Reflections Catherine Al-Meten Astoria Port 2012 |
Last week’s Solar Eclipse in Scorpio conjunct the New Moon in Scorpio, released, unleashed, and awakened us on many levels. Moving into a new world with the major shifts in the outer, slow-moving planets, and the activity and aspects of the inner planets, we are moving forward at a rapid pace. Our awakening and transformation has given us this opportunity to be receptive to spiritual guidance from the Divine, however you understand or name that Source. While we can do so much to improve, change, and develop on our own, we are manifest in human form, on this planet, at this time, and in relation to one another. It is imperative that we each acknowledge our gifts, our purpose, and our responsibility to be fully-functioning, beings capable of healing, loving, and creating peace. The movement of the planets, the Sun, and our Moon all highlight and activate energy that affects us and the way we live. As we look at some of the events of this last week, we understand how intricately we are connected to one another. We are also responsible for paying attention to what is calling us to do, be, receive, and understand within, and then how does that call us to help heal, create peace, and act from love rather than fear, hate, and frustration. What has been awakening within you? Have you wanted to hide from truth or are you willing to embrace what is, and move to do what you can to create and heal?
Whatever has been brewing beneath the surface, suppressed in the subconscious, been hidden and kept secret, now stirs within us and begins to seep out. The archetype of Scorpio, where the Sun (outward expression and actions), Mercury (communication), Saturn (lessons and transformation), and the North Node (gateway to change), is that of provocative energy expressed with intensity, passion, willfulness, and sudden revelations. As with all energy and our use of and response to it, we can use this energy, these inner and outer revelations, understandings, and awareness to heal, transform, and grow stronger and more united, or we can act from the darker side of our nature. The unhealed, unredeemed parts of our nature, express this energy through jealousy, manipulation, violence, acrimonious and vindictive striking out. Debasing and dehumanizing the targets of our unhealed, aggressive woundedness, we seek revenge by striking out or attempting to diminish others, failing to understand we are hurting ourselves as well through these actions. Since the energy of Scorpio deals with the subtle, often unconscious sides of our nature, we individually and collectively need to be extremely careful of how we express ourselves. As the archetype of Scorpio implies, the sting of Scorpio can be deadly. The redeemed characteristic of this archetype is reflected in learning through our own woundedness to heal and act from love and understanding. Given the power we have at our disposal, no one person, group, or nation, can be allowed to act from the darker, festering wounds of the past to inflict pain, suffering, and terror on anyone in the name of any righteous purpose or deity. It simply is no longer possible to live and survive on this planet through the use of weapons of war and actions of anger, hate, and despair.
It is clear through our observations and experiences of the last year and months, that the combined energy of people, when brought together to overcome darkness and oppression, can succeed in creating more peaceful and healthy solutions to problems. It is also clear that when we act from our suppressed and festering wounds, we strike out at the innocent in order to drive home our point to our perceived enemies. We make enemies faceless strangers, vilifying those whose ideas and opinions stand in our way or differ from our perception of the world. In our own personal lives, we also need to be cautious to pay attention to that which rises up within us to be addressed, healed, and integrated into a healthier, more mindful approach to living. The Sun will move into Sagittarius, sparking us to act upon whatever has come up during its passage through Scorpio. However, the long-term lessons and revelations will continue to affect our development, our lives, and our relationships as Saturn’s journey through Scorpio has just begun. Whatever deep work has begun within us, will continue to demand our attention, our growth (willingly or not), and our dedication to paying attention to what will continue to stir, and work its way to the surface of our being. The energy, information, and light will come from your own inner wellspring, that part of you that John O’Donohue described as “the eternal echo of the Divine.” The energy also comes to you through relationships, your daily journey, and through a radical openness to hear the Word of the Divine as it finds its way into your meditations, prayers, and receptiveness to see beyond what your eyes can see, hear beyond what your ears can hear, understand beyond what your mind can conceive. Your radical receptiveness now heightens your awareness both within and from the Transcendent sources and messengers that use the channels of your intuitive knowing to connect you with the true knowledge of being and with that which is the Divine Oneness.
Moon 2/12/ Aquarius Today, the Moon is transiting Aquarius, and our emotional nature may be flying on a higher plane than normal, allowing us to envision the threads that connect us now to what is to be and to affirm within us, that which we need to do and be in order to live in greater harmony. Aquarius symbolizes a somewhat detached and innovative or altruistic view of life. When the Moon (keeper of our emotional nature) is transiting Aquarius, we are more likely to see the long term and broader ramifications of our actions, perceptions, and thoughts. We are able to depersonalize our attachment to emotional issues, as we see that the implications of our perceptions and actions have more far-reaching effects than we might normally consider.
Mercury 24/21 Scorpio Mercury’s passage through Scorpio, has been stirring up, releasing, and jarring our inner channels of communication and knowledge at the same time it has been uncovering, revealing, and blasting holes in whatever has been suppressed, hidden, or kept secret. We may have the experience of both discovering parts of ourselves we had forgotten or been unaware of. We may have been experiencing feelings, having memories, or feeling desires and needs that we had forgotten or pushed down hidden within us. It is a time when it is difficult to ignore whatever needs to work its way to the surface of our awareness, works its way out of secret into the daylight, or move into a new level of consciousness in order for us to act on needs, desires, and passions now.
Venus 25/48 Libra, the archetype of harmony, beauty, and gentility in matters of love and the heart, has been the home of Venus for the past month or so. Venus in Libra has allowed us to feel a sense of quiet detachment in regards to our partnerships and relationships. We are more diplomatic and tactful during Venus’ transit through Libra, willing to negotiate, seek consensus, or compromise on matters of the heart. It is also a time when we are more gentile in our approach to love and relationships, preferring that conversations and behavior maintain an air of dignity and grace. When taken to extremes, the shadow side of this transit is being too superficial and shallow in the way we handle relationships. Venus transit in Libra may have been somewhat difficult if we have been unwilling to address the deeper issues that have been stirred up by the planets transiting Scorpio. What we may find is that we have become more aware or those places where we are beginning to feel uncomfortable in whatever relationships we are involved in. Once Venus transits into Scorpios, these areas will become more active and will rise to the surface of awareness. Any resentments held within in order to maintain a pleasant facade in your relationships, are likely to boil over once the Venus transit in Scorpio begins. Notice where you may be holding yourself down or concealing the truth of your feelings, especially if you’re trying to fool yourself. Use your artistic and creative talents to allow yourself to explore that latent or hidden feelings that Venus in Libra may have caused you to pushed down below your conscious awareness. Notice any areas of your life where you are feeling like a victim or a martyr, and work on dispelling these roles from the story you tell of who you are. Take a more conscious and active role in the choices of your life.
When Venus enters Scorpio on November 21 (just after the Sun enters Sagittarius), love and relationships will become more deeply passionate and serious. The overwhelming desire to connect on extreme and intense levels, is activated. Watch as relationships become far more important than they have been for a long time. Both their intensity and passion will deepen and become more energetically intense. We do engage in blind faith with our partners at this time, but rather experience ourselves and our partners in our most raw and authentic selves. We feel consumed by passion, engaged wholly in the raw nature of that which draws us to connect in love. We may feel more vulnerable, and aware of losing control. While holding onto our power, we still seek to allow ourselves to enter into the passionate connections defined by “genuine intimacy, affinity, and belonging,” (John O’Donohue, Anam Cara), rather than the insecure demanding of attention, affirmation, or meeting of needs that too often stands in for love. Examine your beliefs about what defines your experience of love, and stand on the ground of authentic love and passion rather than holding on, grasping for some idealize vision of what love should be. This is the challenge of experiencing love as it is, not as we project it to be. Venus’ transit through Scorpio will provide you with a clearer experience of how love finds and unlocks your true self. Whatever passionate connections you are engaged in or you are seeking, allow yourself the freedom to let it spring from your inner spring of love and be receptive to love as it seeks to join your true, authentic self.
Mars 1/10 Capricorn.
Mars just entered Capricorn on November 17, 2012. Fiery Mars, archetype of action, energy, and war, grounded itself immediately in its very negative shadow expression, landing in the long-standing tinderbox of fuel and setting off a firestorm in the Middle East with Israel’s attack on Gaza. That, and the inflamed passions of a number of other areas where suppressed tensions are released, indicate areas that must be tempered. Since Pluto and Mars are transiting Capricorn, it appears that this is just the beginning of more upsetting and disruptive kinds of activities that use force to transform in a very earth-centered way. How we treat one another and our planet, is crucial to our health and survival. Mars’ transit exerts deliberate and persistent force and energy to bring about change. It is incumbent upon us to negotiate, give careful consideration to the consequences of our actions, and consider the long-term outcome of choices we are making at this time. Mars in Capricorn, indicates a time when there is a supply of reliable energy and a commitment to honest brokering for peace, compromise, consensus, and resolutions. Mars’ fiery entry into Capricorn, needs taming and tempering into finer and more cool-headed approaches to very significant and far-reaching decisions and actions. It is a time for cool heads and a willingness to bend. The shadow side of a Capricorn Mars is that when frustrated in one’s efforts, the negative tendency is to become rigid and stubborn. This is a passive form of aggression, and that will not do when so much is at stake. A mature, grown up approach is needed to solve the issues, challenges, and problems that already stand before us. We cannot afford to continue to fight fire with fire. Nor can we sit in the selfish, self-centered zone of complacency to stand on personal power or beliefs at the expense of more pressing demands. Channeling energy into solid, grounded ways of repairing and healing (as has been done by those who suffered through the damage, destruction, and loss of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast of the U.S.) is what the redemptive side of Mars in Capricorn calls for.
Saturn 5/14 Scorpio.
Saturn entered Scorpio just a month ago on October 5, and continues through in the early degrees of Scorpio to awaken us individually on the subconscious and unconscious levels, and collectively, in the areas of our world and Universe where we need to learn to be more realistic about the truth of our lives and ourselves. In whatever area of your life the Saturn transit is occurring, you may find yourself become more reserved and conservative about how you are spending your energy and resources.
In Scorpio, the Saturn archetype ushers in a prolonged period of examining and reflecting on the nature of our unconscious and subconscious nature. Whatever patterns, habits, beliefs, or behavior you discovered over the last year that needs to be released, reexamined, or refined, now provide the fodder for your meditations, prayers, contemplation, and discernment. You’ll now notice whatever areas of your life and health are out of balance, will begin to become more apparent. Intuitively, you will know something is not quite right. Physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, the subconscious and unconsciousness will awaken you to whatever addictions, imbalances, or disorders need to be let go of. We can begin structuring and reorganizing areas of our lives to maintain clearer flows of energy and to channel and conserve our resources. The Saturn and Pluto transits are both leading us through a complete restructuring of how we live our lives. Learning and transforming so as to become more fully-functioning as individuals and in relationship. When we resist or attempt to scape goat our problems on others (it’s the fault of my marriage, my job, or some other outside connection, including a negative view of your place in the Divine plan), we fail to understand the source of our goodness is the stream of divine love that infuses us and connects us, that reflection of Divine goodness, that we are given to use to create the lives we have come here to live. We each have gifts we can use to make our own lives and the lives of others, better. Whatever is in the way, whatever is blocking you from acting from a point of love and goodness, needs to be acknowledged, released, and understood so you can live more harmoniously.
Jupiter 13/12 Gemini retrograde.
Jupiter’s transit through Gemini, continues her journey until June 25, 2013, expanding our experiences, abundance, knowledge, and understanding. As we continue expanding our thinking, being more receptive to different levels of knowledge and insight, and attracting abundance, good fortune, and ingenuity, Jupiter’s archetype casts the light of optimism, intellectual brilliance, sincerity, cooperation, and genuine desire to explore, create, and express. Whatever area of your life Jupiter is transiting will feel this passionate and uplifting transit, and would be useful to help counter any of the other heavier transits and their frustrations or restrictions. For example, if Jupiter is transiting your 5th house (children, pleasure, sexuality, creativity), your 12th house may be experiencing the Saturn transit. This can be quite a heavy transit for most of us, causing us to feel deep-seated memories, issues, emotional wounds that are coming into our awareness. The fifth house passage of Jupiter would indicate an area of your life where you could look to life-supporting, uplifting energy to help you with this passage. Look to the house where Jupiter is passing to determine the likely gifts and support you are receiving to counter some of the more difficult challenges, and in many cases, may be the source of solutions for whatever issues and challenges you face. Out of our depression, disappointments, or adversity, we often find gifts and treasures that help us convert the negative, or shadow sides to experiences and development into more healthy and healing expressions. What areas of your life are calling for change, alteration, transformation, reorganization, or release? How can you use your gifts as support for yourself and others through the difficulties you face?
Uranus 4/52 Aries retrograde, continues in the early stage of its 14-year cycle to awaken the urge to make significant changes in our lives. In the fiery sign of Aries, we find ourselves wanting to release restrictive patterns, routines, beliefs, and elements of our psychological and emotional makeup. Uranus brings change about quite suddenly and in often surprising and unexpected ways. Once the Sun enters Sagittarius, look for sudden and surprisingly pleasant changes and appearances.
Neptune 0/22 Pisces. Neptune in Pisces awakens us to our mystical nature, or deepens the sense of feeling shrouded and infused with intuitive and deeply spiritual knowledge and experiences. A very personal experience, for some it awakens a previously closed area of life; for others, it broadens, deepens, and creates a true sense of Oneness and connectedness. In harmony with Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, Neptune’s mystical experiences are being grounded into our daily lives, and into uniting body, mind, spirit--walking the path of harmony. Our connection with the Divine, highly personal is also now highly charged and clear.Known in ancient Greece as Aescelepius, the healer, Neptune works through our dreams, subconscious/unconsciousness, our imagination, thoughts, and visions, and through the mystical walk we are on. We can be receptive and open, we can learn and acquire knowledge, we can develop practices to awaken and discern, but we also have to let go and be open to life lived right where we are, trusting that the Divine always has been and always will be, the active principle and force of our lives. We are here to walk the path, doing, creating, singing, dancing, and receiving the blessings and gifts that we then use to share and help others. Neptune signals us, fills us with signs, symbols, and messages, and we are to awaken, listen, and walk.
Chiron in 4/59 Pisces, also lends its support to using dreams, imagination, thoughts, ideas, and our heart-centered feelings to heal, ourselves and others. Our woundedness is meant to be healed, and our healing supports our health. Living in the stories of our wounds, blocks our growth, healing, and overall well being. Becoming aware of disturbances is the awakening that is meant to unleash the healing powers and grace for our own healing, and to release our need to dwell in darkness, despair, and the past.
Pluto 6/53 Capricorn continues to work its transformative magic in whatever area of our lives it is transiting. By now we are becoming more aware of what is needing to be changed, released, reformed, and transformed. We may find that the Scorpio transits have brought home whatever has laid dormant inside you and within your life journey. With the North Node at 26/3 Scorpio retrograde, we may be rethinking what changes we have recently made. The choices are made; allow yourself to settle into the thoughts that propelled you forward, and proceed with courage, strength, and confidence.
Uranus 4/52 Aries retrograde, continues in the early stage of its 14-year cycle to awaken the urge to make significant changes in our lives. In the fiery sign of Aries, we find ourselves wanting to release restrictive patterns, routines, beliefs, and elements of our psychological and emotional makeup. Uranus brings change about quite suddenly and in often surprising and unexpected ways. Once the Sun enters Sagittarius, look for sudden and surprisingly pleasant changes and appearances.
Neptune 0/22 Pisces. Neptune in Pisces awakens us to our mystical nature, or deepens the sense of feeling shrouded and infused with intuitive and deeply spiritual knowledge and experiences. A very personal experience, for some it awakens a previously closed area of life; for others, it broadens, deepens, and creates a true sense of Oneness and connectedness. In harmony with Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, Neptune’s mystical experiences are being grounded into our daily lives, and into uniting body, mind, spirit--walking the path of harmony. Our connection with the Divine, highly personal is also now highly charged and clear. Known in ancient Greece as Aescelepius, the healer, Neptune works through our dreams, subconscious/unconsciousness, our imagination, thoughts, and visions, and through the mystical walk we are on. We can be receptive and open, we can learn and acquire knowledge, we can develop practices to awaken and discern, but we also have to let go and be open to life lived right where we are, trusting that the Divine always has been and always will be, the active principle and force of our lives. We are here to walk the path, doing, creating, singing, dancing, and receiving the blessings and gifts that we then use to share and help others. Neptune signals us, fills us with signs, symbols, and messages, and we are to awaken, listen, and walk.
Chiron in 4/59 Pisces, also lends its support to using dreams, imagination, thoughts, ideas, and our heart-centered feelings to heal, ourselves and others. Our woundedness is meant to be healed, and our healing supports our health. Living in the stories of our wounds, blocks our growth, healing, and overall well being. Becoming aware of disturbances is the awakening that is meant to unleash the healing powers and grace for our own healing, and to release our need to dwell in darkness, despair, and the past.
Pluto 6/53 Capricorn continues to work its transformative magic in whatever area of our lives it is transiting. By now we are becoming more aware of what is needing to be changed, released, reformed, and transformed. We may find that the Scorpio transits have brought home whatever has laid dormant inside you and within your life journey. With the North Node at 26/3 Scorpio retrograde, we may be rethinking what changes we have recently made. The choices are made; allow yourself to settle into the thoughts that propelled you forward, and proceed with courage, strength, and confidence.