The Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn and squares Uranus in Aries making for explosive and unexpected surprises. Whatever area of your life is affected will be in that part of your life and experiences that is undergoing the transformative power shifts that Pluto has been working out through its journey in earthy Capricorn. This will not come as new news, but surprising events, experiences, or decisions may bring to light aspects of our struggles that we hadn't expected. We can choose to take greater responsibility for our choices, or rebel against any aspect of our lives that is threatening our freedom, taking away our joy, or pushing us beyond our limits.
All week I've been hearing and reading about an overwhelming sense of emotional turmoil that people seem to be experiencing. What we sometimes forget is that as we are actively working on transforming our lives or have been forced to do so, whatever we are releasing cannot be released until it has made its way up into our awareness. This process, as anyone who has ever meditated or prayed can tell you, often results in the subconscious releasing some pretty interesting dreams, thoughts, memories, or ideas. When they are released, they work our way into our awareness either as inner feelings, upset, illness, aches and pains, discomfort, or feelings of joy, euphoria, and peace. It depends upon what is working its way out of our system.
At the same time our subconscious, our memory, and our intuitive and tactile awareness and senses sound their alarms or tickle our fancies, our out life reveals, unveils, releases, or exposes what may have been hidden. Often we believe that if only we can understand something, then we can deal with it. Unfortunately or not, understanding is something related to our own perspective. We never really know what is going on in other people's lives and minds until they are willing (or not) to share it with us.
We need to focus instead on knowing where we stand, what our truth is, how congruent our beliefs are with our actions, and what we can do to affect the movement of our own lives. We also need to realize that not everything is in our control or even sphere of awareness. We don't know everything; we only know what we can understand at any given point. We operate on faith. Each of us has faith in something, in someone, or some sense of power in and beyond ourselves. Predicting or projecting plans, expectations, onto our future is part and parcel with what our society calls us to do. In the realm of Universal Law, the future is not ours to see or know. We have some gifts of vision and we have some options and choices, but we do not know how all that we plan, hope for, or expect will manifest exactly. We have faith that what we understand to be likely, probable, or inteneded, may indeed turn out differently than we envision. Yet we continue to make plans and expect those plans to turn out as we'd like them to. If this sounds familiar to you, you're not alone, and so times such as these may feel extremely uncomfortable to you. We are being shaken to our roots, to our inner core, and are being allowed to acknowledge to ourselves or others, what needs to change and what needs to be released if we are to live according to what is best for our highest good, our excellent health and happiness, and for our highest calling. If we are so caught up in the ego messages that we use to define ourselves (I'm a strong person, I'm a teacher. I'm in charge. I'm a mother," we may be finding ourselves challenged to broaden our understanding of who we are, move beyond the limited definition of those roles, or we may miss seeing the opportunity of being allowed to escape some experience, job, relationship, or area that was draining our livelihood, sapping our energy, or was simply done, finished, over.
Many of us may be asking ourselves, what pieces of the ship that has fallen apart are we clinging to as the river sweeps us along? What do those memories, dreams, reflections, and experiences warn us of? How can we get either on more solid ground or climb aboard another vessel that is moving along with the river's main flow? Dr. Christiane Northrup posted a message on FB earlier this week expressing her surprise at how emotional she and those around her seemed to have been all week. She compared the feeling to that of having had an abcess lanced, and having it drain all the toxins out of her system while at the same time making her feel more vulnerable having been cut open (my words, not hers). In some way, the T-Square touches us and makes us feel more vulnerable, in those areas where we may have little experience feeling so. For example, I am not an especially emotional person who cries a lot, however, during this time, my emotions seem to sit right on my sleeve. This makes me feel everything more deeply than normal, and so listening to a beautiful symphony brings me to tears and fills me with joy. And that is just my point. Allowing ourselves to befriend the vulnerable places in our being right now not only allows us to move on in healing and making better choices, but also it allows us to experience, the depth and breadth of the power, love, abundance, and joy of our lives. Turning our attention and intentions toward the aspect of our experience, and maintaining a sense of proportion by relying on our spiritual practices, our sacred relationships, and religious traditions to provide us with the lifeboat we need to maneuver the waters of the unknown and unexpected. Embrace life and the experiences that are before you, and be full of gratitude for what is.
Dr. Catherine Al-Meten, Intuitive Insight Pathways
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Friday, June 29, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Movement, Messages, and Imagination
Within just the last few days, you might have sensed a change in the kinds of energy and influences in and around you. Dreams may seem a lot more stirring, puzzling, or revealing. Saturn stationed direct at 11:50 P.M. last night at 22/46 Libra. The Sun entered Cancer just five days ago, and Venus's retrograde phase through in the third decan of Gemini, is about to end (June 27 at 8:05 A.M. PDT). Dreams really do come true, as do thoughts and imaginative plans manifest.
This is the time to be clear about what what we hope to achieve, attract, experience, and create. Paying attention to the way we talk to and about ourselves, to and about others, and what we hold in our thoughts, is very important at most times; is particularly important now. For those of us who dwell on the positive, this is business as usual. For those of us who are harsh on ourselves or others, who tend to see the glass half empty, or who underestimate themselves and the power of their conscious and subconscious energy, this is a crucial time. In the new children's movie, Brave, one of the most powerful messages, according to my daughter and granddaughter, is "be careful how you phrase your wishes." Being clear within ourselves, and stating our desires, dreams, and plans as clearly and succinctly as we can, helps us bring what we truly desire into our experience.
Our thoughts, words, and deeds are the energy expressing who and what we are, and what we send out is received accordingly. This is one of the reasons the lessons we have been learning over the past year or two have emphasized the importance of releasing that which no longer is true about and for us. This begins within us, and calls us to face the aspects of who we are that are not speaking according to our best interests or from our purest and highest intentions. Continue to walk forward and act out of purest intentions. Continue to see guidance of the Divine according to the nature of your innate spiritual being. Use the process of discernment to discover what connects you to Divine Good and Divine Right Action, as you also discern where you feel disconnected.
The fire energy of Mercury in Leo releases powerful ideas, words, and movement. As Mercury, the archetype of communication, ideas, imagination, conversations, and messages, is in a fire sign, watch for messages to come from a variety of different sources, in a broad spectrum of diverse ways, and within close proximity to where you are. The action is within and close by, so pay attention to what your life, the one right before you, is revealing, expressing, and designing. The power of you imagination and creative spirit is bursting forth now. Create, dance, write, paint, and express positive ideas using the energy available now in whatever area of your life Mercury's orbit affects and aspects. For example, a 10th house transit of Mercury would affect one's life and career choices and development. If the Natal Mercury were also in a fire sign, this would indicate a positive, influential affect between a Mercury in either Aries or Sagittarius. Looking at the houses both the transiting Mercury is in, and the house that your Natal Mercury is in, would give you a strong indication of how this transit is affecting you.
Mercury also has power, energy and promise as it forms different aspects to Natal Mercury or other planets. Squares, often understood to be negative aspects, simply indicate activation of energy to the planet or house to which it squares. We all have aspects in our charts that invite us to learn. Just as we all must deal with challenges, issues, and problems in order to grow and prepare for new roles and stages of life, so too do we learn what we are capable of and what we are called to do through the way we face, handle, and work our way through different experiences and levels of movement in our lives. What matters is how we use the energy of the square, the opposition (when two planets directly oppose each other), or other so-called difficult transits or aspects.
As we learn to deal with that which is difficult for us, we learn how to overcome, transcend, and thrive in spite of such influences. This also goes with Mercury in retrograde. When you hear someone bemoaning Mercury's retrograde phase, remember that retrogrades give us more time to discover problems, work out issues, and avoid pitfalls that we might otherwise miss. Saturn's recent retrograde over the last decan of Libra has caused us to have to revisit some area of our life where we are out of balance, and where we have a great need to release, relearn, and recuperate before we move forward into the next major transit of Saturn. Saturn will enter Scorpio later in the year, and then the lessons will move into a different kind of energy, and into a different area of our lives. Treat retrogrades and all difficult transits and aspects as the teachers they are. Learning to use the information astrology presents, is much like anything we use as a tool for helping us understand and deal with our life journey. When we move beyond the stereotype, quick fix, fortune telling understanding, we begin to recognize, learn about and understand how the world and Universe in which we live gives us signs, messages, and energy with which to incorporate into our actions, understanding, and life direction that can be helpful to us as we seek to learn the purpose and direction of life. Astrology, the study of how the energy, movement, and system of our solar system and the gallactic universe of which we are a part, operates, moves, and expresses energy. If you doubt for a second that we are affected by the Universe in which we live, stand by the ocean as the tide is changing, or watch the movement of the stars and the moon across the sky throughout the year. Watch the seasons change, and observe any scientific theory in action before you as the leaves sprout from a tree in spring, or drop off in the autumn. We are intrinsically linked into the natural course of life not only on this planet but also within our solar system, the galaxy, and the wider limitless Universe beyond.
If you wonder whether or not there is an end, tell me, what is beyond the end? Most of us do not live our lives on the fringes of the Universe or in some microscopic examination of the internal workings of life, however, we all seem to be looking to live our lives with some degree of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. Whatever our religious or spiritual traditions, whatever our philosophical or scientific beliefs, we are each a part of the great Universe, and the wisdom of its Creator is alive within us. Everything and everyone has meaning and purpose, and our journey here is to discover, day by day, year by year, what our part of the journey is meant to create, share, experience, love, eliminate, express, or discover. Read the signs, set your map before you, and chart out your journey. Take the steps toward what will not only fulfill you but also will fulfill your special gift and creation to the universal story of ongoing Creation.
Notice the changes that take place within and around you, and then begin to notice how or if the subtle or sudden changes connect to the Universe in which you live. Tomorrow night the moon moves into Libra, an archetype connecting us to peace, harmony, balance. The Moon sextiles Mercury tomorrow morning, and then trines Jupiter at 4:10 P.M tomorrow afternoon. The first quarter square of the Moon in Libra to the Sun in Cancer (each month there is a square of the moon and the sun the week prior to the full moon and the week after it). Squares challenge us to use the energy of a heavenly body, in this case the Sun in Cancer, to work with the difficulties or blocks caused by the energy/archetype of the Moon, in this case, the Moon in Libra. Sun in Cancer seeks comfort, security, making of a home, nourishing and feeding others (sometimes forgetting to care for self), and declaring and marking one's territory. The Libra Moon archetype seeks balance through partnership and cooperation. The challenge of one who seeks to embrace and define their world within one's own limits is to allow for support, help, cooperation and partnership. This is one way of interpreting this kind of square.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, Venus and the Moon trine to finish the day off anticipating Venus's direct turn on Wednesday morning (7/29 Gemini), making it easier for many to express love, see positive movement in relationships, and begin to feel better about ourselves.
Near the end of the week there is another major Pluto aspect as the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn (7:58 A.M.) and squares Uranus in Aries (1:10 P.M.). Depending where these aspects fall in your chart/life, this could indicate some kind of power struggles, expression of resentment, rebellion, or other major reactions to ongoing issues signified by the long Pluto transit through Capricorn.
Later in the week the Moon in Scorpio will allow our emotional depths to release energy, ideas, expression, and new patterns to arise providing us with the impetus to make the changes that we need to make in order to be more creative, more productive, and to aid in our transformation. Out of whatever disruptions, conflicts, or decisive actions triggered by the Sun's opposition to Pluto brings, comes the seeds, ideas, offers, and movement toward better, more honest communication and better choices, plans, and vision. Use the aspects that are brewing at the beginning of the week to foresee and prepare for what is ahead. Notice dreams, honor intuitive hints, pay attention to imaginative ideas that hold the key to better planning, and allow your whole being to experience, observe, and prepare for the next steps on the journey.
This is the time to be clear about what what we hope to achieve, attract, experience, and create. Paying attention to the way we talk to and about ourselves, to and about others, and what we hold in our thoughts, is very important at most times; is particularly important now. For those of us who dwell on the positive, this is business as usual. For those of us who are harsh on ourselves or others, who tend to see the glass half empty, or who underestimate themselves and the power of their conscious and subconscious energy, this is a crucial time. In the new children's movie, Brave, one of the most powerful messages, according to my daughter and granddaughter, is "be careful how you phrase your wishes." Being clear within ourselves, and stating our desires, dreams, and plans as clearly and succinctly as we can, helps us bring what we truly desire into our experience.
Our thoughts, words, and deeds are the energy expressing who and what we are, and what we send out is received accordingly. This is one of the reasons the lessons we have been learning over the past year or two have emphasized the importance of releasing that which no longer is true about and for us. This begins within us, and calls us to face the aspects of who we are that are not speaking according to our best interests or from our purest and highest intentions. Continue to walk forward and act out of purest intentions. Continue to see guidance of the Divine according to the nature of your innate spiritual being. Use the process of discernment to discover what connects you to Divine Good and Divine Right Action, as you also discern where you feel disconnected.
The fire energy of Mercury in Leo releases powerful ideas, words, and movement. As Mercury, the archetype of communication, ideas, imagination, conversations, and messages, is in a fire sign, watch for messages to come from a variety of different sources, in a broad spectrum of diverse ways, and within close proximity to where you are. The action is within and close by, so pay attention to what your life, the one right before you, is revealing, expressing, and designing. The power of you imagination and creative spirit is bursting forth now. Create, dance, write, paint, and express positive ideas using the energy available now in whatever area of your life Mercury's orbit affects and aspects. For example, a 10th house transit of Mercury would affect one's life and career choices and development. If the Natal Mercury were also in a fire sign, this would indicate a positive, influential affect between a Mercury in either Aries or Sagittarius. Looking at the houses both the transiting Mercury is in, and the house that your Natal Mercury is in, would give you a strong indication of how this transit is affecting you.
Mercury also has power, energy and promise as it forms different aspects to Natal Mercury or other planets. Squares, often understood to be negative aspects, simply indicate activation of energy to the planet or house to which it squares. We all have aspects in our charts that invite us to learn. Just as we all must deal with challenges, issues, and problems in order to grow and prepare for new roles and stages of life, so too do we learn what we are capable of and what we are called to do through the way we face, handle, and work our way through different experiences and levels of movement in our lives. What matters is how we use the energy of the square, the opposition (when two planets directly oppose each other), or other so-called difficult transits or aspects.
As we learn to deal with that which is difficult for us, we learn how to overcome, transcend, and thrive in spite of such influences. This also goes with Mercury in retrograde. When you hear someone bemoaning Mercury's retrograde phase, remember that retrogrades give us more time to discover problems, work out issues, and avoid pitfalls that we might otherwise miss. Saturn's recent retrograde over the last decan of Libra has caused us to have to revisit some area of our life where we are out of balance, and where we have a great need to release, relearn, and recuperate before we move forward into the next major transit of Saturn. Saturn will enter Scorpio later in the year, and then the lessons will move into a different kind of energy, and into a different area of our lives. Treat retrogrades and all difficult transits and aspects as the teachers they are. Learning to use the information astrology presents, is much like anything we use as a tool for helping us understand and deal with our life journey. When we move beyond the stereotype, quick fix, fortune telling understanding, we begin to recognize, learn about and understand how the world and Universe in which we live gives us signs, messages, and energy with which to incorporate into our actions, understanding, and life direction that can be helpful to us as we seek to learn the purpose and direction of life. Astrology, the study of how the energy, movement, and system of our solar system and the gallactic universe of which we are a part, operates, moves, and expresses energy. If you doubt for a second that we are affected by the Universe in which we live, stand by the ocean as the tide is changing, or watch the movement of the stars and the moon across the sky throughout the year. Watch the seasons change, and observe any scientific theory in action before you as the leaves sprout from a tree in spring, or drop off in the autumn. We are intrinsically linked into the natural course of life not only on this planet but also within our solar system, the galaxy, and the wider limitless Universe beyond.
If you wonder whether or not there is an end, tell me, what is beyond the end? Most of us do not live our lives on the fringes of the Universe or in some microscopic examination of the internal workings of life, however, we all seem to be looking to live our lives with some degree of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. Whatever our religious or spiritual traditions, whatever our philosophical or scientific beliefs, we are each a part of the great Universe, and the wisdom of its Creator is alive within us. Everything and everyone has meaning and purpose, and our journey here is to discover, day by day, year by year, what our part of the journey is meant to create, share, experience, love, eliminate, express, or discover. Read the signs, set your map before you, and chart out your journey. Take the steps toward what will not only fulfill you but also will fulfill your special gift and creation to the universal story of ongoing Creation.
Notice the changes that take place within and around you, and then begin to notice how or if the subtle or sudden changes connect to the Universe in which you live. Tomorrow night the moon moves into Libra, an archetype connecting us to peace, harmony, balance. The Moon sextiles Mercury tomorrow morning, and then trines Jupiter at 4:10 P.M tomorrow afternoon. The first quarter square of the Moon in Libra to the Sun in Cancer (each month there is a square of the moon and the sun the week prior to the full moon and the week after it). Squares challenge us to use the energy of a heavenly body, in this case the Sun in Cancer, to work with the difficulties or blocks caused by the energy/archetype of the Moon, in this case, the Moon in Libra. Sun in Cancer seeks comfort, security, making of a home, nourishing and feeding others (sometimes forgetting to care for self), and declaring and marking one's territory. The Libra Moon archetype seeks balance through partnership and cooperation. The challenge of one who seeks to embrace and define their world within one's own limits is to allow for support, help, cooperation and partnership. This is one way of interpreting this kind of square.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, Venus and the Moon trine to finish the day off anticipating Venus's direct turn on Wednesday morning (7/29 Gemini), making it easier for many to express love, see positive movement in relationships, and begin to feel better about ourselves.
Near the end of the week there is another major Pluto aspect as the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn (7:58 A.M.) and squares Uranus in Aries (1:10 P.M.). Depending where these aspects fall in your chart/life, this could indicate some kind of power struggles, expression of resentment, rebellion, or other major reactions to ongoing issues signified by the long Pluto transit through Capricorn.
Later in the week the Moon in Scorpio will allow our emotional depths to release energy, ideas, expression, and new patterns to arise providing us with the impetus to make the changes that we need to make in order to be more creative, more productive, and to aid in our transformation. Out of whatever disruptions, conflicts, or decisive actions triggered by the Sun's opposition to Pluto brings, comes the seeds, ideas, offers, and movement toward better, more honest communication and better choices, plans, and vision. Use the aspects that are brewing at the beginning of the week to foresee and prepare for what is ahead. Notice dreams, honor intuitive hints, pay attention to imaginative ideas that hold the key to better planning, and allow your whole being to experience, observe, and prepare for the next steps on the journey.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Uranus and Pluto Squares, Transformation Begins in Earnest
On June 24, the first of seven square aspects between Uranus and Pluto remind us of the journey of transformation we are on. Saturn retrograde in Libra, and Neptune in aspect to Jupiter all rock our boats and ripple the waters of our subconscious memories, desires, and needs. We are reminded in none too subtle ways, that whether we like it or not, even when we think we are acting with the purest of intentions, we are being forced into facing the struggles that affect the lives of those around us. We face the repercussions of experiences, events, actions, motives, thoughts, and feelings of those beyond our control or even knowledge. We need to act on our own behalf right now, so that we can remain strong and courageous in the face of movement and processes beyond our immediate control or interest. We live in an world of interconnections that are making themselves visible or apparent, calling us to attention and intention.
Last July 9, 2011, Uranus turned retrograde within a degree and a half of Pluto. These two distant and slow moving planets stayed within 2 degrees of a square through mid-September, 2011. On June 24 the first exact square between the two takes place, forming the first of seven squares between now and March 17, 2015. The effects of these stressful points has and will continue to have an effect on some area of your chart over this period of time.
The archetype of Uranus is all about shattering outworn patterns and forms of life, making way for new ways of living. Pluto, the Great Transformer, represents the death and rebirth cycles, regeneration, and awakening. The deep shifts are just beginning to break through from the subconscious and shadow parts of our personalities and lives, calling attention in very surprising, shocking, and mysterious ways, to those areas of our lives inevitably changing. The transformative journey is beginning to manifest breaking the surface issues and behaviors open to innovative, revelatory ways. This is a long-lasting transit, that will continue the transformative journey that we are just beginning to become more aware of.
What will happen more and more is that you will notice the intuitive knowledge, psychic sensibilities, and sensory messages are growing more intense, more immediate, and more clearly urgent. We are being given new knowledge out of which we can act using discernment as we grow in wisdom, or out of which we can react, resist, or rebel in accord to the desire to hold onto outmoded ways of behaving. Worn out patterns and habits will no longer be effective tools for dealing with our life issues, problems, and for effective decision making and problem solving. We will feel like we have been stripped of our ability to defend ourselves or hold onto relationships that have been slipping away from us for quite some time now. What we had resolved to just let be, may not be content to let matters go as such. Paying attention to what we feel we are called to do and be will depend upon our being in touch with and being honest with ourselves about what the truth of our reality is all about.
Jupiter just entered Gemini on June 11. We may have felt full of new ideas and full of hope at that time. Being in an air sign, Jupiter sparks creative and innovative thinking, and provides fertile ground for a wide array of ideas, possibilities, and opportunities. On June 24, as Jupiter (in Gemini) moves into a square with Neptune (in Pisces), our intuitive and prescient understanding and communication is greatly enriched and intensified.
On May 15, Venus turned retrograde activating energy around what we value most and what we intend to nurture in our lives. On June 27, Venus stations direct in Gemini sparking our thoughts and plans in whatever manner best enables us to find fulfillment in areas of deepest value and greatest importance to us now. What is of greatest importance now is asking ourselves honestly, what is it that we most value and love? To delude ourselves about this now is a big mistake, for what has been working beneath the surface for the past four years has been the subconscious work needed to make the major shifts that are required to meet the challenges and needs of our shifting culture. Madeline L’Engle’s book, The Swiftly Tilting Planet, set in a fantasy, science fiction book for young adults, introduced us to the necessity of seeing beyond the masks, veils, and illusions that have been used to justify and rationalize whole systems and institutions used to control and use the resources of our planet. Where we have put our priorities has determined the issues that face us now. In order to save ourselves, we must learn to use our energy and project our thoughts, ideas, plans, and intentions from a more loving, peace-filled, creative, and honest heart center, and we must acknowledge and throw ourselves into submission to Divine Love and Goodness as a guiding force in using our combined energy to help heal, bring peace, create balance, and bring forth abundance in all areas of life for all people.
The Challenge of the Uranus (sudden, swift change) in a series of stressful and action-provoking squares with Pluto (steady, deep, and transformative change) is to allow ourselves to be guided by an honest understanding of what we most love and what we most need to open our hearts to as we change the way we go about solving problems, making decisions, building new relationships, strengthening and growing in our sense of community and connection. The Divine Feminine, the Shekhinah (feminine face of God) seeks harmony and rises from the ashes of the fallen structures of our lives and society...what has not worked, will fall apart and what is needed, will arise out of the intentions, love, and beauty we create in our lives.
You may find it surprising to feel, think, sense, dream about, or discover that what you thought was built on solid ground, has fallen apart. What you trusted at one point is no longer worthy of your love, and what was once the focus of your life, has disappeared. If you have not chosen the changes that are needed in your life, the change has chosen you. As we move through greater transition, we see more clearly, where we are needed, what we are called to release, and how we are meant to move forward. Focus on the love within as that is what will manifest from you, and what you choose now, will be living with you for the foreseeable future. Examine of conscience and consciousness. Discernment of purposes, intention, and love. Facing the truth of your soul and the calling of your spirit. Listening and watching for the voice of the Creator Spirit as the call comes to honor the gifts our our Divine nature and the needs of our planet all living beings.
Last July 9, 2011, Uranus turned retrograde within a degree and a half of Pluto. These two distant and slow moving planets stayed within 2 degrees of a square through mid-September, 2011. On June 24 the first exact square between the two takes place, forming the first of seven squares between now and March 17, 2015. The effects of these stressful points has and will continue to have an effect on some area of your chart over this period of time.
The archetype of Uranus is all about shattering outworn patterns and forms of life, making way for new ways of living. Pluto, the Great Transformer, represents the death and rebirth cycles, regeneration, and awakening. The deep shifts are just beginning to break through from the subconscious and shadow parts of our personalities and lives, calling attention in very surprising, shocking, and mysterious ways, to those areas of our lives inevitably changing. The transformative journey is beginning to manifest breaking the surface issues and behaviors open to innovative, revelatory ways. This is a long-lasting transit, that will continue the transformative journey that we are just beginning to become more aware of.
What will happen more and more is that you will notice the intuitive knowledge, psychic sensibilities, and sensory messages are growing more intense, more immediate, and more clearly urgent. We are being given new knowledge out of which we can act using discernment as we grow in wisdom, or out of which we can react, resist, or rebel in accord to the desire to hold onto outmoded ways of behaving. Worn out patterns and habits will no longer be effective tools for dealing with our life issues, problems, and for effective decision making and problem solving. We will feel like we have been stripped of our ability to defend ourselves or hold onto relationships that have been slipping away from us for quite some time now. What we had resolved to just let be, may not be content to let matters go as such. Paying attention to what we feel we are called to do and be will depend upon our being in touch with and being honest with ourselves about what the truth of our reality is all about.
Jupiter just entered Gemini on June 11. We may have felt full of new ideas and full of hope at that time. Being in an air sign, Jupiter sparks creative and innovative thinking, and provides fertile ground for a wide array of ideas, possibilities, and opportunities. On June 24, as Jupiter (in Gemini) moves into a square with Neptune (in Pisces), our intuitive and prescient understanding and communication is greatly enriched and intensified.
On May 15, Venus turned retrograde activating energy around what we value most and what we intend to nurture in our lives. On June 27, Venus stations direct in Gemini sparking our thoughts and plans in whatever manner best enables us to find fulfillment in areas of deepest value and greatest importance to us now. What is of greatest importance now is asking ourselves honestly, what is it that we most value and love? To delude ourselves about this now is a big mistake, for what has been working beneath the surface for the past four years has been the subconscious work needed to make the major shifts that are required to meet the challenges and needs of our shifting culture. Madeline L’Engle’s book, The Swiftly Tilting Planet, set in a fantasy, science fiction book for young adults, introduced us to the necessity of seeing beyond the masks, veils, and illusions that have been used to justify and rationalize whole systems and institutions used to control and use the resources of our planet. Where we have put our priorities has determined the issues that face us now. In order to save ourselves, we must learn to use our energy and project our thoughts, ideas, plans, and intentions from a more loving, peace-filled, creative, and honest heart center, and we must acknowledge and throw ourselves into submission to Divine Love and Goodness as a guiding force in using our combined energy to help heal, bring peace, create balance, and bring forth abundance in all areas of life for all people.
The Challenge of the Uranus (sudden, swift change) in a series of stressful and action-provoking squares with Pluto (steady, deep, and transformative change) is to allow ourselves to be guided by an honest understanding of what we most love and what we most need to open our hearts to as we change the way we go about solving problems, making decisions, building new relationships, strengthening and growing in our sense of community and connection. The Divine Feminine, the Shekhinah (feminine face of God) seeks harmony and rises from the ashes of the fallen structures of our lives and society...what has not worked, will fall apart and what is needed, will arise out of the intentions, love, and beauty we create in our lives.
You may find it surprising to feel, think, sense, dream about, or discover that what you thought was built on solid ground, has fallen apart. What you trusted at one point is no longer worthy of your love, and what was once the focus of your life, has disappeared. If you have not chosen the changes that are needed in your life, the change has chosen you. As we move through greater transition, we see more clearly, where we are needed, what we are called to release, and how we are meant to move forward. Focus on the love within as that is what will manifest from you, and what you choose now, will be living with you for the foreseeable future. Examine of conscience and consciousness. Discernment of purposes, intention, and love. Facing the truth of your soul and the calling of your spirit. Listening and watching for the voice of the Creator Spirit as the call comes to honor the gifts our our Divine nature and the needs of our planet all living beings.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Thank you to Intuitive Insight Pathways followers worldwide
The Intuitive Insight Pathways blog is being read
regularly by people from all over the world. Among those living outside
the U.S.A., blog followers include those of you from Russia, Colombia,
Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malaysia, France, the Phillipines,
Belgium, Canada, the Ukraine, the Netherlands, and Brazil. So glad you
have found some of the articles interesting, and I invite you to leave
comments, ask questions, or share your own insight when you visit the
I thank all you readers, and encourage you to share the blog postings with friends and colleagues. Would love to hear from you, and wish you all in the Northern Hemisphere a Happy Summer Solstice, and all in the Southern Hemisphere a Happy Winter Solstice. Here on the Columbia River in Oregon, it looks more like winter today than it does almost summer. Send a photo of what the world looks like where you are, and I will happily share it with the other readers. Again, thank you for following.
I thank all you readers, and encourage you to share the blog postings with friends and colleagues. Would love to hear from you, and wish you all in the Northern Hemisphere a Happy Summer Solstice, and all in the Southern Hemisphere a Happy Winter Solstice. Here on the Columbia River in Oregon, it looks more like winter today than it does almost summer. Send a photo of what the world looks like where you are, and I will happily share it with the other readers. Again, thank you for following.
New Moon at 29 degrees Gemini, Summer Solstice June 20
During June, the names for the Full Moon include, the Full Strawberry Moon (Algonquin); the Full Rose Moon, the Hungry Moon. It’s the time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere when the trees and fields are full of ripe fruit and other produce, when hay is being harvested and bailed, and when we approach the longest days of the year.
On Tuesday, June 19, the New Moon reaches her peak at 8:02 A.M. (PDT). This New Moon will be in the last degrees of Gemini (29 degrees), and will be conjunct Polaris, the North Star. Polaris (The North Star) remains visible in the Northern night sky, and has been, for centuries, the seafarer’s guide. With the New Moon in Gemini being at the anaretic (last) degree of Gemini, we will be looking back and wrapping up loose ends as the Moon peaks and transits through this last degree. The Moon entered Gemini in the middle of the night last night, so you should be already feeling the emotional pull of Gemini’s influence as you find yourself trying to pull things together, resolve old issues, debts, and questions, and find ways to complete cycles, end projects, and come to peace with relationship endings and losses. As soon as the New Moon transits the sign of Gemini, it enters Cancer, and we move from the edgy and sizzling mental energy of Gemini into the fluid, passionate instinctual emotional place of Cancer. To understand how the Gemini New Moon is already affecting us, look to the houses/areas of your life that Gemini rules.
This is a place that has already seen a lot of action recently as the Sun is just about to leave Gemini (Wednesday, June 20 at the Summer Solstice). Jupiter has just entered Gemini for a year’s visit, and Venus is in the 8th degree, the transiting Moon in Gemini will make a conjunction with Venus some time today, briefly setting a charge beneath an idea, connection, relationship, or plan. Gemini works beneath the surface of our experiences. While some of us may look to what’s going on outside us, the wise will listen to what is being triggered within the stillness and quiet of the mind, within the stirrings of the heart, within the movement within all systems of the body, mind, emotion, spirit connection as understood through such systems as the Chakra system, the meridians, the neuro-skeletal system, and particularly, the cardio-thoracic system. In other words, listen to what your body is telling you about the whole of your life.
This New Moon in Gemini is also conjunct Artemis, the Greek Goddess of Hunting and Animals. The New Moon symbolizes and coincides with the time of the year when those of us in the Northern Hemisphere celebrate the festivals of the “First Fruits”.Traditionally, first of anything, symbolizes the best. The first children have been and are still revered in family lineage in many cultures (often in line for leadership, obligation, inheritance, or other responsibilities). The first Salmon in the fishing tribes and clans throughout North America, are considered sacred, and are honored with special feasts and rituals. The first animals slaughtered, the first fruits picked from the vines, trees, and fields, the first produce...all are considered special, and this is the time of the year when we wait to see if this year’s crop will live up to our hard work and expectations.
It’s no wonder that Artemis, the Greek Goddess of hunting and animals appears in the night sky and conjuncts the New Moon and the North Star. Not only are we reaping the benefits of our past efforts and hard work, we are lining up our sites to make new plans and choices for our future. The Sun, Moon, constellation of Artemis, and the North Star, all in the last degrees of Gemini, highlight the need to gather our resources as we prepare for what lies ahead.
While crabbing, shrimping, and clamming are best on the Full Moon, the New Moon is an excellent time to stock up, clean up, clear out, and prepare (canning, pickling, preparing for the future). My own nesting and preparing urges are rising to the surface, and I feel the need to plan ahead, be well nourished, and stocked up for the work and activities ahead.
Venus at 8 degrees Gemini, retrograde, is moving on a path away from the New Moon. This indicates that we may still be looking backward, trying to sort out issues, decisions, ideas, and plans. Venus is very important with this New Moon. Archetypal energy indicates our minds will be active, our wills will be strong, there will be turbulence, rebelliousness, and military victories are possible. Victory comes through suffering and arguments are likely due to some of the stressful aspects Venus will be experiencing until she stations direct on June 27. Great power, honor, wealth may be experienced (on both the personal and societal levels) as Jupiter continues to bestow benevolence through those connections and passions to which we have attached ourselves. We need to remain cautious, however, because the South Node (archetype of what we have come into being to overcome) is transiting between Jupiter and Venus, indicating that we might slip into old patterns or be blind to our own weaknesses. It does not mean we have to be acting from our unredeemed nature, but simply means we need to be aware of those areas where we tend to slip up or take the path of least resistance. Now is not the time to try to ignore or seek short cuts.
Venus’s retrograde motion back through 8 and 7 degrees of Gemini, also coincides with a quincunx with Pluto (the Great Transformer) and a sextile with Uranus. The indication is that what we have been learning about ourselves, what the society has been going through in order to transform itself into what it will use to deal with the future, and what has been unearthed in our daily and earthly existence, will rise before us to call attention to where we need to make the necessary changes for adapting, adjusting, and creating the lives we are destined to live. What is important right now is the simple, pragmatic, home-based responsibilities. This is an excellent time, leading up to the New Moon on Tuesday, to prepare ourselves, our homes, and the main areas of our lives for making new choices, plans, and direction that more appropriately reflect the life we have been tempered to live.
If you haven’t already been doing so during this Gemini time, take advantage of the last few days of heavy Gemini energy to learn something new. Gemini quickens the mind, and energizes us to pick up subtleties and follow trains of thought we might not be aware of at other times. Our mental facilities are sharpened, and our minds are captured by many interests at this time. Last month, on May 20th (Solar eclipse), we experienced the first of two New Moons in Gemini. Now as we experience the second New Moon in Gemini at the end of her passage through this sign, it is time to make crucial decisions. Mercury squares Saturn indicating that what we choose to leave behind, allows us to move forward into a new, more productive way. This New Moon activates the final degrees of Gemini, and puts the seal on whatever we have been moving into position or moving away from.
Whatever our deepest desires and our most passionate dreams are planted deep in our being through our spiritual Creator. When we look deep within our hearts, and are honest with ourselves about what we truly desire, and if those desires have the seeds of truth and beauty within them, we can trust that we are being called to fulfill our life quest from the Universal energy of the Creator Spirit that moves within us all.
The archetype of Gemini, is that of the divided self. This symbol of the twins or two part of one, is indicative of our nature. We are capable of feeling and experiencing, of rationalizing and embracing, all sides of an issue, all paths, all choices. While our spiritual nature is capable of feeling, sensing, understanding, and affirming all paths, our material being, this life experience we are in at this time is called upon to use the powers of discernment (spend time in quiet reflection, prayer, meditation, ritual) to honor the soul purpose that is calling you. The archetype of Gemini calls upon us to unite the opposites within us; to find a peace within our diverse nature and with the competing forces and conflicts within us. This is mostly an inside game, although most of us seek to resolve our struggle for wholeness first through our external experiences (relationships, work, art, pathos, activities). This New Moon time calls us to go within and examine the competing voices, conflicts, ideas, and issues that need to first be resolved before moving forward or growing on the edges of our life learning experiences.
Acknowledge what is true within you, and place yourself in submission to the will of the Divine to act on your behalf for your good and the good of all, through the life, the work, the art, the choices, and the relationships you cultivate, nourish, and commit yourself to. Living with intention is only possible when we are truly living from a place of truth, trust, and passion within and in alignment with the Universal laws of Spirit.
Over the next few weeks, there are many changes taking place, and perhaps spending some time in quiet reflection, not trying to clear our minds of thoughts, but instead listening to the thoughts that arise, watching the images that flash before us in our dreams, and contemplating the messages that keep repeating in and around us, we will discover what is truly calling us forward, what is standing in our way, and what is grounding us in the truth of our being.
As one of my favorite astrologers, Dana Gearheart wrote in her column, MoonCircles, “As we head into the next few turbulent weeks of eclipses, silence may be the smartest way to get Gemini on our side. Not a dull silence, but an expectant one, fueled by fresh curiosity. Sit quietly with whatever is true right now. Whether you’re happy, sad, harried, wounded, or somewhere in between, before you ride on the wings of Mercury toward something new, and you will, because that’s what we do in Gemini’s cycle, sanctify your experience of this New Moon with some quiet curiosity.”
This weekend I have been sorting, clearing, creating, and listening. This is as much an internal job as it is a physical one. What is within is without, and what is outside us is a reflection of what is within us. Look around you, and take note of what your space reflects. Look closely in corners and atop out of the way places. What areas are calling for attention and clarity? Use the time between now and the New Moon and then the Solstice, to tune into the stirrings and messages that are being left on your doorstep, flying by or dropping by to visit, or appearing from out of the blue. Gemini is a trickster sign, and the trickster surprises us, mocks us, tries to steal our possessions, and shape shifts to catch our attention. If we don’t intentionally seek to discover what needs to be squared away in order for us to move forward, the Trickster shows up to pull the rug out from beneath our feet. How the Gemini energy has been affecting you, will give you an indication of whether or not you are traveling the path of the open road, the path of least resistance, or the road to nowhere. What do the sign posts say to you? What can you do to address what needs to be addressed at a time when it is so necessary to be clear about your journey? From the Solar Eclipse that fell at the beginning of the Sun’s transit through Gemini until the New Moon on June 19 and the Summer Solstice on June 20, what has been moving, shaking, changing, and coming to the surface to burst into bloom?
On Tuesday, June 19, the New Moon reaches her peak at 8:02 A.M. (PDT). This New Moon will be in the last degrees of Gemini (29 degrees), and will be conjunct Polaris, the North Star. Polaris (The North Star) remains visible in the Northern night sky, and has been, for centuries, the seafarer’s guide. With the New Moon in Gemini being at the anaretic (last) degree of Gemini, we will be looking back and wrapping up loose ends as the Moon peaks and transits through this last degree. The Moon entered Gemini in the middle of the night last night, so you should be already feeling the emotional pull of Gemini’s influence as you find yourself trying to pull things together, resolve old issues, debts, and questions, and find ways to complete cycles, end projects, and come to peace with relationship endings and losses. As soon as the New Moon transits the sign of Gemini, it enters Cancer, and we move from the edgy and sizzling mental energy of Gemini into the fluid, passionate instinctual emotional place of Cancer. To understand how the Gemini New Moon is already affecting us, look to the houses/areas of your life that Gemini rules.
This is a place that has already seen a lot of action recently as the Sun is just about to leave Gemini (Wednesday, June 20 at the Summer Solstice). Jupiter has just entered Gemini for a year’s visit, and Venus is in the 8th degree, the transiting Moon in Gemini will make a conjunction with Venus some time today, briefly setting a charge beneath an idea, connection, relationship, or plan. Gemini works beneath the surface of our experiences. While some of us may look to what’s going on outside us, the wise will listen to what is being triggered within the stillness and quiet of the mind, within the stirrings of the heart, within the movement within all systems of the body, mind, emotion, spirit connection as understood through such systems as the Chakra system, the meridians, the neuro-skeletal system, and particularly, the cardio-thoracic system. In other words, listen to what your body is telling you about the whole of your life.
This New Moon in Gemini is also conjunct Artemis, the Greek Goddess of Hunting and Animals. The New Moon symbolizes and coincides with the time of the year when those of us in the Northern Hemisphere celebrate the festivals of the “First Fruits”.Traditionally, first of anything, symbolizes the best. The first children have been and are still revered in family lineage in many cultures (often in line for leadership, obligation, inheritance, or other responsibilities). The first Salmon in the fishing tribes and clans throughout North America, are considered sacred, and are honored with special feasts and rituals. The first animals slaughtered, the first fruits picked from the vines, trees, and fields, the first produce...all are considered special, and this is the time of the year when we wait to see if this year’s crop will live up to our hard work and expectations.
It’s no wonder that Artemis, the Greek Goddess of hunting and animals appears in the night sky and conjuncts the New Moon and the North Star. Not only are we reaping the benefits of our past efforts and hard work, we are lining up our sites to make new plans and choices for our future. The Sun, Moon, constellation of Artemis, and the North Star, all in the last degrees of Gemini, highlight the need to gather our resources as we prepare for what lies ahead.
While crabbing, shrimping, and clamming are best on the Full Moon, the New Moon is an excellent time to stock up, clean up, clear out, and prepare (canning, pickling, preparing for the future). My own nesting and preparing urges are rising to the surface, and I feel the need to plan ahead, be well nourished, and stocked up for the work and activities ahead.
Venus at 8 degrees Gemini, retrograde, is moving on a path away from the New Moon. This indicates that we may still be looking backward, trying to sort out issues, decisions, ideas, and plans. Venus is very important with this New Moon. Archetypal energy indicates our minds will be active, our wills will be strong, there will be turbulence, rebelliousness, and military victories are possible. Victory comes through suffering and arguments are likely due to some of the stressful aspects Venus will be experiencing until she stations direct on June 27. Great power, honor, wealth may be experienced (on both the personal and societal levels) as Jupiter continues to bestow benevolence through those connections and passions to which we have attached ourselves. We need to remain cautious, however, because the South Node (archetype of what we have come into being to overcome) is transiting between Jupiter and Venus, indicating that we might slip into old patterns or be blind to our own weaknesses. It does not mean we have to be acting from our unredeemed nature, but simply means we need to be aware of those areas where we tend to slip up or take the path of least resistance. Now is not the time to try to ignore or seek short cuts.
Venus’s retrograde motion back through 8 and 7 degrees of Gemini, also coincides with a quincunx with Pluto (the Great Transformer) and a sextile with Uranus. The indication is that what we have been learning about ourselves, what the society has been going through in order to transform itself into what it will use to deal with the future, and what has been unearthed in our daily and earthly existence, will rise before us to call attention to where we need to make the necessary changes for adapting, adjusting, and creating the lives we are destined to live. What is important right now is the simple, pragmatic, home-based responsibilities. This is an excellent time, leading up to the New Moon on Tuesday, to prepare ourselves, our homes, and the main areas of our lives for making new choices, plans, and direction that more appropriately reflect the life we have been tempered to live.
If you haven’t already been doing so during this Gemini time, take advantage of the last few days of heavy Gemini energy to learn something new. Gemini quickens the mind, and energizes us to pick up subtleties and follow trains of thought we might not be aware of at other times. Our mental facilities are sharpened, and our minds are captured by many interests at this time. Last month, on May 20th (Solar eclipse), we experienced the first of two New Moons in Gemini. Now as we experience the second New Moon in Gemini at the end of her passage through this sign, it is time to make crucial decisions. Mercury squares Saturn indicating that what we choose to leave behind, allows us to move forward into a new, more productive way. This New Moon activates the final degrees of Gemini, and puts the seal on whatever we have been moving into position or moving away from.
Whatever our deepest desires and our most passionate dreams are planted deep in our being through our spiritual Creator. When we look deep within our hearts, and are honest with ourselves about what we truly desire, and if those desires have the seeds of truth and beauty within them, we can trust that we are being called to fulfill our life quest from the Universal energy of the Creator Spirit that moves within us all.
The archetype of Gemini, is that of the divided self. This symbol of the twins or two part of one, is indicative of our nature. We are capable of feeling and experiencing, of rationalizing and embracing, all sides of an issue, all paths, all choices. While our spiritual nature is capable of feeling, sensing, understanding, and affirming all paths, our material being, this life experience we are in at this time is called upon to use the powers of discernment (spend time in quiet reflection, prayer, meditation, ritual) to honor the soul purpose that is calling you. The archetype of Gemini calls upon us to unite the opposites within us; to find a peace within our diverse nature and with the competing forces and conflicts within us. This is mostly an inside game, although most of us seek to resolve our struggle for wholeness first through our external experiences (relationships, work, art, pathos, activities). This New Moon time calls us to go within and examine the competing voices, conflicts, ideas, and issues that need to first be resolved before moving forward or growing on the edges of our life learning experiences.
Acknowledge what is true within you, and place yourself in submission to the will of the Divine to act on your behalf for your good and the good of all, through the life, the work, the art, the choices, and the relationships you cultivate, nourish, and commit yourself to. Living with intention is only possible when we are truly living from a place of truth, trust, and passion within and in alignment with the Universal laws of Spirit.
Over the next few weeks, there are many changes taking place, and perhaps spending some time in quiet reflection, not trying to clear our minds of thoughts, but instead listening to the thoughts that arise, watching the images that flash before us in our dreams, and contemplating the messages that keep repeating in and around us, we will discover what is truly calling us forward, what is standing in our way, and what is grounding us in the truth of our being.
As one of my favorite astrologers, Dana Gearheart wrote in her column, MoonCircles, “As we head into the next few turbulent weeks of eclipses, silence may be the smartest way to get Gemini on our side. Not a dull silence, but an expectant one, fueled by fresh curiosity. Sit quietly with whatever is true right now. Whether you’re happy, sad, harried, wounded, or somewhere in between, before you ride on the wings of Mercury toward something new, and you will, because that’s what we do in Gemini’s cycle, sanctify your experience of this New Moon with some quiet curiosity.”
This weekend I have been sorting, clearing, creating, and listening. This is as much an internal job as it is a physical one. What is within is without, and what is outside us is a reflection of what is within us. Look around you, and take note of what your space reflects. Look closely in corners and atop out of the way places. What areas are calling for attention and clarity? Use the time between now and the New Moon and then the Solstice, to tune into the stirrings and messages that are being left on your doorstep, flying by or dropping by to visit, or appearing from out of the blue. Gemini is a trickster sign, and the trickster surprises us, mocks us, tries to steal our possessions, and shape shifts to catch our attention. If we don’t intentionally seek to discover what needs to be squared away in order for us to move forward, the Trickster shows up to pull the rug out from beneath our feet. How the Gemini energy has been affecting you, will give you an indication of whether or not you are traveling the path of the open road, the path of least resistance, or the road to nowhere. What do the sign posts say to you? What can you do to address what needs to be addressed at a time when it is so necessary to be clear about your journey? From the Solar Eclipse that fell at the beginning of the Sun’s transit through Gemini until the New Moon on June 19 and the Summer Solstice on June 20, what has been moving, shaking, changing, and coming to the surface to burst into bloom?
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Full Moon in Sagittarius, Lunar Eclipse June 4, Venus Passes Between Earth and Sun June 5
As we move through the depths of the Waxing Moon in Scorpio. June promises to be an active month, full of movement and major developments astrologically speaking. On Monday, June 4, at 4:04 A.M. (PDT) the Full Moon in Sagittarius will experience a Lunar Eclipse at nearly the same time that Neptune in Pisces makes its station to turn retrograde. On June 5, Venus transits the Sun (this won't happen again until 2017). Chiron (The Wounded Healer) goes into its retrograde phase June 11, and Uranus in Aries forms a square to Pluto on June 24. This signals sudden, perhaps unexpected changes that activate major changes in the areas where Pluto is working its way through Capricorn.
On Monday, June 4 the planets line up to form a Mutable Grand Cross in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Look to these four houses to determine what areas of your life are most affected. For example, if your Ascendant is in any one of the Mutable signs (Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo), your 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are affected. Find your ascendant, and then locate the 4 mutable signs to determine which houses are receiving the the brunt of this energy. You will probably find that these are the areas of your life that seem to be the most active or where you may be experiencing the most movement or disturbance. This is the time to realize that even the best laid plans do not necessarily work out in quite they way we envision. Some of us have been working on making changes, listening to messages of our subconscious or observing the shifting sands beneath our feet....all of us wondering, how will this turn out? Where is this path leading me? This is the time when we will become more aware than ever of our link to the major movements in the Universe, our connections to the shifting forces of the world in which we live, and the now obvious changes that are affecting everyone whether or not we understand the reasons and outcome or not. I suggest reading Emily Trinkaus' insightful blog, Virgo Magic, for she so eloquently and clearly explains the transformational nature of these current aspects.
We are being pushed to balance and integrate our priorities. Last week one writer friend of mine wrote that she was going through all her projects and eliminating everything that was no longer relevant to her current priorities. Many of us find ourselves sorting through not only projects and ideas, but also patterns of behavior, relationships, styles of living, transportation, banking and financial habits, and any number of other areas of our lives that we have taken for granted. Now we ask ourselves, "What is essential to my highest good and the priorities that I have set to live out my soul goals? What is distracting me from creating, building, changing, communicating, healing, or connecting?" As are pushed beyond our limits, as we come to identify where we must change or where we must change the way we do something, we are given a big push to help us clear away that obstacles to what we as yet may be unable to envision.
The Mutable Grand Cross signals movement, adaptability, perception, and communicatiion. Whatever actions we take need to serve the bigger picture (of our lives, the lives of those with whom we relate, and the larger community and environment as well). As we make choices and adapt to changing circumstances, we must do so with a vision of our mission, purpose, and long term goals. For many, this requires a shift in perception. In other words, we may not seem to change much on the outside, but our view of how the world is, how it operates, what our place is, and how we relate to everything, does change...indeed must. If we cling to outmoded, no-longer-valid viewpoints, we will be like the hamster on the wheel...continually running in circles...going over the same ground in the same mode without getting anywhere.
Along with the energy of the Lunar Eclipse, the Mutable Grand Cross, the retrograding planets, come countless new possibilities to connect, communicate, and create. Neptune's retrograde motion takes us back over what has surfaced over the last few months, from the depths of our being. We are now building the base for our future, the future of our part of the planet's journey, and our soul's development.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, presents healing crises meant for us to reorient ourselves to the changing ways of the world and to our need to change perspectives. It is time to see things differently, and when we won't, our bodies let us know where we are neglecting to take heed.
Neptune stations on this day, amplifying the emotional flood of energy. Mars in Virgo opposing Chiron and squaring the Eclipse, calls for discernment on all levels of our being. It also calls for us to take care in all our actions. Act with the preciseness of Virgo as Mars' transit through this sign has been forcing many of us to take greater care in the way we do whatever we do. Act on all levels, with precision and care. Begin by identifying what needs to be done, prioritize, and then work, one step at a time, to slowly and methodically move forward. When dealing with the overwhelming nature of this energy, we may feel we are in no position to do anything. What you may be called to do is as simple as be present where you are right now. Get your mind out of the past and disconnect it from the negative sources of energy where it is draining your emotional, financial, psychological, creative, and relational batteries. Turn toward your Higher Power, the Divine, God, in prayer. Pray and submit to Divine Will. Clear and clean. Sort and organize what you have where you are. Release what can be let go. Act in some way to build bonds, spread kindness, acknowledge others with care and concern, and embrace the gifts of your life now.
Jupiter, in the final degrees of its passage through Taurus rules both Sagittarius and Pisces (two of the signs that are affecting the planetary energy now). Jupiter in an Earth sign, has been showing us and calling for us to tune into the planetary, elemental wisdom and beauty to feed our souls. Connect with plants, animals, and all the elements, and as Emily Trinkaus says, "Focus on being over doing."
On June 5 both the Sun and Venus are moving into conjunction. Venus will pass between the Sun and the Earth casting her shadow across the Sun for a brief time. Venus stirs up what needs to be awakened and what needs to be healed in areas of our lives related to love, pleasure, our values, our sense of aesthetics and our understanding and perceptions of beauty, as well as what and who we find attractive. Venus' conjunction to the Sun indicate that both within our hearts, minds, and spirits as well as within our relationships with all areas of our lives, we need to allow ourselves to be awoken to receive the Divine Spark, the Creative flame, the energy of Light that infuses us, helping us become more a part of being part of the Creator's ongoing flame of creation. We are part of the ongoing process of Creation. Look for the 14th degree of your chart, for this may give you a clue as to where the arrow of Eros, the Divine Spark of Being will activate within you. Allow yourself to receive the blessings that often come from what we thought we needed, but find we discover in that which matters most both within us and within the life beneath our own feet. Be where you are in time and space, and appreciate the gifts and talents, the experience and wisdom that have created the person you are now. Hold onto your surfboards, and ride the waves of transformation to the person you were born to be. You've been there all along, and now is the time to shine and share. We need to help one another build, create, and heal. In the eloquent words of my pragmatic and wise daughter, "Resistance is futile!" And that might not be such a bad thing, especially for those of us who are ruled too much by unresistant attitudes, behavior, and need to control. Let go, Be, and see what you can do to make life better.
On Monday, June 4 the planets line up to form a Mutable Grand Cross in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Look to these four houses to determine what areas of your life are most affected. For example, if your Ascendant is in any one of the Mutable signs (Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo), your 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are affected. Find your ascendant, and then locate the 4 mutable signs to determine which houses are receiving the the brunt of this energy. You will probably find that these are the areas of your life that seem to be the most active or where you may be experiencing the most movement or disturbance. This is the time to realize that even the best laid plans do not necessarily work out in quite they way we envision. Some of us have been working on making changes, listening to messages of our subconscious or observing the shifting sands beneath our feet....all of us wondering, how will this turn out? Where is this path leading me? This is the time when we will become more aware than ever of our link to the major movements in the Universe, our connections to the shifting forces of the world in which we live, and the now obvious changes that are affecting everyone whether or not we understand the reasons and outcome or not. I suggest reading Emily Trinkaus' insightful blog, Virgo Magic, for she so eloquently and clearly explains the transformational nature of these current aspects.
We are being pushed to balance and integrate our priorities. Last week one writer friend of mine wrote that she was going through all her projects and eliminating everything that was no longer relevant to her current priorities. Many of us find ourselves sorting through not only projects and ideas, but also patterns of behavior, relationships, styles of living, transportation, banking and financial habits, and any number of other areas of our lives that we have taken for granted. Now we ask ourselves, "What is essential to my highest good and the priorities that I have set to live out my soul goals? What is distracting me from creating, building, changing, communicating, healing, or connecting?" As are pushed beyond our limits, as we come to identify where we must change or where we must change the way we do something, we are given a big push to help us clear away that obstacles to what we as yet may be unable to envision.
The Mutable Grand Cross signals movement, adaptability, perception, and communicatiion. Whatever actions we take need to serve the bigger picture (of our lives, the lives of those with whom we relate, and the larger community and environment as well). As we make choices and adapt to changing circumstances, we must do so with a vision of our mission, purpose, and long term goals. For many, this requires a shift in perception. In other words, we may not seem to change much on the outside, but our view of how the world is, how it operates, what our place is, and how we relate to everything, does change...indeed must. If we cling to outmoded, no-longer-valid viewpoints, we will be like the hamster on the wheel...continually running in circles...going over the same ground in the same mode without getting anywhere.
Along with the energy of the Lunar Eclipse, the Mutable Grand Cross, the retrograding planets, come countless new possibilities to connect, communicate, and create. Neptune's retrograde motion takes us back over what has surfaced over the last few months, from the depths of our being. We are now building the base for our future, the future of our part of the planet's journey, and our soul's development.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, presents healing crises meant for us to reorient ourselves to the changing ways of the world and to our need to change perspectives. It is time to see things differently, and when we won't, our bodies let us know where we are neglecting to take heed.
Neptune stations on this day, amplifying the emotional flood of energy. Mars in Virgo opposing Chiron and squaring the Eclipse, calls for discernment on all levels of our being. It also calls for us to take care in all our actions. Act with the preciseness of Virgo as Mars' transit through this sign has been forcing many of us to take greater care in the way we do whatever we do. Act on all levels, with precision and care. Begin by identifying what needs to be done, prioritize, and then work, one step at a time, to slowly and methodically move forward. When dealing with the overwhelming nature of this energy, we may feel we are in no position to do anything. What you may be called to do is as simple as be present where you are right now. Get your mind out of the past and disconnect it from the negative sources of energy where it is draining your emotional, financial, psychological, creative, and relational batteries. Turn toward your Higher Power, the Divine, God, in prayer. Pray and submit to Divine Will. Clear and clean. Sort and organize what you have where you are. Release what can be let go. Act in some way to build bonds, spread kindness, acknowledge others with care and concern, and embrace the gifts of your life now.
Jupiter, in the final degrees of its passage through Taurus rules both Sagittarius and Pisces (two of the signs that are affecting the planetary energy now). Jupiter in an Earth sign, has been showing us and calling for us to tune into the planetary, elemental wisdom and beauty to feed our souls. Connect with plants, animals, and all the elements, and as Emily Trinkaus says, "Focus on being over doing."
On June 5 both the Sun and Venus are moving into conjunction. Venus will pass between the Sun and the Earth casting her shadow across the Sun for a brief time. Venus stirs up what needs to be awakened and what needs to be healed in areas of our lives related to love, pleasure, our values, our sense of aesthetics and our understanding and perceptions of beauty, as well as what and who we find attractive. Venus' conjunction to the Sun indicate that both within our hearts, minds, and spirits as well as within our relationships with all areas of our lives, we need to allow ourselves to be awoken to receive the Divine Spark, the Creative flame, the energy of Light that infuses us, helping us become more a part of being part of the Creator's ongoing flame of creation. We are part of the ongoing process of Creation. Look for the 14th degree of your chart, for this may give you a clue as to where the arrow of Eros, the Divine Spark of Being will activate within you. Allow yourself to receive the blessings that often come from what we thought we needed, but find we discover in that which matters most both within us and within the life beneath our own feet. Be where you are in time and space, and appreciate the gifts and talents, the experience and wisdom that have created the person you are now. Hold onto your surfboards, and ride the waves of transformation to the person you were born to be. You've been there all along, and now is the time to shine and share. We need to help one another build, create, and heal. In the eloquent words of my pragmatic and wise daughter, "Resistance is futile!" And that might not be such a bad thing, especially for those of us who are ruled too much by unresistant attitudes, behavior, and need to control. Let go, Be, and see what you can do to make life better.
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