On Saturday, September 8, we experienced the Last Quarter Lunar Square to the Sun in Virgo (ouch I felt it!). Last Quarter Square signals some kind of crisis. Pay attention to what is screaming at you (body, mind, spirit) from the mundane to the sacred, to see what you ought not be missing. The Moon was in Gemini (20/19) this weekend, and will be moving through Cancer and Leo before the New Moon in Virgo next weekend. The square on Saturday, September 8 hit between 14-18 degrees of all mutable sings (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). Notice what section of your chart/life these points hit, and you’ll have some idea of what issues may be triggered.
The Sun’s passage through Virgo finds us shifting gears between summer and autumn, and turning our attention to more practical and pressing matters. With attention turning to detail-oriented matters, we may find the final 10-11 days of this passage a busier time than usual. I’ve noticed friends, family, and neighbors alike in the process of cleaning out closets, garages, basements, and storage bins. Among my friends, there has been a constant recycling of clothes, books, and other good. Around the house, office, car, barn, or storefront, now may be a good time for seasonal cleaning, clearing, and reorganizing. Emphasis is on organization, communication, and attention to details as we lay out plans and consider how we would like to set our intentions for the future.
Again, with the Sun’s trine to Pluto’s ( ongoing transit through Capricorn, now retrograde until September 18) we seem to be more focused on noticing matters that still need to be adjusted to make our transformation, in whatever area of our lives Pluto is working its way through. We may find ourselves making adjustments, maintaining our awareness, and learning to live with the constant upheaval (be it in our subconscious lives, daily lives, or in the shifting societal tides of change). On September 18th, Pluto goes direct 1:06 AM. This ends its transformative revisit to unearth those issues we have yet to address, refine those we have begun to alter or adapt, and affirm the need to work with the substance and gifts we have been given to use.
As we enter the days leading up to the New Moon, in 23/37 Virgo 11:12 P.M PDT on September 15/16 (depending upon your time zone). This New Moon is called the Cazimi Moon. An Arabian astronomical term used to describe the center of the Sun. Whenever any planet is located within a 17degree orb of the Sun’s center, it is described as being in the heart of the sun. This position, according to some astronomers/astrologers is said to be Zamimium, a position of great strength. Though there is some disagreement, most astrologers believe the Cazimi New Moon is auspicious, “wondrous strong,” according to William Lilly, “like a man who purifies himself and so lacks strength, but will regain health afterwards," according to Abu Ma’shar and is like a cosmic protective hand, bestowing great protection on whatever planet/orb it is in aspect with, according to astrologer, Nina Holy. The beneficence of this aspect, as Abu Ma’shar implies, depends upon how we handle the cleansing, releasing, purifying of our thoughts, beliefs, patterns of behavior, habits, as well as how responsive we are and have been to the lessons seeking to make themselves to the surface of our consciousness over the past period of time (lunar month, season, year, whatever phase of life and stage of transition/transformation of which you have become more mindful.) In other words, an auspicious alignment of this new moon is only as powerful as we are willing to be honest with ourselves about what really needs to change, learned, understood, accepted, or acted upon.
Mercury in Virgo through September 16, and with the Moon, Mercury moves into Libra. Mercury’s presence in Virgo enhances our desire and focus on being more precise and clear in thought, word, intention, and actions. Mercury rules Virgo, supporting the tendency to pay close attention to details (don’t, however, get caught up in the minutia), analyzing and weighing options, choices, and alternatives. Additionally, Mercury transiting Virgo focuses on “the facts, ma’am, just the facts,” so you might want to be aware of how you are expressing yourself so as not to seem completely devoid of compassion, affection, or understanding. With both the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, what may seem obvious and clear to you, may nevertheless touch someone else on a much deeper level than you can imagine, so cushion your communication with tenderness and loving kindness. Don’t expect everyone to like, accept, or digest what your choices may signal. Just because you believe you are making the right choices, stating the obvious, or acting for the good of the whole, don’t expect everyone to readily agree, understand, or accept what communicate. What matters when Mercury is in Virgo, is that you are clear and honest with yourself about what matters most, so you avoid acting out of your shadow, unconscious, or unhealed hurts by projecting or attacking others. What we cannot face and heal within ourselves, becomes the target on our loved ones, neighbors, friends, and strangers...separating us from any possibility of resolving, healing, or creating peace. The keywords for this period: diplomacy, tact, and an honest self appraisal. This includes, examining our own motives and intentions before trying to fix anyone else.
Venus in Leo as of September 6. Just warming up with Leo’s fiery energy that will be with us until October 3 (just before Saturn’s entry into Scorpion on Oct. 6). Venus in Leo finds us seeking to connect more, express our affections, and put our love out for others to see, feel, and receive. It’s a rather grandiose time when we feel more like expressing our feelings, generosity, and adoration of those we love and care about. In Leo, love is often “done for dramatic effect,” and comes from a deep-seated need to be acknowledged, adored, and affirmed in all areas of love. We particularly need to make sure we shower some of this adoration on ourselves (those of us who tend to define ourselves through how we show others our love). Leo can be proud, passionate, and prone to drama. When expressed in creative, artistic, and productive ways, this can be the source of great motivation to serve and help heal. When expressed from the shadow side (unmet needs, unexplored needs and desires, unexpressed and unacknowledged feelings) it can present as arrogance, haughtiness, and self-consuming, boring standoffishness.
Our ego needs are tested during Venus’ passage through Leo. Not only are we likely to be more aware of what we need (what’s lacking) and what we want (what we desire to do, be, have), but also we are more likely to act out of unhealed places if we are not consciously making some effort to be honest with ourselves as we continue to grow into more fully functioning, mature, healthy, and happy people. Ego needs show up in the form of all these negative ways of expressing ourselves, and when Venus is in Leo, we might be surprised by how those aspects of ourselves and others show up and connect with our soft and vulnerable places. Spend time connecting to the Divine Beloved within, understanding that our ability to discover our wholeness and divine nature within, allows us to love from a more direct, healed, and honest place. We see ourselves as we are, others as they are, and we are then both willing and able to give and receive love. If we simply seek fulfillment in others, we fail to fulfill our destiny to be a fully gifted and defined reflection of Divine Love. This is a great time to seek that connection through our practices of prayer, meditation, as well as other practices in which we seek to create daily ways to harmonize and love ourselves so that we can serve and love one another.
Mars has been in Scorpio since August 23, and on October 6, along with Saturn, Mars changes signs. We have been going through a period of time when we have been delving deep into the emotional depths of our being...looking to see where in your life/chart Mars transits, will probably remind you (if you needed to be reminded) what issues, areas of life, and emotionally-charged matters are most experiencing this transit. Opposite Mars, is Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Libra (both signs ruled by Venus) exerting considerable influence on one another. Jupiter, the planet of benevolence and good fortune, in Taurus rules the practical application of Venus--expressed through devotion, creativity, beauty, and material expression of love. Saturn in Libra, seeks expression through movement and expression of idealistic ways of expressing ourselves through social, artistic, and philanthropic ways. These aspects, by the way, remain strong into January, 2013, giving us a great deal of time to bring some pretty amazing ideas, ideals, projects, and creations into fruition and fulfillment.
Saturn in Libra, tends to slow us down in some ways. With Saturn in Libra since 2009, we have been weighing our lives, in what may seem at times, like a journey in a tiny boat sailing through the high seas. Saturn’s passage through Libra has helped us learn about limitations, boundaries, restraints, accountability, and responsibility. As Saturn is completing its transit through Libra (due to end Oct. 6), we may be feeling the weight of this transit. I have noticed any time now that my life is in any way running counter to what I have been learning through this transit, I feel the weight of that directly in my body. It manifests in pain signaling overextension or soreness and exhaustion from pushing my limits. It’s almost as if this final chapter of Saturn’s stay in Libra is being metasiticized in my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual makeup. The lessons are working their way into every layer of my being. You might remember your Saturn returns (around the ages between 28-30, and then again 58-61). If you are in the least reflective you might recall a similar process taking place during those periods when you were called to pay attention to the growing edges of your life, make adjustments, before you set sail into the next stage of life. When we fail to heed the warnings, by trying to cling to worn out beliefs, behavior, habits, patterns of action, and expectations (ourselves and those of others), we carry those unresolved aspects of ourselves forward.
In cognitive development terms, when we fail to master a learning skill at some point in our early life, it travels with us manifesting as the “missing piece/link” in our understanding, say of understanding a formula in mathematics or of mastering analogies. Those skills can be learned, and indeed must be learned, if we are to be able to fully grasp the skill and subject matter. When we apply this concept to our life journey, we can view the Saturn transits (and other major, long-term transits like Progressed Sun, Pluto, Neptune, ie.) as similar times when we need to “fish or cut bait,” or find ourselves sitting in the boat trying to leave the dock while still firmly anchored to the pier.
With the two slowest-moving planets in Venus’s ruling signs, Venus has a powerful impact on the success of our allowing these transits to help us fully transform our lives. Today the Moon has just entered Cancer, making this a time when you might receive an emotional boost when the Moon aspects the 10th degree of Saturn in Libra...said to be a time of great insight. Coupled with Venus’ transit in Leo, this can be a time when we are not only more clearly reminded what is working and what is not, but also more gently supported and in touch with our heart’s desire and the truth about who we really are. Listen with your heart, pay attention to your dreams, observe the signals, signs, and messages of your body, the world around you, and of the Voice of the Divine Beloved who keeps wanting you to understand how deeply you are loved, and how surely you are a reflection of God’s love. Treat yourself with loving care and kindness. Then it becomes a habit you and others can live with.
September 10-11, Venus forms a semi square to Mercury, creating an air of superficiality and discomfort between yourself and those you love. This may manifest in keeping things light or expressing a lightness and superficial attitude in relationships. Pluto forms a quinqunx to Venus on September 12, bringing conflicts and disagreements to a head. This aspect pertains to the closest relationships we have, and force issues over power, control, and manipulation over our social lives, involvements, and acquaintances. On the same day, Venus forms a quinqunx to Chiron (the Wounded Healer). This might manifest as an inner discomfort and distress over unsatisfactory relationships, security issues (jobs, money, finances in general), or material goods. We may feel a bit insecure and have trouble voicing our needs, desires, or concerns. Whatever is lying dormant within us, will surely be awakened by the Venus transit and the different aspects this month. By mid-week, Venus forms a trine with Uranus, making us much more likely to take action on whatever has been creating internal discomfort and dread. Change will happen, whether or not we want or accept it. The question we face, day to day, is “Am I going to allow myself to be guided by my fears or by my trust in Divine Goodness?” When we live in fear, we act out of the fears, and our lives are shaped and colored by that. When we are receptive to the good that awaits us when we are courageous and act out of a belief that we have a Divine right to receive the graces of Goodness, then we are more likely to perceive good and receive it into our lives.
This is a time when we are prime to surrender our own ego. and put ourselves in readiness to receive our good. A time when, through practices of gratitude and loving kindness, we come to appreciate the gifts that fill our lives. Being present to who we are right where we are, allows us to live with a sense of deep fulfillment...not grasping to memories of the past nor holding ourselves in visions of the future, but fully present to the wonder of the gift of our lives now. Life unfolds as it will; we can fight that, or flow in the direction it is taking. When we are stalled, uncertain, or confused, we are receiving a divine signal that we need to go within to listen to what our hearts are speaking for us, and to seek the wisdom of the Divine voice right where we are, now. “Seek, and ye shall find”, the scriptures read. The imperative is to seek. Can’t find if you don’t take the first step.
Later in the month, other aspects of Venus will come into play, but for now, this week is full of stimulating and energizing aspects to ponder and observe as you take time during the Dark of the Moon to reflect on where you are in your journey.
The North Node, gateway into the future, is also in Taurus, making the aspects of Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter extra potent for new beginnings when projects, relationships, ideas, and goals are launched slowly, methodically, and over the period of the transits and major shifts that are taking place now through the first of 2013. Again, there are always shifts and transits taking place, so we don’t arrive to shore with the journey ended. Our journey continues to change, shift, plateau, stall, reform, and then kick into high gear, time and time again, throughout our lives. Understanding something about the major trends and tendencies (that can be found, though not exclusively, through an understanding of astrological movement), can help us guide our boats through the seas of life.
Jupiter and Saturn occupy Venus’ sign the entire month of September
Jupiter continues the early part of her transit through Gemini (June 11, 2011-June, 2013).
Uranus entered Aries on March 11, 2012, and has just begun her 14-year journey through the sign of the Ram. The urge to break free, the need to purge and merge our energies into the most productive, fulfilling, and nourishing ways, has sent a signal throughout the world, that we are moving into a new time and are adapting to the awesome number of changes that have taken place over the last century. We are propelling forward at an amazing rate of speed, it seems, and each of us is feeling, in some way, the need to prepare for a new journey that will stretch over and beyond the next 14 years. Fueled by the fiery energy of Aries, Uranus, the planet of sudden and unexpected changes, stirs our lives in surprising ways, triggering change whether we are ready or not.
Hold onto your hats, in case you hadn’t noticed, the trip is already underway, and this is just the beginning. Dragging your feet, or stalling only distracts you from the inevitable. Aries burns through the refuse and leaves the ground free of undergrowth; the path becomes clear right before our eyes.
Developing practices that ground you in motion, will help you create a center for peace within. Teaching meditation, I am well aware of the need for stress reduction and calming, peaceful practices to soothe us. At the same time, we cannot live in the world as it is today without finding inner peace in motion. Allow yourself to readjust your lives, schedules, expectations, needs, and lifestyles to meet the growing need to find meaning and connection, purpose and outlets for service and creativity, and to live a divinely-inspired life.
Neptune is in the 1st degree of Pisces, in retrograde motion, sending us into the underground of our psyches and emotional wellspring to ponder the hidden and subconscious messages we have been distracted from. Depending upon where Neptune’s passage is in your life/chart, some area of your life is being more heavily affected by what may be just beneath the surface of your awareness. Dreams now may shed much light of this. Avoid dismissing dreams simply because they “make no sense.” Dreams are messages to us, and come in ways to strike through the surface of our consciousness to get us to pay attention. As Albert Einstein said, “ You can believe one of two things. Everything in life is a miracle or nothing is.” He and other great ones, believed life is a miracle. Get past the ego voice that says to dismiss your dreams, to dismiss your intuitive hunches, to dismiss your ideas and imagination, to dismiss the signs that are happening all around you, and look to see if perhaps, there is something hidden in the messages that surround you right now. Pay closer attention. Study the symbols, archetypes, and dreams, and honor the gifts of Neptune in Pisces that remove many of the shields, masks, and limitations that have blocked our growth as divinely-spirited human beings. There’s too much to tend to to get lost any longer in the ego trip of the science v. spirituality debate. All is One...get on with the journey.
Chiron is at 6/52 of Pisces, also continues to signal to us that our healing comes from within. As long as we look outside ourselves to blame or seek meaning, purpose, or direction, we prolong our struggle for healing and wholeness. Take the aspects of this week, the time during the dark of the moon, and the time leading up to the New Moon to reflect, refine, and refresh ourselves in the pool of knowledge and peace that lies within us. Take better care of yourself. Make nutrition and meals a sacred ritual to nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Allow yourself time, seclusion, inner peace, and rest enough to refresh and regenerate your body. Rest from the heavy loads you have carried, laying your burdens down, reassessing what you need for the next leg of the journey, and eliminating whatever is not necessary for a healthy, whole life.
Next weekend, we’ll look at the New Moon, and the aspects for the remainder of September. We have expended a great deal of energy lately, and we are all, collectively and individually in need of some time to ponder, allow thoughts, feelings, experiences, and decisions to settle and take form. Mercury and the Sun will be changing signs, Pluto will be stationing direct, and we’re coming up to a power-packed Full Moon experience on September 29 when Uranus squares Pluto once again.