability to nourish and protect ourselves and those we love.  Capricorn, on the other hand, focuses our attention on our public life, career, public reputation, and responsibilities. The Capricorn Sun focuses us on  how we get along with our neighbors and how we meet our obligations in community.   

The Full Wolf Moon is also called the Moon After Yule, the Old Moon, and some tribes call it the Snow Moon. When the winter snows cover the ground, the wolf’s howl can be heard in the forest. According to the website, Indian Country this name appears nowhere in Indian lore. According to this site, the Algonquin word for this moon, squochee  kesos, means Sun has not strength to thaw.  The Haida in Alaska call this moon, taan kungaay, meaning bear hunting moon. The Hopi name for the January moon is paamuya meaning moon of life at its height. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we call it atalka, meaning stay inside, and that’s just what most of us are doing. The Moon which looks to me like the ice moon shining. No matter what you call the Full Moon in Cancer in January, it is sure to shine its light on you this week.

The Moon is the ruler of Cancer, and is exalted when transiting this sign. The Moon moves in an elliptical orbit around the Earth orbiting West to East. Our closest neighbor, the Moon is located approximately 240,000 miles from our surface.  In some astrological traditions, the Moon is more important than the Sun. Ruling our emotional natures, the Moon most  certainly  has a more obvious effect on our daily lives than we might notice with other planets or the Sun.  In a child’s chart, the Moon is very important to watch. The Moon in Cancer represents the Mother and the Sun in Capricorn represents the Father.  The Moon also represents our home and our sense of feeling grounded and ‘at home‘ with ourselves. The Moon also represents how we nurture ourselves as the Sun represents how we take care of our role in society, serving and caring for others.  When the Moon peaks in her fullness on Wednesday night (11:29 PM EST/9:29 PST), she will have already spend much of her transit through Cancer, so you should notice what is coming to fullness in your life at that time.    

The first Full Moon of 2014 or the last Full Moon of the Lunar Cycle? As both are the case, this can be experienced as a major transition point for us all.  What do we do at thresholds between what we have set into motion with our intentions, actions, and desires, and what we are beginning to act upon? We surrender to our higher power and forge onward, open and receptive to what we have helped set into motion. 

The basic focus of this Full Moon in Cancer  in opposition with the Sun in Capricorn, seems to be about uniting our sense of what makes us feel at home with ourselves and our most intimate connections, and what kind of community, society, and world are we working to help create?   As I wrote about earlier today in a retreat-in-daily life, this is a time when we are thinking outside-the-box about how we are responding or resisting the inner call to fulfillment and happiness. Not only do we need to meet our obligations and responsibilities to others, but also we need to nurture and nourish ourselves. This Full Moon period offers us the opportunity to tune into the energy that we are receiving at any give time, and to channel and redirect that energy into areas that help us achieve greater balance and live more harmoniously. 

During the last week, Jupiter in Cancer reached its annual direct opposition to the Sun on January 5, basically putting the Earth in between the Sun and Jupiter. This is a time of optimism where we feel a sense of power and well being. We may better  understand why our overreaching and pushiness  is less helpful than being open and receptive to the natural flow of what is meant to unfold in our lives. Taking care of business does not mean we take care of the results. Learning the balance point between doing and surrender, is crucial now. And at this Full Moon in Cancer, you will see, feel, sense, understand, and experience directly just what it is that your energy has brought forth in your life, and what is missing and necessary for your survival and happiness.  Facing the truth of yourself is a key gift of this Full Moon in Cancer. Pay attention to your true desires, and be receptive to the unfolding of life with its gifts, abundance, and healing. Notice the areas of your life where you feel the most resistance, and consider that there are two ways of dealing with that resistance: remove what is causing the distress or cease resisting.  

We are entering a power-packed week with energy being dispersed in all directions.  With Mercury’s entry into Aquarius on Saturday, January 11, this Full Moon time is sure to shine its light on all types of innovative, unconventional, avant garde, radical, out-of-the box, idiosyncratic, maverick, and perhaps even downright wackadoodle, ideas and actions and in all forms of communication. With Mercury’s entry into Aquarius, we are affected not only by what we are learning but also by how we learn and acquire new knowledge and how we exchange information.  This is a time when creative, innovative, and progressive ideas take the lead.  Striking out and taking bold, courageous stands and steps forward is characteristic of Mercury’s journey through Aquarius.  After grounding our communication through the Capricorn transit, we are now more solidly focused on the ideas, interests, and directions we feel drawn to. 

What is important for us at this time is to notice what is calling for our attention, calling us to resolve or heal, calling us to express or do, and then set forth to use your gifts to communicate, express, and act according to what is for your highest good, excellent health, and true joy and happiness. Full Moons are times of fulfillment especially in relationships, so move one step at a time, closer to allowing yourself to give and receive love in more fulfilling ways.  

Venus in  18/24 degrees of Capricorn, is more than halfway through her retrograde journey behind the Sun. At this point, we are more aware of our security needs in love than we seem to be in our romantic desires. We want what we want now, and with all the trimmings, or we may find that we can wait no longer for fulfillment. These are typical feelings at this stage of Venus retrograde cycle. First we become more deeply aware of our needs, and then we recognize where lack of fulfillment has left us empty or missing key elements. To act on these feelings, is probably ill-advised, as the retrograde phase simply gives us a deep, full-spectrum understanding of our emotional nature and our desire for to love and be loved.  We recognize very practical needs, and long for something that may or may not exist. The purpose of the uncovering of real feelings is not to try to meet them as much as it is to acknowledge that these are our feelings and needs. Realistic or not, they belong to us, and are not the responsibility of someone else, namely our partners, to meet. What we miss in relationship, is missing within ourselves. So first just look at what is rising up, and notice how these feelings, urges, or needs may be connected to some area of our life where we can work on healing.  Venus’ aspects this week, and the Full Moon in Capricorn along with Pluto’s long transit through Capricorn, are driving home the point to us that what is lacking in  our ability to love and be loved, goes far beyond finding the ‘perfect’ mate or finding the ‘right’ job. We are called upon to discover the roots to our own happiness within, so that we can heal, grow, and relate to others and through our work, as a whole person, not one in search of completion. 

Venus sextiles Saturn this weekend, January 10-11, highlighting what it is that we have been learning about the true nature of our relationships and our experiences of love. When dealing with business partners, this is a great stage of development. When dealing with romantic partners, we discover the pragmatic aspects of our relationships do help ground and steady the course of true love. 

Just before the Full Moon peaks, January 14-15, Venus in Capricorn semi-squares Neptune in Pisces. This may result in some aggravations, miscommunication, or faulty, fuzzy thinking that arises out of places of insecurity and fear.  Notice how you are allowing yourself to slip into fear-based patterns of thinking, and how you might change the way you are viewing a situation, conditions, or relationship. 

Venus in Capricorn squares Mars in Libra on the 15-16 of January. This aspect, triggered by the Full Moon in Cancer, also leads to rising temperatures and competitiveness in relationships and other partnerships. Watch to see how the energy of Mars in Libra...’action with thought and direction unlike typical Mars energy’, and Venus in Capricorn, ‘show me now in practical ways’ energy collide. This could spark romance, or it could spark disagreements. Sexual tension is high, and hopefully will be channeled into more enjoyable, stimulating, passionate, and exciting ways that might otherwise be the case. Kiss and make up, and enjoy the energy that arises from getting past issues you knock heads with someone over. Dance it out. Sing it out. Make love. Write a poem or a song. Do something positive with this energy. Don’t let it trap you in outmoded patterns of fear-based behavior.

The Sun in Capricorn semi-squares Chiron, shortly before the Full Moon peaks on January 15.  This aspect lends itself to learning through healing in the broken places. Our fears and insecurities may be strong at this time. We can use this awareness to remind ourselves of how we operate when we are attracted to something or someone, or when we feel our happiness or search for fulfillment threatened. What in ourselves, is holing us back or creating fear where there need not be fear?

On January 17, Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Uranus in Aries, bringing us surprising news, information, or results via electronic media. Both planets in the early degrees of their signs, indicate that something new is being unfolded, being revealed, or starting up. When we trust our intuition, dreams, or gut feelings, we are likely to be let to an opening we have been seeking. This is a time when we receive inspiration, and it is also a time when shocking and  surprising  secrets are revealed. Be receptive to what comes in whatever way it comes. You will likely be as surprised at how something happens or someone appears in your life, that what is communicated.  What may not have worked out in the past, is now released from whatever trappings held it back, and now we move forward. 

Mars in Libra seisquiquadrate Neptune in Pisces, the same day as the Mercury sextile to Uranus, may also be rather shocking as communications may lead us into a state of disorientation and confusion.  We may respond from a place of   deep psychological wounding or out of our unconscious shadow elements.  Whatever took place to cause original wounds, is rising up to be coped with once again in light of events taking place around us or in the lives of those we love. We are affected by the lives of people we love, regardless of where they are. What is coming up from the shadows is meant to help in the healing process, though as Mars usually delivers the message in rather overt, harsh ways, we may be caught off guard and find ourselves reeling. Notice that this is something that deeply disturbs us internally; not something that necessarily causes external changes. When we are dealing with an emotional or psychological issue, our outer lives may be affected so this is simply a forewarning not to push yourself to work beyond your capacity or to make decisions when you are dealing with a great deal of inner turmoil. 

Again, if what is causing this situation is ongoing, ask yourself if you can remove yourself from the situation or can you stop fighting the inevitable?  Our lives are in process and we have many opportunities to make changes, alter our thinking and behavior, and tune into the spiritual energy that guides all of life. When we find we are without the tools and support we need, we need to ask ourselves, what is missing? When we are ill-equipped to deal with things, we are given chances to pinpoint what the heart of the matter is. This aspect of Mars to Neptune, is one of those times when we can gain great clarity, and make some simple choices to alleviate our lives of harmful distress and choices.  While this aspect seems like a short-lived one, it can be crucial for those who have been looking for a sign. Sometimes the sign is within. Stop, look, listen, and discern what the sign is for you. Enjoy the fullness of this Full Moon, as you appreciate and honor the gifts that your life blesses you with. 

Full Moon in Cancer, Sun in Capricorn, First Full Moon of 2014

Full Moon, January 15, 2014 

The Moon in January, is transiting the constellation of Cancer. Peaking in her fullness at 25/58 Cancer, the Moon opposes the Sun at 25/58 Capricorn. Anyone born with personal planets between 23-29 degrees of one of the Cardinal signs, should notice a strong influence at this Full Moon time. The Cardinal signs include: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Notice where these signs are in your life/chart, and in your progressed chart as well.  The signs ruling this Full Moon and the Sun, Cancer and Capricorn, highlight both our private and public lives. Cancer focuses our attention on our emotional and security needs, on our domestic life and homes, and on our ability to nourish and protect ourselves and those we love.  Capricorn, on the other hand, focuses our attention on our public life, career, public reputation, and responsibilities. The Capricorn Sun focuses us on  how we get along with our neighbors and how we meet our obligations in community.   

The Full Wolf Moon is also called the Moon After Yule, the Old Moon, and some tribes call it the Snow Moon. When the winter snows cover the ground, the wolf’s howl can be heard in the forest. According to the website, Indian Country this name appears nowhere in Indian lore. According to this site, the Algonquin word for this moon, squochee  kesos, means Sun has not strength to thaw.  The Haida in Alaska call this moon, taan kungaay, meaning bear hunting moon. The Hopi name for the January moon is paamuya meaning moon of life at its height. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we call it atalka, meaning stay inside, and that’s just what most of us are doing. The Moon which looks to me like the ice moon shining. No matter what you call the Full Moon in Cancer in January, it is sure to shine its light on you this week.

The Moon is the ruler of Cancer, and is exalted when transiting this sign. The Moon moves in an elliptical orbit around the Earth orbiting West to East. Our closest neighbor, the Moon is located approximately 240,000 miles from our surface.  In some astrological traditions, the Moon is more important than the Sun. Ruling our emotional natures, the Moon most  certainly  has a more obvious effect on our daily lives than we might notice with other planets or the Sun.  In a child’s chart, the Moon is very important to watch. The Moon in Cancer represents the Mother and the Sun in Capricorn represents the Father.  The Moon also represents our home and our sense of feeling grounded and ‘at home‘ with ourselves. The Moon also represents how we nurture ourselves as the Sun represents how we take care of our role in society, serving and caring for others.  When the Moon peaks in her fullness on Wednesday night (11:29 PM EST/9:29 PST), she will have already spend much of her transit through Cancer, so you should notice what is coming to fullness in your life at that time.    

The first Full Moon of 2014 or the last Full Moon of the Lunar Cycle? As both are the case, this can be experienced as a major transition point for us all.  What do we do at thresholds between what we have set into motion with our intentions, actions, and desires, and what we are beginning to act upon? We surrender to our higher power and forge onward, open and receptive to what we have helped set into motion. 

The basic focus of this Full Moon in Cancer  in opposition with the Sun in Capricorn, seems to be about uniting our sense of what makes us feel at home with ourselves and our most intimate connections, and what kind of community, society, and world are we working to help create?   As I wrote about earlier today in a retreat-in-daily life, this is a time when we are thinking outside-the-box about how we are responding or resisting the inner call to fulfillment and happiness. Not only do we need to meet our obligations and responsibilities to others, but also we need to nurture and nourish ourselves. This Full Moon period offers us the opportunity to tune into the energy that we are receiving at any give time, and to channel and redirect that energy into areas that help us achieve greater balance and live more harmoniously. 

During the last week, Jupiter in Cancer reached its annual direct opposition to the Sun on January 5, basically putting the Earth in between the Sun and Jupiter. This is a time of optimism where we feel a sense of power and well being. We may better  understand why our overreaching and pushiness  is less helpful than being open and receptive to the natural flow of what is meant to unfold in our lives. Taking care of business does not mean we take care of the results. Learning the balance point between doing and surrender, is crucial now. And at this Full Moon in Cancer, you will see, feel, sense, understand, and experience directly just what it is that your energy has brought forth in your life, and what is missing and necessary for your survival and happiness.  Facing the truth of yourself is a key gift of this Full Moon in Cancer. Pay attention to your true desires, and be receptive to the unfolding of life with its gifts, abundance, and healing. Notice the areas of your life where you feel the most resistance, and consider that there are two ways of dealing with that resistance: remove what is causing the distress or cease resisting.  

We are entering a power-packed week with energy being dispersed in all directions.  With Mercury’s entry into Aquarius on Saturday, January 11, this Full Moon time is sure to shine its light on all types of innovative, unconventional, avant garde, radical, out-of-the box, idiosyncratic, maverick, and perhaps even downright wackadoodle, ideas and actions and in all forms of communication. With Mercury’s entry into Aquarius, we are affected not only by what we are learning but also by how we learn and acquire new knowledge and how we exchange information.  This is a time when creative, innovative, and progressive ideas take the lead.  Striking out and taking bold, courageous stands and steps forward is characteristic of Mercury’s journey through Aquarius.  After grounding our communication through the Capricorn transit, we are now more solidly focused on the ideas, interests, and directions we feel drawn to. 

What is important for us at this time is to notice what is calling for our attention, calling us to resolve or heal, calling us to express or do, and then set forth to use your gifts to communicate, express, and act according to what is for your highest good, excellent health, and true joy and happiness. Full Moons are times of fulfillment especially in relationships, so move one step at a time, closer to allowing yourself to give and receive love in more fulfilling ways.  

Venus in  18/24 degrees of Capricorn, is more than halfway through her retrograde journey behind the Sun. At this point, we are more aware of our security needs in love than we seem to be in our romantic desires. We want what we want now, and with all the trimmings, or we may find that we can wait no longer for fulfillment. These are typical feelings at this stage of Venus retrograde cycle. First we become more deeply aware of our needs, and then we recognize where lack of fulfillment has left us empty or missing key elements. To act on these feelings, is probably ill-advised, as the retrograde phase simply gives us a deep, full-spectrum understanding of our emotional nature and our desire for to love and be loved.  We recognize very practical needs, and long for something that may or may not exist. The purpose of the uncovering of real feelings is not to try to meet them as much as it is to acknowledge that these are our feelings and needs. Realistic or not, they belong to us, and are not the responsibility of someone else, namely our partners, to meet. What we miss in relationship, is missing within ourselves. So first just look at what is rising up, and notice how these feelings, urges, or needs may be connected to some area of our life where we can work on healing.  Venus’ aspects this week, and the Full Moon in Capricorn along with Pluto’s long transit through Capricorn, are driving home the point to us that what is lacking in  our ability to love and be loved, goes far beyond finding the ‘perfect’ mate or finding the ‘right’ job. We are called upon to discover the roots to our own happiness within, so that we can heal, grow, and relate to others and through our work, as a whole person, not one in search of completion. 

Venus sextiles Saturn this weekend, January 10-11, highlighting what it is that we have been learning about the true nature of our relationships and our experiences of love. When dealing with business partners, this is a great stage of development. When dealing with romantic partners, we discover the pragmatic aspects of our relationships do help ground and steady the course of true love. 

Just before the Full Moon peaks, January 14-15, Venus in Capricorn semi-squares Neptune in Pisces. This may result in some aggravations, miscommunication, or faulty, fuzzy thinking that arises out of places of insecurity and fear.  Notice how you are allowing yourself to slip into fear-based patterns of thinking, and how you might change the way you are viewing a situation, conditions, or relationship. 

Venus in Capricorn squares Mars in Libra on the 15-16 of January. This aspect, triggered by the Full Moon in Cancer, also leads to rising temperatures and competitiveness in relationships and other partnerships. Watch to see how the energy of Mars in Libra...’action with thought and direction unlike typical Mars energy’, and Venus in Capricorn, ‘show me now in practical ways’ energy collide. This could spark romance, or it could spark disagreements. Sexual tension is high, and hopefully will be channeled into more enjoyable, stimulating, passionate, and exciting ways that might otherwise be the case. Kiss and make up, and enjoy the energy that arises from getting past issues you knock heads with someone over. Dance it out. Sing it out. Make love. Write a poem or a song. Do something positive with this energy. Don’t let it trap you in outmoded patterns of fear-based behavior.

The Sun in Capricorn semi-squares Chiron, shortly before the Full Moon peaks on January 15.  This aspect lends itself to learning through healing in the broken places. Our fears and insecurities may be strong at this time. We can use this awareness to remind ourselves of how we operate when we are attracted to something or someone, or when we feel our happiness or search for fulfillment threatened. What in ourselves, is holing us back or creating fear where there need not be fear?

On January 17, Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Uranus in Aries, bringing us surprising news, information, or results via electronic media. Both planets in the early degrees of their signs, indicate that something new is being unfolded, being revealed, or starting up. When we trust our intuition, dreams, or gut feelings, we are likely to be let to an opening we have been seeking. This is a time when we receive inspiration, and it is also a time when shocking and  surprising  secrets are revealed. Be receptive to what comes in whatever way it comes. You will likely be as surprised at how something happens or someone appears in your life, that what is communicated.  What may not have worked out in the past, is now released from whatever trappings held it back, and now we move forward. 

Mars in Libra seisquiquadrate Neptune in Pisces, the same day as the Mercury sextile to Uranus, may also be rather shocking as communications may lead us into a state of disorientation and confusion.  We may respond from a place of   deep psychological wounding or out of our unconscious shadow elements.  Whatever took place to cause original wounds, is rising up to be coped with once again in light of events taking place around us or in the lives of those we love. We are affected by the lives of people we love, regardless of where they are. What is coming up from the shadows is meant to help in the healing process, though as Mars usually delivers the message in rather overt, harsh ways, we may be caught off guard and find ourselves reeling. Notice that this is something that deeply disturbs us internally; not something that necessarily causes external changes. When we are dealing with an emotional or psychological issue, our outer lives may be affected so this is simply a forewarning not to push yourself to work beyond your capacity or to make decisions when you are dealing with a great deal of inner turmoil. 

Again, if what is causing this situation is ongoing, ask yourself if you can remove yourself from the situation or can you stop fighting the inevitable?  Our lives are in process and we have many opportunities to make changes, alter our thinking and behavior, and tune into the spiritual energy that guides all of life. When we find we are without the tools and support we need, we need to ask ourselves, what is missing? When we are ill-equipped to deal with things, we are given chances to pinpoint what the heart of the matter is. This aspect of Mars to Neptune, is one of those times when we can gain great clarity, and make some simple choices to alleviate our lives of harmful distress and choices.  While this aspect seems like a short-lived one, it can be crucial for those who have been looking for a sign. Sometimes the sign is within. Stop, look, listen, and discern what the sign is for you. Enjoy the fullness of this Full Moon, as you appreciate and honor the gifts that your life blesses you with. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sun in Opposition to Jupiter, Venus in Retrograde: Looking Deeper

Love is All There Is                                                                                     Catherine Al-Meten

Sunday, January 5, 2014 Jupiter reaches its farthest point from the planet, Earth in its journey orbiting the Sun.  Early this morning, Jupiter transiting  Cancer formed an opposition to the Sun transiting Capricorn.  

Jupiter opposite the Sun.  The Sun’s energy at this time seeks to shed its light on the conditions, issues, and ideas that are significant in our lives. We may not be able to do all that we want to do to take care of everything that we desire, but we certainly feel impelled to look at and celebrate the abundance of ideas and opportunities in our lives. Depending upon where these aspects are in your chart, signifies the two areas that are being triggered for growth, positive changes, and improvements.  Jupiter in Cancer is focusing our attention on anything in our lives that relates to our sense of security and feeling of being at home and comfortable with who we are, where we are.  The Sun in Capricorn is calling our attention to anything that needs to be fixed, adjusted, or made more user-friendly. Taking care of the practical aspects of our lives right now, we do well to look at what keeps us from being able to successfully follow through with commitments or meet our responsibilities.  How can we simplify or change the way we do things?  Who and what do we find trust worthy, and what aspects of ourselves do we need to become more accepting of?  How are we getting our needs met, and what might be healthier, simpler, or less exhausting than what we are currently doing? What can we let go of, or what could we take up, to help us maintain a more harmonious walk of life? Today, be glad and grateful, and take some small, positive steps to break some of the tension that might be building up.  Jupiter is highest in the sky around midnight as it reaches its opposition to the Sun. Jupiter is at its closest until 2020, and both its brightness and intensity are strong now.  This placement also highlights opportunities or increased desire for relationships. What is it you need or seek in relationship, and are you ready to receive your good? Again, look at where you are, and how open and receptive you are to what you desire.  If there is no room in your life, your home, or your heart for someone else and the energy and life of a relationship, this may become even more apparent now. 

Venus continues her retrograde phase through Capricorn where we reexamine and  contemplate how we form and operate in our significant relationships. We are meant to be in relationship with one another, and yet we seem to think that the relationship, the other person, is responsible for fulfilling us. During the Venus retrograde time, we face what it is within ourselves that we need to be more clear about and more comfortable with so that in our relationships, we can be fully present as our authentic selves. This means, we  come to understand the ups and downs, the highs the lows, and the evolving pathway of any relationship we are in, are indeed part of the process of forming, shaping, and growing in relationship.  

What do we recognize during Venus’ retrograde journey through relationships?  We learn how to find ourselves, wherever we are, as we also learn to recognize what we need.  Our needs and desires come into conflict and conditions throughout the life of any relationship, and if we are not strong enough in ourselves to weather the storms, discover new ways of dealing with old issues, or learn how to acknowledge and honor another’s needs and desires in tandem with our own, we find ourselves struggling, doubting, and breaking commitments as we search for the ideal. The ideal is a shape we hope to fit into rather than a goal we find at the ‘end of the rainbow’.  

Relationships are about our ability to both give and receive love. Each of us expresses, feels, and experiences love differently, so the process of forming, growing in, and maintaining relationships requires we work to mend the broken and wounded parts of ourselves as we continue to grow with another, who also brings his/her issues,  history, perceptions, beliefs, and expectations with them People grow with one another, shaping their relationships through all stages of a relationship, and being mindful and intentional in all areas of communication helps. We fall in love with another through our own lens of receiving and perceiving something special that touches something special within us. Our lives are about learning about ourselves through our relationships with others. Relationships give us the opportunity to also face what is real and authentic about ourselves. What we recognize in another, is something real within us. There is nothing innately wrong with  our initial perceptions when we fall in love, but we often fall into the trap of adjusting ourselves to avoid losing that which we love. We hunger for our freedom, and make grand gestures to reclaim it (running back home, or onto the next ‘perfect’ relationship), or we stay and wrangle with one another, trying to change that which attracted us in the first place. Or we try to adjust and fit the ideal that either we expect of ourselves or that we perceive or hear our ‘other’ expects of us.  This can be verbalized, but is often just the adjustments we make to stay near, keep peace, and ‘get along’.  

Relationships are active, organic, growing, and changing experiences, and as such, require openness, flexibility, and conditions for the care, growth, and feeding of the lived experience together. If we are fortunate enough to recognize the gift of the person we love, we will be able to weather many storms; ones you can’t even imagine, in order to continue giving and receiving love.   The tests come early in relationships, and help set the tone and pathway for whatever comes afterward.  At this time, regardless of where you are in your relationship journey, pay attention to what you are learning about your ability to love. How well are you able to love all parts of yourself? How are you able to recognize and accept the parts of yourself that are difficult to understand, care for, and accept? How are you  at accepting and loving those in your life, and what are the lessons you are called to learn now?  

Venus retrograde time is the time when we look at the shadow sides of who we are, and when we have the opportunity to resolve and befriend not only ourselves and our partners, but also the process of living in intimate connection with others.  There is an element of respect and understanding of limitations, boundaries, and for lack of a better description, a protocol for how you are going to work out problems, provide for mutual needs and differences, and for conducting yourselves with one another. Think about how you behave when you prepare to go to a formal meeting, occasion, or even for a first date.  How are you building in ways to treat one another with the respect and love you feel even in the most difficult times? I recall  driving with my husband when we first knew one another, listening to him talking about something. I suddenly realized, I was not really listening, and at that moment, I turned, looked at him, and began really listening to what he was saying. I vowed not to try to guess or presume that I knew the next thing that was going to come out of his mouth.  We did this with each other, and still do.  Become conscious during this retrograde time, of how you enter into, conduct yourself, and experience yourself in all types of relationships.  Notice what hinders your ability to give and receive love, and what it is that you require to be free to be yourself with someone else. When we form relationships, we form a third. There is ‘me’ and there is ‘you’ and there is the ‘us’ in the relationship.  This goes for any relationship, and that third element of relationship requires respect of the other two aspects of the partnership.  As with our children. We may parent our children for a significant period of time, however, that third element of the relationship is constantly changing to adjust to the growth, changes, and life of the persons involved.  What is growing in your garden of love now? What needs weeding, feeding, and tending?

From the Elders comes this beautiful blessing that seems to fit for today’s read on the energy of the Universe. 

“Where two or more human beings joined together for a common cause, the helpers and the Grandfathers will show up to help. When our Indian people come together, the Elders say, "Always pray first, do a ceremony and ask the Creator to be with us and to help us. We can never pray enough." The Elders also say, "pray in a circle because the Creator made things in circles. When we stand in a circle and pray together, a sacred hoop will form above the people. This is the spiritual way. Oh Great Spirit, through my prayers I can find Your guidance. I pray You guide my path today. Touch my life with Your holy breath.”  (From White Bison)

The Moon is in Pisces today, and this sends us deeper and deeper into the depths of our intuitive, imaginative, and creative selves. The Moon will conjunct both Neptune and Chiron, intensifying even more, the impact on how we are being stirred within to listen, be more open and receptive to emotional, spiritual, and hidden energies, memories, or experiences.  Depending upon where your own Moon and progressed Moon sits in your chart/life, this placement will stir things up a bit in whatever area your of Moon cycle is being stimulated. 

On Tuesday, January 7, the Sun in Capricorn will form its first quarter square to the Moon. The first quarter square always signifies an area of heightened alert or concentration over whatever started at the time of the lunar cycle the week previous.  Squares to the Moon set off energy and actions to respond, adjust, or adapt plans to meet conditions, changing expectations, or new input. A time for trial and error, and also a time to cope with how our actions affect others. Later in the week the Moon will transit Taurus, when emotions and energy will be more grounded. 

Mercury continues its transit through Capricorn, sextiling Saturn on Monday. We feel the need to get more organized in every area of communication, and to clarify and respond to communication of all types. This aspect allows us to enter into positive and uplifting communications. Negotiations are favored, and social conversations are likely to be friendly, supportive, and refreshing.  Whatever you do now will bear fruit in the future, and this is an excellent time to make practical decisions. Some of the ideas and plans you have been mulling over and trying to make up your mind about, now seem to become clear. Whatever has been brewing may now be put to practical application.  A good day to get started on some of those goals you’ve been setting for your new year.  It’s a receptive time as everyone seems a bit more refreshed than they have been in some time.

On Tuesday afternoon, Venus and Mercury conjunct in Capricorn. This is an excellent aspect for making contacts and communicating with others. You are likely to receive a warm reception to your ideas, and will find socializing enjoyable. A great day for doing business, and for being creative with all forms of communication. Inspired by beauty, ideas are expressed in all forms of art, music, dance, and creativity.  A good time for forming heart-centered alliances.

On Wednesday, the Sun in Capricorn semi-square Neptune in Pisces, Mars in Libra  square Jupiter in Cancer,  and Mercury semi-square Chiron in Pisces, might make for an emotional, challenging, and somewhat upsetting afternoon and evening. 

The Capricorn Sun semi-square Neptune in Pisces creates a loss of focus and edginess, sends us off course a bit.  Rather than sticking to detail-oriented tasks, better to channel energy into creative and free-flowing activities. Use some of the energy that is welling up to get out and take a walk, reconnect with the natural world more, or whip up a batch of cookies or a loaf of bread that can be shared with a friend or neighbor.  Allow yourself time to drift, and wander mentally, and let go of the hyper-need to accomplish everything you envision, today.  Mars in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer, brings our attention and focus on the practical aspects that need to be considered in any long-term, and even some short-term projects.  Avoid getting frustrated and lost in thoughts and emotional reactions bordering on despair or hopelessness.  

Being realistic about our daily needs  and limited resources, allows us, if we are mindful and conscious, of what gifts we possess.  Limitations are like frames for a painting. One beautiful painting requires one simple frame to set off its beauty, protect the painting, and provide a way for it to be viewed by others.  Your thoughts and plans may seem overwhelming. Allow yourself  time, space, and distance to appreciate inspiration while also appreciating your ability to choose, rein in, and reign over those choices, ideas, and opportunities that are meant to be in your life. You may not know what those are now. There is no rush; let the flood of inspiration, feelings, and ideas well up and identify them for what they are. Possibilities; some of which will become, some of which will not.  Use this time to pay special attention to what your responses (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) are telling you about your own needs, limitations, and desires. 

There may be issues that come up that bring you in conflict with what you want or need. Whatever philosophical or intellectual differences arise, keep your cool, and wait for a period of cooling off. Though energy may be sharp and intense, it is best to reign in reactions and let go of the sense of urgency. Whatever comes up during these difficult transits, seem to affect you on a deep and personal level. They arise up from the deep-seated areas of your being that react from the shadow, and they require or give you the opportunity to deal with those areas of your behavior, thinking, being that are ready for making positive changes.  Rather than going with the emotional turmoil, use whatever comes to the surface to identify how you want to respond in a more gentle, cool-headed, and peaceful manner. 

The Moon in Taurus on Thursday makes some positive  aspects to Chiron and Neptune in Pisces (sextiles) and Pluto in Capricorn (trine).  These aspects allow us to integrate and process whatever may have been uprooted from our experiences on Wednesday. We are focused on healing and putting our ideas into a more positive, practical form. Friday is another day when the Taurus Moon grounds and centers us to put order and structure, not to mention beauty, back into our lives as well as our plans.   We are able to tap into both the pragmatic and the idealistic, and this allows us a very productive, creative time to enjoy whatever we are doing.

Saturday, January 11  Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio. All the deep, soul-searching we have been engaged in during the Venus retrograde phase, now begins to makes its way to the surface, manifesting more in our relationships and in our perceptions of them. All forms of partnership are more positively affected during this transit, and growth and depth are more evident. Whatever we have had to face, we are stronger, and more clear about how our relationships are growing, changing, and maturing.  We are able to receive advice and suggestions with a more open heart, and the support we need now shows up through connections from the past, renewed ties, stronger bonds, and deeper, stronger, and a sense of a more tangible presence in all meaningful relationships. We go deeper, we grow stronger together, and we grow in our ability to give and receive love. 

The Sun in Capricorn also conjuncts. Venus on Saturday, grounding us even more. We feel strongly connected to who we are, what we need and desire, and how we are willing to live our lives in presence, mindfulness, and love.  Not the fanciful, flaky, woo woo kind of love (though that’s part of the whole picture at times), but the down-to-earth, for that is where we are living this incarnation, kind of love that meets others where they are as they meet us where we are . We live where we are, in the present, now, in this moment, and the next. Life is about the mundane as well as the profane and metaphysical. It is all. Love is all. Like its source, Love, God, is the Divine manifest in All.

The week ends with the Sun in sextile to Saturn in Scorpio, and that brings heaven and earth together within us, and in the world we inhabit. This is a time to be present right where you are, accepting, loving, and caring for that precious gift of yourself, so that you are capable and willing to accept, love, and care for others.  Happy New Year, being who you are, where you are, and being grateful for that.