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Empress Card from Elements of Tarot Created by Tammy von Payens |
This year’s Full Moon in Virgo has a special place in my heart as I was born just past the Virgo Full Moon many moons ago. The Virgo Full Moon peaks at 12:26 P.M. on Monday, February 25, 2013. The Full Moon occurs at 06/24 (rounded up to 7 degrees) degrees opposite the Sun in Pisces at 06/24 (rounded up to 7 degrees) degrees. For anyone who has planets, the Sun, or the Moon within 5-6 degrees of Pisces/Virgo, this will be a very powerful and transformative Full Moon, bringing with it an abundance of energy, opportunities, and benefits. Full Moons symbolize the culmination and potentialities inherent in fulfillment of what has already started in your life, particularly as pertains to the last New Moon, two weeks ago.
As we now have an abundance of planets and the Sun in water signs, 6 to be exact, and the North Node also in Scorpio, we are awash in emotional and tidal energies. What is rising up from the unconscious (Saturn’s sojourn through Scorpio sending waves of emotional energy to the surface of our awareness), and what we are sensing intuitively, taking in through our senses, and what we are assimilating and taking in from the Collective Consciousness of the Universe is making it difficult to ignore the major areas of our lives where we are transforming, growing, learning, and developing into a new layer of consciousness and being.
The Virgo Full Moon’s aspect to the Pisces Sun triggers what the Sun has been bringing up in our lives for the last week. The Virgo Full Moon calls us to harmonize our lives between the practical needs of life with our spiritual health and nature. Virgo Moon signals the need to take care of the pragmatic needs required to care for ourselves physically (health and hygiene), in our daily routines, habits, and patterns of behavior (need to take care of business), and getting our “houses” in order (body, mind, and spirit). The Pisces Sun has been calling us to pay closer attention to our spiritual and emotional health, to be more mindful of our intuitive knowledge and our inner voice (as exhibited and noticed through our senses, physical and emotional expressions), and to begin trusting our vision and connection to Divine guidance and order in our lives. If ever there was a time to surrender ego, will, and fears to Divine order, it is now.
With the Virgo Moon we come to a greater understanding of the tools, techniques, patterns, and habits we need in order to come into greater physical harmony, and in turn, to unite our spiritual being within the physical life and circumstances we are blessed to have. We do better to see the polarities and struggles in our lives as opportunities rather than blocks and impediments to our wholeness and health. What are we learning about how we are living? What in the way things may not be working, signal a need to adjust some aspect of our lives? What is endangered by the failure to ignore or continue a struggle that clearly is not going to improve?
This Full Moon brings forth some form of crisis (crisis of consciousness perhaps) or a sudden awareness of some major component of our life that is missing making our life less than what we require for survival and health. View any type of crisis that occurs as an opportunity to experience emotionally the needs that we may have been ignoring, trying to rationalize about, or living an inauthentic life due to our failure to acknowledge our real, felt needs. This time is such an emotional time, that most of us will find it very difficult to live in a state of denial or ignore pressing issues that must be attended. Because there are so many planets in line with the Sun in Pisces and because Saturn in Scorpio will trine the Sun and Moon shortly after the Full Moon, we are given not only the deep and powerful insight of what Saturn is teaching us on the unconscious level, but the timing of change signaled by the Sun and the Moon’s trine to the North Node (gate of change) indicates this is a crucial time for decisions and a change of heart and mind. What is needed is that we are both honest with ourselves, and we express ourselves by speaking our truth into being now. Holding back is no longer an option. Bringing our desires from the depths of our heart, soul, and authentic self up into some form of communication is vitally important now. It is virtually impossible for people to sit on their feelings at this time. The two weeks following this Full Moon will allow us a time to express ourselves more creatively than we might normally feel ourselves capable. It is wise to express ourselves in safe, healthy, creative, artistic, and positive ways, and to avoid unloading on friends and family, or inappropriately sharing with those who may be toxic or dangerous to us. We all feel a bit more vulnerable as our emotions are so apparent right now, so it’s good to be mindful and intentional about how we express ourselves.
The Virgo Moon is called the Full Snow Moon, the Hunger Moon, Shoulder to Shoulder Around the Fire Moon (Wishram), the No Snow in the Trails Moon (Zuni) , the Bone Moon (Cherokee). Traditionally, according to the Farmer’s Almanac, the heaviest snows fall in February, so the indigenous people’s names for the Full Moon represents this fact. Other names include: Opening Buds Moon, Trapper’s Moon, Snow Moon, Moon of the Dark Red Calves (Lakota), Big Hoop and Skip Game Moon (Cheyenne). The names for the Full Moon represent the local experiences of different groups of people.
This Full Moon is a transitioning and traveling moon as well. We are each exploring changes, whether that be just thinking about possibilities or actually taking steps to make major changes, it is the time for complete transformation. We may be refining our concepts and experiences of a major relationship, contemplating a change of lifestyle and work, and or making plans to alter our way of life, from the inside out. Often circumstances dictate how we respond in our behavior and choices; this Full Moon indicates the change comes from within, and cannot be ignored. What seems impossible or a trap, is not.
The Sabian Symbol for 7degrees of Virgo/Pisces, is “ A five-year old takes her first dance lesson.” Time to put ourselves back into our Inner Child-that 5-year old that lives within you. What hopes, dreams, desires, and parts of yourself need to be brought back to life? What parts of yourself have been locked away, forgotten, or ignored? What needs to be enlivened inside of you?
The Virgo Moon is symbolized in the Virgin Mother, represented in Isis, the Blessed Mother, the Ashara, all archetypal and symbolic of the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine that is the active femine principle of the Universe (alive in and around us) includes our untested and authentic selves and our capacity to give birth to the lives we are meant to live. We connect with the Divine Principle, recognizing our Divine and spiritual nature, and the basis of our lives as conceived in Love and reflecting Divine Love in all we do.
The Virgo Moon, especially when opposing the Pisces Sun, activates and energizes the uniting of opposites. Virgo teaches us to discern (the negative expression of this is criticism and judgment). Discernment is about weighing options, gaining perspective, and acknowledging a full spectrum of sources (intuition, imagination, dreams, sensibilities, creativity, knowledge, emotional truth) as we form our ideas and make our choices. The unhealed Virgo energy in us critiques, judges, criticizes, and demands perfection. As we heal, and heal with must with Chiron in Pisces as well, we become more open to our intuitive brain, we pay attention to our emotions and feelings, and learn to be more compassionate with ourselves and our imperfections.
As the Sabian Symbol emphasizes dance, we are called not just to pay attention to our intuitive voice, imagination, dreams, desires, and callings, but to channel those dreams into action through some form of discipline (practice, not punishment) that enables us to deepen and activate an inner archetypal calling. What is calling you to take action; to learn, practice, and express?
As part of our experience with the Virgo Full Moon, we seek to discover where and what it is that we need to heal within ourselves and within the way we are living our lives? We all need to feel better, and how do we go about doing that? Part of the discernment process is asking ourselves the hard questions, and then being honest with ourselves about the answers:
“Who do I need to forgive?”
“How do I need to forgive myself?”
“What am I resisting, and within that resistance, is there anything within me or someone in my life I need to forgive?”
“What are the messages I am receiving right now (this week, around the waxing and early waning of this Full Moon)?”
“What have I heard recently that does not ring true for me?”
Consider areas of your life that are uncomfortable, not working, ending, becoming less important, or about which you no longer have a strong connection or passion. Begin discerning:
“What is no longer true for me?”
“What needs to go?”
“What is coming into my life, becoming more potent or powerful?”
“What possibilities lie before me?”
“What is holding me in place, keeping me from considering change?”
“What do I truly want, and how would I like to change my life if there were no possibility I could fail?”
The Sun in Pisces squares Jupiter in Gemini, conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer, opposes the Moon (as happens with the Sun/Moon at each full moon), and trines Saturn in Scorpio. Venus just entered Pisces, and immediately came into conjunction with Neptune in Pisces and also forms a conjunction with Mars. Venus also squares Ceres.
The Mercury retrograde phase in Pisces, just began. This year, Mercury will be in retrograde for 6 months of the year. It is a very powerful time, for it calls upon us to reflect, go deeper inside, become more discriminating in our choices, and learn to deepen our powers of discernment-the goal being, to gain a deeper knowledge of who we really are, what we really want, how powerful and creative we really are, and how we are now being flooded with the Divine Feminine energies within us and in the world around us. Rather than trying to escape or rationalize the feelings, intuition, dreams, and powerful energies away, dive deep into them, dancing, drawing, designing, dreaming, developing, creating, and using the energies, knowledge, and power of this time to help create and dream your new life into being. The power of imagination, dreams, and ideas is in recognizing your own power to put them into being. Time to manifest the unmanifest, not by wishing upon a star or expecting God to play Santa Claus, but by uniting your divine being with the truth of who you are with the truth of what the Divine created you to express in this life. We all came here for purposes. We all came into being with gifts, talents, and a life time in which to express, create, and join into the ongoing Creation.
The Sabian symbol for the Sun in 7 degrees of Pisces is a young girl blowing a bugle. Again, the archetypal message is using the talents, desires, and physical experience to develop and practice so that we may participate in the life we have come here to share with others. The positive expression of the Sun in 7 degrees of Pisces is to answer the call, the summons to use your talent and skills, and in turn to give and receive in kind. The negative expression is to become a dilettante, regimented, ‘nose-to-the-grindstone,’ incapable or unwilling to enjoy and blossom from the joy of expression and creativity. A crucial time for finding our place in the world, the right place that nourishes, and allows us to come to full bloom.
Wisdom comes to us when we discover that though it seems we have no choice and though it seems we must put up with unhealthy and dysfunctional conditions, relationships, and commitments, we have more to lose by clinging to the ropes of a sinking ship, than we do if we let go. At some point in our lives, we discover that we can make the choice to release that which no longer serves us and indeed harms us, and that the outcome frees us to receive what the Universe has been wanting to give us all along. If we understand that we are responsible for moving, choosing, changing, and planning, but we are not responsible for the outcome of our choices alone. We cannot know what the intention of our choices will unfold for us, but we may be assured that if what we desire is for our highest good, excellent health, and for the good of all concerned, we have nothing to fear. We will receive the bounty only when we let go, and become open and receptive to the Divine flow.
We can swim against the tides, or we can swim on the tides of movement, change, flow to the place where we are being propelled anyway.