Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Dark of the Moon: Sun, Moon, and Earth Aligned in ...

Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Dark of the Moon: Sun, Moon, and Earth Aligned in ...: Often called the New Moon, the time when the Moon, Sun and Earth line up in exact conjunction is called the dark of the moon. The tradition...

Dark of the Moon: Sun, Moon, and Earth Aligned in Pisces

Often called the New Moon, the time when the Moon, Sun and Earth line up in exact conjunction is called the dark of the moon.  The traditional reference to the new moon is the first sliver of a crescent that can be seen  just after the conjunction.  The Moon changes signs around 9:30 AM PST, and then moves into exact conjunction with Neptune at 10:48 AM.   Today at 2:35 PST, the Moon reaches 2 degrees of Pisces lining up between the Earth and the Sun so that it is no longer visible from Earth. 
The alignments and the rotation of the Earth, moves us into the final month of the lunar year, and through the doors of transition equipped with full awareness, presence and a sense of being.  We are called upon to live in full awareness of the unity of body, mind, spirit, and of acting with intention from heart-centered knowledge as well as our senses and intellect.

At this point in our lives we enter  the final month of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, we enter the final month of summer.  Winter represents the time when the lands go fallow, our lives focus more on internal rest, reflection, and meditation.  It's a time when what we have sowed over the last year lays deep within the earth to germinate and grow. Likewise, our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, plans, ideas, creativity rests in a fertile time of brooding. It is a time to allow ourselves, our dreams, our ideas, our plans to incubate in the warmth and tender care of our hearts and of the lives we nourish through the practices we use to tend to our temple (body, mind, spirit).  Summer represents the time when life is coming to full bloom and fruition.  What we brood over in the nests of our being in the winter, come to life in the summer.  Now as we seek a deepening experience of life, we may become more aware of how our lives reflect our beliefs, conscious and unconscious parts of our being, and our choices.

I've been reading a lot about what others have to say about this new moon, and I think it is interesting to see how differently we can each look at the same aspects, events, experiences, and possibilities, and see such different visions, outcomes, and trends.  My Mother used to remind me that the aspects of life --those things that happen outside our awareness, control, or understanding--impel us they do not compel us.  One of the interesting observations that Emily Trinkaus makes about this New Moon is that it seems to have raised issues of grief and mourning for some.  Simone Butler writes in MoonCircles of the aching that some feel during this time, to fill the voids in their lives.  She also refers, as I do, to the struggle some have to trust the Unknown power that some describe as the Transcendent (that great mystery which is beyond all knowing). The powerful archetypal line up of the Moon, Sun, Neptune, and Mercury in Pisces, with other aspects, quickens our longing and search to discover how to come to an understanding of how fate and free will join in unity in our being. Our lives are formed according to how we use the gits of our being, how we respond and react to the consequences of our choices, and more importantly, by forces, activities, relationships, and the kismet effect.  Regardless of how we might plan, examine our consciousness, or make our decisions, our lives unfold according to a greater and more mysterious set of principles.  The archetypes that are woven into our very identities and beings, provide a key to the universal principles that unite us with other people, but also with the very Universe in which we live.  "We are stardust..." the lyrics tell us. There is some underlying awareness that we are the "stuff" of being. At times like this, when the mystical nature of our being is revealed and more apparent, we have the opportunity to expand our experiences of our connection with Divine principles. 

Neptune's conjunction with the Sun opens the channels of the imagination and heightens our intuition. Our perceptions are wide open, and through our practices of meditation and prayer, through our dreams and connections with our spiritual neighborhood, we are more able to tap into the support and help we need to access a deeper level of meaning, connection, and action. Our senses are heightened. Our intellect is sharpened, and experience a wholeness of being that may be unusually powerful.  This is a time for contemplation. This is a time to seek more balance on our energetic levels. 

The Sun and the Moon also will sextile Jupiter today.  Jupiter was the traditional ruler of Pisces before Neptune's discovery. As a Pisces, I tend to look to the archetypal energy of embodied in Jupiter to understand this powerful energy. Jupiter in Taurus, an earth sign, grounds us in our connections and relationships. Whoever or whatever we seek to embrace and connect in the world of nature, is calling us to pay attention to what our bodies, our minds, our intuition/dreams/insight, our souls, our emotions, our activities, our health...all areas of our lives demand, need, and foster.

The New Moon is also in conjunction with a fixed star called Fum al-Hut (Arabic for the Fish's Mouth), the brightest star in the Pisces Australis constellation. One of four royal stars of ancient Persia and Medes, the archetypal energy of this star is depicted as the Archangel Gabriel.  The Angel Gabriel is said to instruct souls before they are incarnated into the body for their voyage and journey on Earth.  The Four Royal Stars guided the ancient mariners, and symbolize for us today that we are divinely guided if we choose to look for the signs that light our way, whisper in our ear, rise to greet the day and challenge us to honor the course of our journey.  This morning I was looking through a box full of rocks a I had collected long ago. They had been stored away for years, and I opened them to examine them before I settled on what to do with them.  Years ago  my sister had made a collection of heart-shaped rocks for me, and I had recently been wondering where they were.  There amid the box of stone, rocks, and shells, I started finding little heart-shaped stones. I had found the collection she had made for me, and I carefully put the stones back together. Next, I reached into the box, and found a dusty heartshaped object. At first I thought it was a stone, but after I washed it off, I discovered it was a small angel embedded in a piece of resin.  There amid the stones, the symbols of this new moon, the hearts and the angel, appeared in the base and earthy collection of stones I had collected over the years.  This little find is symbolic for me of the daily discoveries and signs that are available to us, if we choose.  We can as easily dismiss, ignore, or diminish the power of the symbolism that is alive in the world.

 This New Moon awakens within us the possibilities of taking in the power of the Universe, the strength of the tiniest symbol or object, the stillness to be found within, the magic of thought, word, and deed, and the energy that enlightens, fills, heals, and guides.  It's all a part of who we are, where we live, and what can extend our being into a deeper more spiritually fulfilling life. Embrace the glory of the magic of the day. Spread your arms to release your love into the Universe. Send the energy of your thoughts, prayers, and blessings to those who need it; to those you love.  Take some time during this powerfully energetic time to consider how you are expressing your being, what you are creating, and what of lasting value, are you about?  Embrace the gift of your being, and honor those of others. Release that which dishonors anyone or anything, and be still in the gifts of the moment before you. Your destiny is not in the distance nor trapped in the past. Your destiny is yours now, at this moment, right where you are. Be grateful, forgiving, and loving, of yourself and others. Seek forgiveness of anyone or anything that traps your soul, and sit without judgment of yourself or those you fail to understand.  Be grateful for the gifts; be grateful for the lessons. Live the life you have.

With this Moon cycle in Pisces, focus is on a deepening of spirituality, and a greater faith and reliance on one's intuition, imagination, and dreams.  Tonight, around 8:10 PM the Moon's sextile to Jupiter calls upon us to consider how to turn our dreams into reality.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dreams, Visions, Intuition, and Mystical Energy: Moving Deeper

Great shifts are taking place as is usual since we live in a dynamic Universe. As our planet spirals and moves through space, we remain fixed to the Earth due to physical laws. Our spiritual essence and identity, however, taps into an endless reservoir of knowledge, experience, ideas, and energy. Since we as individuals are limited by our physical nature and identity (including the body we live through, the place we inhabit, our relationships, and the time we have), the emergence of different types of energies trigger a wide range of responses and reactions (clarity/confusion, elation/depression, creativity/stagnation, just to name a few). 

We experience shifts of energy through sensations that range on a spectrum of experience. For example, we may sense a change in energy through our senses. For some that may be in the form of a sense of heaviness or depression; for others, in the form of a sense of lightness and relief. Depending upon our personality temperament and our particular circumstances, we respond to energy shifts differently.  When I say we experience energy on a spectrum, I mean that we may have a wide range of feelings as a result of shifting energy. Our experiences are generally not just on one extreme or the other. 

What you may have noticed recently is a shift in your dream life, imagination, and intuitive senses.  One of the most powerful doors into our subconscious and into the Collective Consciousness of the Universe, are our dreams.  Dreams and understanding our own dream journey provide us with some of the most powerful and positive ways to unlock our intuition, imagination, and mystical nature.  There could not be a better time to begin such an intentional journey, than now. At this time, as the planets begin to line up for the lunar year's culmination in Pisces, Neptune, Pisces ruler, enters Pisces where it will stay for the next 13-14 years.  On February  13, Mercury moved into Pisces, where it joined the Wounded Healer, Chiron (4 degrees Pisces). Yesterday, February 18, an exact Sun trine to Saturn (Sun in 29; Saturn 29 degree retrograde Libra) degrees of Aquarius Saturn in in the morning signaled a clear sense of purpose (which will sit on the back burner while Saturn makes its retrograde way and back over the next year). Keep clarity of vision which appears in momentary flashes, dreams, intuitive knowing, and mystical connections that lie beneath what is going on in the realm of illusions.  In other words, trust or learn to trust your inner voice and the positive power of Love, the Divine to move on levels beyond your own understanding.  As the late writer, Madeline L'Engle once  noted, "the power of prayer works, but it doesn't work if you don't use it." Spiritual practices stand the test of time because they are based on letting go of one's personal will and relying on a power greater than ourselves to affect the crucial steps and stages of our destiny.

Perhaps this is going about the discussion in a backwards manner, for our minds and intellect serve us well as long as we don't think that's all there is to the process.  If we only use our intellectual and mental facilities to rationalize and understand our lives, we leave out crucial information and tools, that provide us with more direct and immediate knowledge, understanding, and blessings.  Most of us learn to use our minds and intellect as these are the honored guests in the society in which we live.  What has been dismissed and dishonored are our intuitive gifts: imagination, dreams, mystical experiences, and intuitive knowledge.  Those who are truly successful, have mastered these, and our greatest scientific achievements and discoveries could not and would not have been made without them.  The world we live in now focuses the definition of success on achieving material goods, security, and of having the right education to get the right job. The focus is entirely on meeting material needs; for some this means the spirit is no longer honored, nourished, or supported.  Again, however, developing one's intuitive base is and of itself, not enough. There must be a practice of balance, and a point at which we decide about what we ourselves are going to choose to honor.  

If I put all the powers of my intellect and all my intuitive gifts and knowledge to the task of leading me on the journey of life, I am certain that my journey will in no way be either complete or fulfilling.
So at some point, we have to rely on the energy or power of something outside of ourselves that we can tap into or set our intentions with, in order to allow our lives to unfold.  How we do this, depends upon the choices we make. After having taught comparative religions for years, I understand the struggle most people have in simply trying to define for themselves, what or who the Divine Other is. We get trapped in arguments with our egos about what to name or refer to the Divine as. We get trapped in debates and conflicts over which tradition, path, or practice is the "right" one or the one that is least offensive. It seems we waste a lot of time talking about what isn't, and need to give up the debates and conflicts in favor of simply finding the best way for us to recognize the sacredness of the our lives, the holiness of Creation, and the ultimate truth that we can't do it all.  There is more to heaven and earth than meets the eye. There is more to living life and discovering our gifts, right paths, and ultimate destiny than getting caught up in debates with ourselves or with others.  The struggle may be necessary at some points in life, but are no substitute for being present, living in the present, and living in constant recognition of how our actions, thoughts, behavior, intentions, and feelings affect ourselves and others. 

As planets line up in Pisces, where on February 21 at the New Moon there will be  cluster of planets including the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Neptune, you may notice an awakening (that may come in the appearance as confusion or uncomfortable visions, dreams, thoughts, or experiences).  

Notice in your astrological chart (or simply pay attention to what areas of your life seem most affected) and make note of the dreams, ideas, inspiration, and activities that seem to signal you to pay attention.  Let go of the need to figure things out or take action too soon. It is a time to reflect and notice the abundance of knowledge that is flowing into you right now.  It is a very good time for creative work, so look for a way through the senses, to express and explore. Use some kind of mind-focusing technique to harness the energy and activity of the mind.  Take yourself on a walk, put yourself into a new physical space and use your body in a way that is different from what you normally do. One friend of mine wrote of going bowling. Not something she does much, but something that helped her release her patterns and thoughts in a new way, releasing her to be more present and balanced.  Depending on what your normal pace and patterns are, it is a good time to change things up a bit.  Act as if you are in the emotional frame of mind you'd like to be.  Watch a movie that lifts your spirits. Read something old and something new. Try on a new color, or use your "stuff" differently.  One of my favorites is to move the furniture.  Give yourself a different view and listen to some new music.   

Aspects that have been affecting us the last few days including today:

On Thursday, the Moon entered Capricorn, and Mercury (Pisces) sextupled Jupiter (Taurus) in the morning. A good time for ideas to come together in clear ways.  Judgment has been good, and it's been a good time for communication.    On Friday, the Moon squared Uranus (Aries) and then trained Jupiter in the middle of the night and early in the morning, so if you noticed your dreams (and for many of us, it was impossible not to notice), you may have been shocked by some of the images that appeared. This was a time of significant dreams, so make note of whatever symbols and ideas appear in dreams you are having now. I will be writing some more articles on dreams and dream work, as this is a crucial aspect of the soul journey experience.  Often when we are experiencing a break through or during a time when the Universe is unloading buckets of sacred knowledge and energy into us, our dreams scare us. This is not the time to be afraid to look at what is coming up from your unconscious nor what is happening in the world around you. We all need to be aware and sensitive to the energies and information being passed between those we love and the world in general, as it is time for us to align ourselves for rapid and permanent growth, change, and transitions.  Whatever we have been desiring and working toward can be coming to important points of fruition. No time to take back out now.

Yesterday, the Moon in Capricorn was conjunct with Pluto, the archetype of transition and change. On an emotional level, this might have aroused very deep and somewhat uncomfortable feelings, or it may if you are an earth sign person, have been deeply comforting, nurturing or healing.  If you're not an earth sign person, you may have felt the need to slow down, give in to deeper needs and get more grounded emotionally. 

Yesterday as I mentioned earlier,  the Sun trined Pluto in air signs (Aquarius and Libra)  reminding us of innovative plans for the future.
Last night the Sun entered Pisces, ushering us into the last month of the lunar year and into what promises to be a deeply spiritual time. Last night again, may have been a time for some interesting and somewhat less jarring dreams as the Moon moved into Aquarius and this morning, the Moon sextupled Uranus.  A sudden change of plans, a new idea for how to do handle an old problem or pattern, emerges if we are receptive to becoming more honest about what we truly want and how we want to achieve it.  Prayers are always answered; it's just that we don't always know what we want. Time to be clear and honest with ourselves about the messages we are sending out through our thoughts, actions, ideas, prayers, and behavior.

Sunday, February 19, is a wonderful time to celebrate with the Sun in Pisces coming into exact conjunction with Neptune. This is the first solar conjunction with Neptune in 150 years, so it won't feel like anything anyone living today has experienced before.  This powerful alignment and energy calls upon us all to find our connections with one another, the Universe, and those with whom we have differences and misunderstandings.  Be open to a great infusion of new knowledge and a greater sense of connection with all living beings and with our place and role in the family of humanity and our part in the nature of Creation. Breathe in the beauty and embrace the fullness of being that gifted by Creator Spirit.

The next article will be for the New Moon in Pisces. On Tuesday, February 21.  Enjoy the day, and watch for the gifts of your dreams, visions, imagination, and place on the planet. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3, 2012 Posting Neptune Enters Pisces

We begin February with Mercury in the decan of Aquarius (1-10 degrees), Mars at 22 degrees of Virgo, Retrograde.  Venus in 22 degrees of Pisces forms an opposition to Mars in 22 degrees of Virgo and Saturn remains in the 29th degree of Libra, and will begin retrograding on February 7.  During the retrograde phase, the Great Teacher or Gate Keeper as Saturn is called, moves slowly and methodically back over the path it's been making for the past 6-8 months. Saturn will be in its retrograde phase until June 24, and then will move forward over the same ground it has been covering during the last 6-8 months. On October 6, 2012, Saturn will enter Scorpio.

Whatever we have been learning while Saturn has been passing through Libra (and whatever area of your life this pertains to) and whatever you have needed to do to establish a more harmonious balance in your life is once again coming up into conscious awareness.  It may seem like these lessons are going on forever, but if you have been paying attention and making necessary adjustments in the way you are living, you are being rewarded with a clearer path and open doors.  However, the time we spend at the threshold point (in the passage way, but not yet through it) gives us more time to prepare, reflect, release, and face the deeper urgings and unfinished business that would hold us back when the time is right for Saturn's move into Scorpio in October. 

Another major planetary shift will change the nature of Saturn's energy and effect. Tomorrow, February 3, the planet, Neptune, returns to the home of its natural ruler, Pisces, where it will stay for the next 13 years.  With the exception of an April to August retrograde passage back into Aquarius, Neptune's will be at home in Pisces, adding a softening effect to some of the ways we experience the lessons we are learning.  Our burdens may feel lighter, as we feel more emotionally buoyed and spiritually uplifted.  Optimism, creativity, and inspiration rise in both our personal and collective experiences.  As with all archetypal energies, it is possible to experience Neptunian energy as redemptive and insightful  or through our woundedness and our refusal to change so that we can heal.
It is likely that dreams, intuition, insight, and extrasensory awareness will be heightened. We are likely to feel more emotional and sensitive to our inner being and to what is going on in the world around us.

With this collective energy being heightened, we may be forewarned to rely on our faith and spiritual practices for grounding with the heightened awareness for all levels of our being---physical, mental, psychic, emotional, and spiritual.  Repression and oppression will no longer be tolerated, either on the personal level or in the collective consciousness.  We need to take necessary measures to protect ourselves from being drawn into relationships, situations, and encounters with those that challenge or block our good and well-intentioned actions.  It is time to stand up for ourselves, personally, so that we are not drawn into other people's battles, manipulation, erroneous views, and harmful energy and actions.

The more grounded and focused we are, the more we can gravitate to that which brings healing, and allows us to manifest our best.  As these two major planets  shift gears and energy, it is crucial to set our intentions so that we honor our callings, our health, and our Divine purpose. We are each here to live life fully, and to share in the bounty and abundance of our Creator's gifts. Our lives serve a purpose, and each of us has a meaningful destiny to fulfill. We also are meant to live in the present, appreciating the power of Love as we live from core of Joy, understanding that fear, worry, anger, and other negative emotions, only serve to trap us in the past that cannot be undone or in fear of a future that will never happen the way we imagine (on our best days or on our worst). The more we are able to act with intention and gratitude, the greater our art, our creativity, and our success will be. Choose wisely, and live with intention.  Be not afraid to face the truth of your being, and allow yourself to grow, to forgive, to heal, and to renew your spirit.

On February 7, the Full Moon in 18 degrees of Leo opposite the Sun in 18 degrees of Aquarius, shine light on our path, and allow us some perspective and celebration for how much we have accomplished over the last year. With the courage, self-containment, creativity and flair of Leo combined with the altruism, perspective, innovation, and daring of Aquarius, we can see  the possibilities that lie ahead in an completely new light and understanding.  Mercury is in close alignment with this Full Moon, making the power of our minds and thoughts even more powerful. Full Moons highlight what we have accomplished, however, this Full Moon also highlights what is yet possible.

The Sun, symbolizing the creative power, aligned with Mercury, the archetype of ideas and communication, messengers and messages, bring promise where there has been none (at least not perceived).  Venus in the 29th degree of Pisces is moving into a closer conjunction with Uranus at 2 degrees of Aries.  Get ready for a major change when Venus leaves Pisces and conjuncts Uranus. Relationships may be falling apart, you may be leaving a job, or moving.  Look to the house where Pisces is and that will give you some idea of what area of life the archetype of love is stripping away the illusions, barriers, outworn conditions and debris to make way for a sudden and forward push into what you have been desiring. Turn your thoughts, prayers, words, and actions toward what you want and away from what you don't. Give more attention to what you desire, than to what drains and wastes your energy, life, and being.  Let the meditations of our hearts, the words of our mouths, combine with our actions be acceptable to and in fulfillment of the Divine Creator's desire for us to Love and live from that core essence of our beings.

Uranus, the archetype of action, movement, and surprising appearances, semi-squares both the Sun and Mercury.  These aspects emphasize the importance of being open-minded and receptive to new ideas and/or for prayers being answered in unpredictable and surprising ways. It is time to use our talents and to expect and enter into radical change.  Change happens whether we are ready or not. We can ride with the tide of change or we can fight the inevitable. If we believe that there is a Divine Force and Will greater than our own, then we must accept that that Divine Cause and Creator moves in our lives and infuses us with all we need to use our gifts.  Be ready and release the desire and need to control things according to your plan.  There is a plan greater and better, and that is what you can expect from the energies at work. Whether you want the change or even understand what has happened, movement is afoot in some major area of our lives, and we can view it as a gift or fail to see the treasures that lie before us.

As I said before, Saturn goes retrograde at 29 degrees in Libra shortly before this full moon. This is a time for great and deep preparation.  We are entering a time of rapid evolution into an understanding and experience of unity, oneness, and interconnectedness.  Our stories have yet to be told. Our enlightenment is in process, and our journeys are full of the Divine manifestations and connectedness that speaks, All is One, All is One, and we are all part of the One.  Listen to the voice of your heart. Allow your emotions to rise to expression. See what is before you, feel what is within. Dance, sing, and show your praise for the blessings of being. The message that is being sung, voiced, danced, and created now is one of hope through intention, one of change through living out the choice for life.

Take some time during the next week or two, and remember as we move into the new year, and near the end of the astrological cycle, that this is a time of great transformation. Pay attention. Slow down and enjoy what you have and are. Create and give gratitude for all you are, all you have, and all you can become.  Relax into the lightness of your being, and allow yourself to enjoy the pleasure of living the heaven on earth, through the Divine Spirit that created this beautiful home for us, here in the heart of God.   Celebrate in quiet, peaceful joy.  We seek grace for today. We seek nourishment for our famished affections. We say be at peace to one another, and we rest in serene nearness to Thee.