Full Moons represent the culmination, fruition, and promise for the future. While New Moons represent a time to sow seeds, develop plans, and set out in search of, Full Moons symbolize fulfilling dreams and completing of projects. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, this August Full Moon is called, The Full Sturgeon Moon, The Full Red Moon, the Green Corn Moon, and the Grain Moon. Depending upon where a tribe lives, the moon in the Northern Hemisphere is named according to the migration and spawning of the fish, the crops ready for harvest, or the climactic conditions and their effects on the size , location (in the sky) and color of the Moon. The first of two full moons in the Month of August, the first Full Moon is in 10 degrees of Aquarius. In months where two full moons fall within the same calendar month, the second of the two moons is called the Blue Moon (simply because it happens rarely, not because it’s blue).
At the time of the first Full Moon on August 2, 2012, the Sun is in 10 degrees of Leo. The Full Moon, is in opposition to the Sun at 10 degrees of Aquarius. The Sun trines Uranus, and signals a heightened sense of self esteem. As Uranus represents both surprise and speed, it is likely that we are more receptive to discovering new ways to channel our energy and enthusiasm, or for seeking solutions to long-standing problems. The alignment between the Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius, Uranus in Aries Jupiter in Gemini forms what is called The Cradle. The Cradle aspect is formed with four planets/heavenly orbs form three sextiles, two trines, and one opposition. The Cradle forms positive aspects, and bringing a sense of protection, safety, and security. Whatever falls within these realms in our lives, is guarded, nourished, and provided all that is needed to come to fruition. When appreciated, The Cradle, provides the right circumstances, energy, and sense of accessibility for us to become more congruent in how we perceive and live our lives. We can feel ‘at sea’ if we don’t appreciate the value of learning to live in the point of balance, rather than at the extremes.
Looking at the positive values of each aspect, can help us learn to discern how to live in harmony with different kinds of energy and elemental needs and desires. The Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter and attracts good fortune. Jupiter sextile Uranus signals surprising and sudden good fortune provided we choose to recognize it as such. The Sun sextile Jupiter provides warmth, graciousness, enthusiasm. We are impelled to feel our spirits lifted, and in turn we lift the spirits of those around us.
In 1925, clairvoyant, Elsie Wheeler, created a set of archetypal symbols she called, Sabian Symbols. They were designed to be used for understanding the physical and metaphysical significance and connection of different aspects of the degrees of astrological chart/zodiac. In particular, the Sabian Symbols are used to highlight the general dominant theme of the lunar and solar transits. Unlike the recently, Barking Mad New Moon, this full Moon brings benevolent energy. The Sabian Symbol reads, “During the silent hour, one receives new inspiration.” Soothing and healing the harshness and upset of the last two weeks.
Both Leo (The Sun sign) and Aquarius (the position of the Moon) represent individual expression and independence. However, both manifest individuality much differently. Leo enjoys the limelight, the sense of standing out and expressing one’s self and accomplishments. Aquarius tends to express that independence outwardly through team effort and identification with a group/cause/ideal.
Wherever the Sun in Leo transits your chart/life, indicates an area where you are more apt to feel playful, outgoing, and willing to express yourself more openly than usual. And since there are so many positive aspects to the Sun, this Full Moon may see you shining in a number of other areas in your life where the Sun casts its warmth, pleasure, and sense of the dramatic. For example, if the sun trines your first house (Uranus in Aries) , you may project a more colorful or outgoing image, attracting a great deal of attention to what you do and say. Whatever house the Leo Sun is transiting, it is shining toward the area of your life where Uranus is transiting Aries. Watch these two houses to determine how best to take advantage of this boost in your self esteem to enjoy life more fully and to share your joy with others. Our sense of generosity increases, and we find ourselves motivated to reach out to others lessening our grip on security issues that have been tying up our energy so much over the last year. It’s not so much that anything has changed dramatically on the outside, but our inner growth and movement has us focusing on more spiritually and emotionally healthy movement and thinking.
Mercury has been in Leo since June 25, and will stay there until August 31. Mentally, our thinking is expansive, and/or communication increases in the excitement of building, creating, and planning. Our goals may be grand, and our attention to detail, not so much. It is a very creative time and a wonderful time to envision and set plans for the future. I think of all my educator friends who may be making plans for the coming year, and see this as a very fruitful time for them.
Venus has been in Gemini since April,and will leave Gemini moving into Cancer on August 3. The final degree of Venus, 29degrees, coincides with the Full Moon, and may mark the completion of something, a relationship, project, or trip begun back in April. We’ve been dabbling in a number of areas as Venus has made her way through Gemini, and as she moves more closely to her transit through Cancer, we may begin to feel more than need to settle down, to create a home, to release anything that makes us feel a lack of attachment or connection. Venus in Gemini is like living life with a box of assorted chocolates. Venus moving into Cancer is like building our dream house and moving in. Notice to see if there is a change in attitude, emotional need, or desire for creating a more congruent life.
Mars in Libra from July 3 to August 23, marks a time when we more readily see the wide array of options before us. It is a pretty ambiguous time, and tends to feel on some levels like we can see what we want more clearly than ever before but cannot seem to act on it. If we have become overwhelmed by negative experiences, and have not yet been able to understand what the lessons are, we may feel we have no good choices. However, when we can learn to see how the negative experiences, choices, conditions,and options are really gateways to deeper and more fulfilling lives, will discover that we can release our expectations, stop trying to predict and control our future, and be more at peace with the gifts of life with in and before us. Mars is the planet of energetic action. Libra is the constellation of balance and harmony. When the element of fire as represented by Mars and air as represented by Libra, mix we feel moved to action through beauty, balance, and a more harmonious way of living. The shadow side of Libra has us acting in passive aggressive ways or in using our charm to sue and placate the very real needs, desires, and behavior of both ourselves and others. How we use our energy right now maybe just as important if not more so than the actual choices we are considering. Developing ways to direct energy through the body, mind, spirit, emotions, and movement--- directed away from our own needs or desire to control and manipulate, allows us to use the energy we feel and more positive and healthy ways. Particularly when the sun is in Leo and there is a general tendency for everyone to want to be the star of the show in some form or another, we can bring our desires up through a more conscious and intentional direction so that feelings, emotions, fantasies, memories, thoughts and ideas can be acted upon with discretion.
Jupiter began her transit through Gemini on June 11 of this year, and stays in Gemini until June 25 of 2013. Another indication that this period of time between now and next year is the time of mental and spiritual awakening on a grand scale. This is the time when we work better with others than we do normally. What this means for artists, writers, and others who work alone a lot, is that our ideas are apt to be more accepted, affirmed, and appreciated than they have been for some time. It is a very active time, and there are many ways for us to live out our dreams and express ourselves creatively.
With Jupiter in Gemini, it is as if there is a magic spell casting an air of benevolence, good fortune, and kindness in areas of our lives where we gather with others. Depending upon where Gemini is in your chart/life, Jupiter ere can also capture shadow dow when we fail to practice temperance and moderation. To the last time Jupiter was Gemini for a year was from June, 2000 to July, 20the shadow side of Jupiter in Gemini 2000 is in overreaching our limits, not following through, or in getting distracted through tunnel vision. We need to maintain an awareness of what others need and what is going on around us, and we need to refrain from manipulating, using passive-aggressive behavior, and projecting our own unhealed wounds onto situations, relationships, and others in the world around us (individually and collectively). When we are excited and motivated, we want to avoid taking the "Us vs Them" stance to gain our desired outcome. It may have the opposite effect.
Pluto continues working through Capricorn as it digs deep into the ground that needs to be prepared for new ideas, new projects, new attitudes/behavior, and new ways of directing our thoughts, energy, and emotional power. Whatever area of your life/chart Pluto and Uranus moved into the first of seven exact squares on June 24. For the next three years these square aspects and the related aspects from other planets, will continue to trigger the transformative changes that are being birthed in our lives. What is being born, is the manifestation of what we, collectively and individually, have sought. How it is revealed will be through the continued shedding of the skins of outworn and transformed being. The cycle of seven has a mystical and extremely significant meaning. Later in August, I will be writing an article of the Cycles of Seven. Pluto and Uranus’s cycles of seven are giving us a direct experience of the spiritual growth cycle that propels us into a deeper and more profound understanding of our purpose, callings, and gifts.
Mercury is still in her retrograde phase until August 8 o when she will return stationary direct in the 1st degree of Leo. The energy and impact of the full moon will be expanded and enhanced, by Mercury’s direct motion. Mercury is also known as the gatekeeper between our conscious and unconsciousness, between the material and spiritual realities, and serves as the link between the manifested and non-manifested energy---the source of all potentialities. Going deeper, and seeking more direct links between our spiritual and physical being, can provide us with what we need to move into the next level of being and transition through the process of becoming more fully evolved and capable of meeting the needs of our times, and to provide the grounding for the future.
Dive deeply into the depths during this transition period, and stand in fearless awareness of what you hold to be true. How is the Divine calling your to live out your life? We have the possibility of helping shape our destiny, and the power of our thoughts, our words, and the repercussions and responses of our actions and behavior, have an enduring effect on our future and on the legacy we leave, as individuals and as a collective whole. We carry with us all we have become, and are best served when we rid ourselves of whatever hinders our growth and ability to serve and love.
Neptune, the archetype of the Collective Unconscious, and our own subconscious and divine nature, continues its inaugural year in Pisces. Our dreams have opened us to greater information and lessons, and our intuitive facilities are expanding and opening up more than ever before. With the complexities and expansiveness of our communication systems, and our rather archaic and slow ways of processing all the information available to us, we now face the challenges of how to respond to, use, and learn to discriminate among the massive selection of information open to us. Our senses are becoming more heightened, and we are relying more our own abilities to process, discern, integrate, interpret, and select what we can use and what we need to turn from. We are discovering more and more potentialities, and are thus required to filter, define, and become more intentional about the way we live our lives. Use the dreams and intuitive gifts you have to process, through your body, brain, heart, energy, and spirit. Develop ways to channel your energy, thoughts, ideas, prayers, spirit, emotions, and desires into uplifting, useful, helpful tools by which you can open doors, build bridges, and discover the gifts you have to create and live your life fully and with meaning.
I would love to hear what traditions, lore, and stories you and your culture have to share about the different archetypal energies of the planets, Moon, and stars. Enjoy the benevolence and beauty of this Full Moon.